Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The headline read - "Romney reiterates opposition to stem cell research despite wife's illness." Mitt Romney, who is running to be the next President of the US, is married to a woman who has multiple sclerosis. Some researchers believe that a cure for MS could be found using stem cells from human embryos. Romney believes that such research is immoral and thus opposes funding for it. The article's tone was one of wonder that his position was not effected by his wife's illness. People who make decisions based on principle are becoming increasingly rare, it would seem. Rather than being guided by wisdom greater than themselves, many choose to 'make it up as they go,' basing decisions on what appears to create the 'greatest good for the most people' in a given situation.

In the same newspaper, the front page headline says, "Mayor says no to civil unions." Yesterday (2/19/2007) was the first day that same sex couples in NJ could apply for what is in essence a marriage license. One local mayor refused to solemnize vows between same sex couples. His comments were thoughtful and kind, but he stood on Biblical principle and said he could not perform a ceremony to join a couple of the same sex in a legally recognized union. He will pay dearly for his principles, both politically and in public criticism.

Years ago when I was listening to a debate among ministers about divorce and re-marriage, an older preacher wisecracked, "You never really know a pastor's stand on this issue until his own divorced daughter wishes to remarry." I was puzzled by it then, but realize that the joke was not really a joke at all!

A person's professed belief is only revealed as a principle if he continues to hold to it when it is costly and/or painful to do so.

God's people must be a principled people, guided by the Scripture's wisdom as the Truth of the Word is revealed by the Spirit. The Ten Commandments are just that - commandments to which we subject ourselves. They are not God's suggestions for a happier life on par with advice from Dr. Phil! They are timeless revelations of the will of God. Jesus repeated Two Commandments which He said enveloped the whole of God's will for us - “ ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”" (Matthew 22:37-40, NLT) He did not mean to imply that application of these two simple commandments would be easy!

One might say that if Governor Romney loved his wife he would support any medical research that could bring a cure for her illness. But that would ignore the fact that embryonic stem cell research involves the destruction of life in its most vulnerable form. Discovering and establishing our understanding of Biblical principles requires interaction with others and with the Spirit of God. It is not a simple or easy process.

Know this, too. A principled person is not the same as a stubborn one. A stubborn person, with a closed mind, may appear principled when he is just ignorant and/or intellectually lazy. There is an old saying that resurfaces among Believers from time to time that I despise: "God said it. I believe it. That settles it." To me that says, "I am too lazy or insecure to get involved with a serious discussion that challenges my assumptions about Truth." I am convinced that Truth will stand up to rigorous inquiry, that it will survive all doubts and every challenge. I am thankful for people who disturbed me with their questions and caused me to discover that some of my 'principles' were actually just my preferences! I am equally thankful for those tests that placed my beliefs in the fire and caused the principles that form the foundation of my life and worldview to become even more precious as they are refined and purified.

Be a principled person of great integrity. Watch for the sin of the Pharisees - proclaiming principles for others and failing to live by them yourself. Our integrity, that is living what we believe, honors God and His wisdom. When we study His Word together and pray for the wisdom of the Spirit to guide us in applying His Truth to our lives, a thing of wondrous beauty emerges. We become people who live above our own convenience, who are capable of serving God and others with great sacrifice, and who call the world to higher and better ways by our example as well as our words.

Make this your prayer today.

"Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes,
And I shall keep it to the end.
Give me understanding, and
I shall keep Your law;
Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart.

Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.
Incline my heart to Your testimonies,
And not to covetousness.

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things,
And revive me in Your way.
Establish Your word to Your servant,
Who is devoted to fearing You.
Turn away my reproach which I dread,
For Your judgments are good.
Behold, I long for Your precepts;
Revive me in Your righteousness."
(Psalm 119:33-40, NKJV) Amen.

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