Friday, August 18, 2006

Selling maps?

Today's TFTD is not my original work! Thank you to Eddie Hilburn for this article which was published in REV., Sept/Oct. '06 issue.

Selling Maps?

I was driving around in an unfamiliar city looking for a local coffee shop where I was going to meet a friend. I was lost! Being a 21st century man, I stopped to askd for directions at a convenience store. I explained my predicament to the man behind the counter and asked if he could help, but he told me he had no idea where I was trying to go. He loaned me a phonebook to look up the address and sold me a map while I mumbled in despair. A customer spoke up, "I overheard that conversation and I can help you. I know exactly where that coffee shop is. I'm going right by there. Come with me." I thanked him and followed him out of the store. My kind guide told me that we would go through a few traffic lights, make a couple of turns, then I'd easily spot the shop. I got into my car and stayed attached to the bumper of my new best friend's car until the coffee shop appeared.

Later I reflected on my experience with two people who had helped me find my way and I wondered about the ways that I help others. Am I just selling maps to places I've never been, or am I accompanying people on a transformational journey?

I intend to lead people to follow Jesus. I tell them that it is possible to find a life full of grace, and to want God more and more. In this life, we leave behind sinful and destructive behaviors- not just because we should, but because that is the natural result of being with God. That's what I tell people. But do I tell people this because it is just the right thing to say, or because that is my personal experience? I have no illusions that I am or ever will be a model of perfection. That's not even the issue. The issue is my own personal transformation. I am telling people they can be transformed more and more into Christ-likeness, but how deeply am I committed to the process? - Eddie Hilburn, Pastor - First Baptist Church, Kilgore, TX

Christianity is not a process to be sold, nor is this life captured in formulas like 3 Easy Steps to Christlikeness. It's a life journey. Jesus never intended for you and me to work it out alone, nor is the best way to become all that God wants you and me to be discovered in solitary study. It is a communal thing! It is one friend walking with another friend, not merely telling, but showing. Every Christian should be in relationships where someone is leading him and in which he is leading another. When Jesus invited some men to become His disciples, He said - "Come, be my disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people!" (Mark 1:17, NLT) He wasn't inviting them into an exclusive club. He was showing them how to live, so they, in turn, could show others. Paul says it like this - "And you should follow my example, just as I follow Christ’s." (1 Corinthians 11:1, NLT)

That kind of involvement requires an authenticity of character, that is only found in truly knowing Christ, not in religious practices confined to a few hours each week. If we are not really forgiven and going through spiritual transformation, we cannot speak genuinely about change. If we have hidden sins that we have not carried to the Cross, we will never, ever be transparent to others, which is a foundational requirement for a shared journey of close friends in faith!

Many of us are simply selling maps instead of taking trips together. Are you following someone in a pilgrimage to Heaven, inviting others along the way to join the journey- or are you just talking about place that others have described to you?

O may all who come behind us
Find us faithful,
May the fire of our devotion
Light their way.
May the footprints that we leave,
Lead them to believe,
And the lives we live
Inspire them to obey.
O may all who come behind us
Find us faithful.

We're pilgrims on the journey
Of the narrow road,
And those who've gone before us
Line the way.
Cheering on the faithful,
Encouraging the weary,
Their lives a stirring testament
To God's sustaining grace.
Surrounded by so great
A cloud of witnesses,
Let us run the race
Not only for the prize,
But as those who've gone before us.
Let us leave to those behind us,
The heritage of faithfulness
Passed on thru godly lives.
O may all who come behind us
Find us faithful.
© 1987 Jonathan Mark Music ARR UBP of Gaither Copyright Management / Birdwing Music (a div. of EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI License No. 810055

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Let God love you!

Is there a place of recurring pain in your life? No, I'm not just thinking about physical pain, like a headache. Has something turned out wrong, a relationship gone bad, your dreams been smashed? Philip Yancey wrote about the ache of the soul that leads some of to experience disappointment with God! It happens when God doesn't do what we think He ought to do. It happens when our Father allows us to suffer when we expected that He would rescue us. And all Believers find that though God assures us that He loves us and wants to be close to us, there are times when He seems to hide - His presence elusive. In those seasons, there is heartache that is indescribably painful. The choices that we make when we in such emotional and/or spiritual agony are important.

We must not allow our pain to embitter us or to cause us to turn from the very sources of healing that would strengthen us. A dog in pain will often bite the person who is trying to relieve its suffering. People in pain frequently lash out at the people who can offer them support and perhaps even healing, too! You would think a person would be smarter than a dog, wouldn't you? Think of the times when your spouse attempted to soothe you in a difficult time and you rebuffed her kindness. Perhaps you can remember when you were in the turbulent teen years and you screamed at your parents - "Get out of my face!" and all they were trying to do was to understand your struggles and uncertainty. In my ministry, it sometimes happens that people whose lives are filled with disappointment or pain, who are angry at the Lord or confused by His will, decide to use the Pastor as their punching bag!

Turning against God Himself is the saddest choice we can make in those times. Go ahead and mourn! Stuffing those feelings away, pretending that life is fine by pasting a happy smile on your face is not the answer.

But, please, cultivate humility as well. Pride will fuse with your pain if you allow it. Pride and pain will feed your ego and build an incredible selfishness. You'll become a slave to thoughts like:

"How could they do this to me?"
"No one cares about me."
"Everyone is against me."
"No one else I know has ever, ever had to endure this much pain."

That kind of pre-occupation with 'me, myself, and I' leads to bitterness and rejection of the sources of support and healing. Elijah, the prophet who did so many miracles by God's power, experienced a time when his expectations were missed. He fell into self-pity and prayed this woeful prayer - “I've had enough, Lord... take my life. ... I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” (1 Kings 19:10, NIV) His pain blinded him to God's past faithfulness and to the fact that there were thousands of people in Israel who still loved God!

We need to work hard to break down that self focus. Yes, we must acknowledge the reality of our heartache. But, we need to work to understand that we're not the only one who has ever been disappointed, alone, or afraid. Be humble enough to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you, that you're a part of world that is torn up by suffering produced by Satan and sin.

Offer up a sacrifice of worship and praise. God called Elijah out of the cave of his depressive thoughts and asked him to consider the goodness of the Lord! Offering up worshipful praise doesn't mean that you find the happiest song in the hymnal and sing it insincerely! Worship from the deep places of your heart. Ponder God's works in silent contemplation. Wait! Yes, wait, on God. He isn't captive to our mindset that demands instant gratification and/or solutions that are created in 29.5 minutes! God mourns with you. His heart was broken by sin and suffering too when He hung on the Cross of Calvary carrying the sorrow of this broken world. Now, let Him love you. Confess the truth of the Word which declares - The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18 NIV)

Isaiah 57:13-15 NLT "....whoever trusts in me will possess the land and inherit my holy mountain. I will say, ‘Rebuild the road! Clear away the rocks and stones so my people can return from captivity.’ The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, the Holy One, says this: 'I live in that high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts.' "

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Joyful compliance?

My grandson, age 4, has developed a real streak of independence. "I don't want to" and "Why?" are common responses to just about any directive he is given. Of course, since he is just four, gaining his compliance is not that difficult. But his obedience is grudgingly given - a fact that makes life more difficult for him and for his Dad. As he goes to pick up his toys, it is with tears and shoulders slumped in sadness. A small task becomes an issue, a confrontation develops. I just glad his Dad is willing to follow through, because the training and discipline will prove invaluable in years to come. But, if the little boy just did what was asked, the job would be finished in moments, and everyone would be happy. He hasn't the maturity to realize that, yet!

So, here's my point... Gavin isn't alone in his arguing and complaining against the authorities that exist in his life! Watching him, I realized that I often interact in the same way with my Heavenly Father. When God presents me with His will, I am prone to question, to delay, to resist. The Word speaks to that very issue with this piercing directive: -continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. (Philippians 2:12-15, NIV)

We naturally resist direction, rebel against God - until we are transformed by the Spirit. Part of the new spiritual nature is a desire to do what God wants us to do. Yet, the internal fight rages on, some days more intensely than others. God says, "Love that person!" We want to comply, but some part of our old nature says, "I don't want to!" God says, "Trust me with that situation and let Me work it out for you." A part of us believes that and wants to hand it over to Him, but another part of us says, "NO! I'll work it out my way! I know what I want." When we are dragging our feet, resisting Him, arguing with Him, or even complaining to anyone who will listen about how hard life is, we lose the joy that God's obedient children experience.

Know this, too. Complaining creates dangerous openings to other temptations. While we are griping about God's will, we are more prone to deception by offers that appeal to our desires. Read through the stories of the Israelite journey from Egypt to the Promised Land which is a grand illustration of the Christian journey from sin to salvation. When did Israel fall into sin? When they started to complain about some situation. The longer they complained, the more deceived they became. Eventually, God would declare it was enough, lay His hand of correction on them, and bring them back into compliance with His will. But, the correction was always costly and painful!

The passage above references another blessing for those who quickly comply with God's will - they become pure, sparkling examples of godliness! When we cooperate with the Spirit's work in us, He produces a stellar quality of character that others admire because our lives stand in such contrast to the world. Just as an obedient son is a credit to his parents, so if we, as God's children, are obedient, we become a credit to Him as our Father.

What are you arguing about today?
Is there some part of God's plan for your life that you are resisting?

Don't make Him lay His hand on you. Instead, comply and with joy.

Here's a word from the Word to think on --
"While we were children, our parents did what seemed best to them. But God is doing what is best for us, training us to live God’s holy best. At the time, discipline isn’t much fun. It always feels like it’s going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it’s the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God." (Hebrews 12:10-11, The Message)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Praying the Word

The conversations in our home are quite ordinary most of the time.
"Hey, are you going to take out the garbage this morning?"
"Did the mail arrive yet today?"
"When will you be home from work?"
Not exactly scintillating sharing, but quite necessary communication, isn't it? But then there are times when our conversation moves into the deep discussions about our dreams and disappointments, or there are those the tender words of affection, or the playful words of love that sparkle and dance! Perhaps you think me a fool, but occasionally I buy the 'words' of another - printed on a card - to express my love to my wife, too.

So, why I am writing about this in TFTD? Because, since the Scripture teaches that the Believer's relationship with God is modeled on marriage; He being our husband, and Believers being the Bride, we can learn about our relationship with Him by observing the interactions of marriage. Prayer is the daily conversation with our God! Our prayers are often about the mundane stuff of living, aren't they? And that is as it should be. The Bible tells us to 'pray about everything!' We should pray about our budgets, about the concerns of the day, carrying on a conversation with God about the stuff of living. But, we miss out if we do not include worshipful words, thoughtful words, words of wonder, pauses full of awe, interludes of stirred emotions in our prayers - at least every now and then!

One way that we can move our prayers beyond the "Lord, bless the kids, my wife..." ordinariness is to borrow the words of the Scripture. There are some amazing prayers recorded in the Word that touch on our deepest needs, our most intimate longings, that give us ways of expressing our love to Jesus Christ that are incredibly beautiful. This morning, in my own prayers, my heart was troubled by a pressing, sorrowful need. I simply could not find words to express the depth of my longing for His comfort. Yes, there is the language of the Spirit, and I pray in the Spirit on a daily basis, but I wanted to talk with the Lord from my mind. So, I opened to the 119th Psalm and used the words there to express my longings and my love to the Lord.

The beauty of those worshipful words touched a deep place in my life.
Read the words of 'my' borrowed prayer.

Psalm 119:81-90 (NIV)

My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word.
My eyes fail, looking for your promise; I say, “When will you comfort me?”

Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget your decrees.
How long must your servant wait?
When will you punish my persecutors?
The arrogant dig pitfalls for me, contrary to your law.

All your commands are trustworthy; help me, for men persecute me without cause.
They almost wiped me from the earth, but I have not forsaken your precepts.
Preserve my life according to your love, and I will obey the statutes of your mouth.

Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.

Now, that's not just ordinary conversation, is it? Nor is it simply poetry to stir the emotions!Those words fill us with hope, call on the Lord to meet our need, and build our faith.

By the way, did you see that phrase "I am like a wineskin in the smoke."? No, I didn't know what it meant either!That made me think about what I was praying and I went my study resources. There I found that the writer was speaking about a the dried up, wrinkly appearance of wineskin left too close to the fire!Expressive, isn't it? Who among us, at one time or another, hasn't felt like our soul is shriveled, dried up by the fires of life? But the Psalmist expresses determination to remain faithful to his God even when his soul is dry. Then, so honestly he pleads, "How long must I wait?" Oh, that's rich stuff. That's great praying!

In your times of prayer, use the Word from time to time. Take the inspired Words and let them shape your thoughts, express your heart, and deepen your conversation with God.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Living blissfully?

Bliss, do you know what it is? The dictionary says it is a state of great joy! The opposite state would be anxiety. Now, given the choice, would you rather be anxious or blissful? The answer is obvious; but, desire does not translate into experience for most people. Anxiety is one of America's most common ailments. Millions of prescriptions for medications that help us to deal with our anxiety are written every month. Many needs medical sleep aids that let them turn off the anxious thoughts so they can rest.

Some reasons for our epidemic of anxiety are plainly seen. Our window on the world lets us see threats from all over the globe and we realize that we live in a dangerous world. Then, too, there are the multiple choices that confront us. Yes, believe it or not, the array of options in everything from where we live, to what we eat, creates a residual of anxiety in many of us as we wonder, "Did I choose the best thing?" Our increasing scientific knowledge is a double-edged sword that let's us create better lives on one hand, and makes us more aware of the potentials for harm on the other! A baby is unaware of the millions of microbes lurking unseen on the floor and happily crawls around eating whatever he finds! No knowledgeable adult would do that.

The Scripture speaks to our anxiety- - "Do not be anxious about anything..."! Ouch! That sounds like a challenge to me. How about you? Written as a command, it cannot be ignored. Believer, we must deal with anxiety differently from those who do not know our God. Even that sounds like a reason to be anxious. What if I can't turn off the worries? What if it seems like I can't obey God's command to live blissfully? Did I sin when I spent a couple of hours in the middle of last night wrestling with the challenges of my world?

Let's read on - "but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7, NIV) The truth is that bliss is not an external state. It is an internal quality, a gift from God for us when we accept the resources that He, the Almighty, makes available. "Tell Me about it," He says. "Lay the things that steal your peace of mind on Me." Let's not mis-read that. God doesn't direct us to tune out, drop out, or escape to some remote place away from life in the pursuit of bliss. He doesn't promise us that we will enjoy lives without challenges, either. The bliss of the Believer is rooted in Who he knows, not in where he lives or what going on in his world!

The quality of our intimacy with God, a sound grasp of Who the Lord is, is a key to living without fear, to being a person at peace in a troubled world. If our religion is a just Sunday morning experience, we will know little peace. If we live like a pagan, pursuing a life that ignores God, that seeks security in wealth or power, we cannot know God's promised peace. If we are double-minded, speaking Scripture truth with our mouth but living with a mind shaped by the values of the world and a heart that is in love with the world; bliss will remain an illusive mirage on the horizon.

Believer, it is the will of God that we learn to live peacefully. A primary evidence of the Spirit's life in us will be our peace in the middle of the storms. If we are connected to Christ, experiencing the daily flow of the Spirit's Presence, bliss will result. The Presence of God will let us live differently from those around us who are running around seeking some way to alleviate the stress. If we are held in the Hand of the One who is the Eternal God when our world is severely shaken and we will remain solid as a rock in our faith; capable of engaging with the needs and troubles of the world of which we are a part without loosing our bliss.

Here's a word from the Word. As you read it, breathe a prayer of thanksgiving. Reach out to the Lord of life and receive peace for your day.
Jesus says - "“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message)
When peace, like a river,
attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say,
“It is well, it is well with my soul”

Though Satan should buffet,
though trials should come,
Let this blessed assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul!

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross,and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
O my soul!
It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul!

And Lord haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,and the
Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

Horatio Spafford - Public Domain