Friday, June 23, 2023

Then, they died!

I sat with a friend yesterday who is dying. She was weak, hardly able to speak. We shared Communion, prayed, and talked about hope even with tears. Then, while I drove home the news came that wreckage of the missing mini-sub, Titan, was found on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean near the wreckage of the Titanic that the explorers were descending to the depths to view. Five people perished in an instant. Two of them were, by reports, men of unbelievable wealth who enjoyed living near the edge. One friend reported, “Yes, they were aware of the risk but somehow convinced themselves that they could avoid danger, that the risks were only for other people.” Then, they died!

Now aren’t you glad you’re reading this today?  Stick with me, it gets better! Eugene Peterson, pastor and author, was visiting a Benedictine monastery in New Mexico where he took note of an empty grave.  “Did one of the brothers just die?” he asked. The answer was a shock!  “No, that’s for the next one!” An open grave was there to that community of monks of the importance of living today because life is short.  (The Pastor, A Memoir – HarperOne, 2011)  Are you aware of the one thing that you cannot outrun?  Yes, friend, it is your mortality.

Many Americans view any discussion of death and dying as “morbid” and avoid it as long as they can.  Instead of understanding death as a normal part of human experience, we have come to treat it as a failure, as if somehow be sheer force of will or with great effort we can beat it in the end and live forever.  Those who manage to create this illusion for themselves become convinced that they will somehow elude that Last Appointment and fail to invest in those things that truly matter. Those who understand death’s inevitability will choose to live the best life now.  When we see the edge of time it will keep our grip on our stuff less tight, we will be more tender and compassionate with others, and we will care for our souls and the things of the Spirit.

I believe that we are spiritually impoverished by our disconnect with mortality.
To be sure the thought of dying is unpleasant, but a person who is prepared, who accepts the process as part of ‘living,’ will generally live a better life.

In no way is it my intention to try to beautify death and dying. It is not a pleasant process, the hardest thing to endure for the dying and those who surround them. The Bible calls death  “the last enemy!”   

 Christians can face death with GREAT HOPE!  Jesus is the ‘first fruits’ of the resurrection, our assurance that the grave is not the end. He says that He is the “Resurrection and the Life, even if a person dies he will live again.”  For the moment that hope is like a spot of light on the horizon of time, like the North Star that guides the traveler.   In God’s time, that Light will lead me home.

What a difference these promises make in the process of dying. The Spirit says "For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him." (1 Corinthians 15:22-23, NIV) 

And, "I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” (1 Corinthians 15:50-54, NIV)   

Know this! Our hope as Christians does not rest on our record of stellar morality, our membership in a church, or our observance of religious rituals. We hope in Christ – the One who makes us right with God. By faith, we receive His gift and our fear is replaced with peace. 

Here is a word from the Word for all of us who are dying. Love Him, trust His grace, face death and live as those who have real hope. "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s condemnation. For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God." (Romans 5:8-11, NLT)  That is truth to live by and that allows to face mortality without fear.

(Video of this blog at this link)


Graves Into Gardens

I searched the world but it couldn't fill me

Man's empty praise and treasures that fade

Are never enough

Then You came along and put me back together

And every desire is now satisfied here in Your love


Oh there's nothing better than You

There's nothing better than You

Lord there's nothing

Nothing is better than You


I'm not afraid to show You my weakness

My failures and flaws

Lord You've seen them all

And You still call me friend

'Cause the God of the mountain

Is the God of the valley

There's not a place

Your mercy and grace won't find me again


You turn mourning to dancing

You give beauty for ashes

You turn shame into glory

You're the only one who can


You turn graves into gardens

You turn bones into armies

You turn seas into highways

You're the only one who can

Brandon Lake | Chris Brown | Steven Furtick | Tiffany Hudson

© 2019 Brandon Lake Music; Maverick City Publishing Worldwide; Music by Elevation Worship Publishing; Bethel Music Publishing

CCLI License # 810055


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Good Friends!

Over lunch yesterday a friend of 40 years and I just talked – about kids, church, politics, and life. Our time is not just enjoyable, it provides me with insight and balance in my life.  In another exchange, a friend provided some insight on a project which did not just endorse my proposal, but rather offered a critique that helped me to think it through. That advice was of great value! Proverbs tells us that  "Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many counselors bring success. Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!" (Proverbs 15:22-23, NLT)  

Friends give us a place to spill our inner thoughts, to gain a right perspective, steering us away from something we might find regrettable, pointing us towards the right way. Do you have a circle of advisors? Maybe you call them friends, colleagues, family, or fellow church members. Whoever they are, I hope you realize their value in your life!  

King David nicknamed his inner circle "the Mighty Men."  "David’s Mighty Men, ...linked arms with him as he took up his kingship..." (1 Chronicles 11:10) They were allies, encouragers, advisors, and they surrounded him with support. In the book of the Acts which tells us the stories of the first generation of Christians, there were councils that were called from time to time when the Church faced thorny issues requiring wisdom. Leaders like Peter and Paul were decisive and bold, but they were also willing to let God speak to them through the counsel of their friends and co-workers. In those stories we find that sometimes the debate was sharp and words pointed! Feelings got hurt, too. But, with the help of the Spirit, those early church leaders kept their eyes on the goal and built Christ's Kingdom, not their own!

Are there people in your life that you have invited to speak truthfully to you, no matter the situation; or are you a "Lone Ranger" falsely convinced that you can do life on your own?  I am not naïve about people! Some people who I believed to be my closest friends have hurt me, walking away, or becoming nothing but critics. Others I leaned on were unreliable or self-serving, using our relationship for their own profit. None-the less, I believe that living with friends, building community, is the wise choice, ultimately the richest life, and God’s plan for us. 

Christians are called into the Church. One of the post-COVID tragedies is the choice of so many not to return to regular fellowship with others in worship and service.  We need more than an online experience, more than a once or twice a month connection to the congregation. Something beyond our understanding happens when we gather in Christ’s Name – the Spirit moves among us.  When we hear the Word, there is a supernatural gift of wisdom. When we share the Cup and Bread, the mystery of His Presence unites us or at least it ought to where Jesus is truly worshipped.

Christians are to be marked by love. That does not mean all will be ‘sweetness and light.’  True love requires that we lay down our ego, to 'die to self,' and to become servants to one another. When we are obedient to that call, we gain so much. Yet, tragically, in our time of emphasis on radical individualism, we are so quick to discard relationships with those who challenge us, who offer counsel that does not soothe us, or seem to affirm us.

Let's take that descriptive line from the experience of the Mighty Men and 'link arms!'

Let's go beyond romantic notions of fellowship that only values the 'warm fuzzies' that come from the good times of fun and laughter, to build a real team –

  • that builds our character,
  • that multiplies our efforts in life, and
  • that calls us to the highest and best in the cause of Christ.

Take this word from the Word with you today. Ask God, the Spirit, to teach you how to build a circle of counselors in your life. "Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble. And on a cold night, two under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, NLT)

(Video of this blog at this link)


This Ruff Taff song is 40 years old but rich in the call to real friendship!

We Will Stand

Sometimes it's hard for me to understand

Why we pull away from each other so easily

Even though we're all walking the same road

Yet we build dividing walls

Between our brothers and ourselves


But I I don't care what label you may wear

If you believe in Jesus you belong with me

The bond we share is all I care to see

And we'll change the world forever

If you will join with me

Join and sing sing


You're my brother you're my sister

So take me by the hand

Together we will work until He comes

There's no foe that can defeat us

When we're walking side by side

As long as there is love

We will stand


The day will come when we will be as one

And with a mighty voice

Together we will proclaim that Jesus

Jesus is King

It will echo through the earth

It will shake the nations

And the world will see see that


Take me by the hand

Join with me

Join and see yeah


CCLI Song # 10642

James Hollihan | Russ Taff | Tori Taff

© 1983 Curb Word Music

CCLI License # 810055

Monday, June 19, 2023

Represent Him well

Antony Blinken, the United States Secretary of State, is in China meeting with leaders of that nation. His is a diplomatic mission in which he speaks as an authorized representative of the United States. This weekend his primary charge was to attempt to settle major issues that stand in the way of a peaceful relationship. His words reflect official policies of a nation! What a responsibility. 

In Beijing there an embassy of the US. Though in the heart of China the embassy is United States territory.  Walking the corridors of that building you would hear English spoken, see pictures of the American President on the wall, and see the US flag flying over the property – because that embassy is there to represent the interests of the United States in China!

Reflecting on that China mission I began to think about Christians and churches. 
We are ambassadors and our churches are embassies of the Kingdom of our God here in this world.

Ponder that first fact with me. God has authorized and empowered you and me, Spirit-filled Christians, to speak on His behalf. As that sinks into my mind it sobers and excites me, both at the same time. It is an awesome responsibility with real consequences for the world in which I live and it is an amazing privilege to represent my King. 

Paul teaches this fact with these words: "For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. This is the wonderful message he has given us to tell others. We are Christ’s ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to you. We urge you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, “Be reconciled to God!” (2 Corinthians 5:19-20, NLT)  Our primary message is not “you are terrible sinners who are enemies of God and good.”  We announce that peace with God is possible!  We share the truth that God loves, forgives, and desires to restore us to Himself as beloved sons and daughters.

Secretary Blinken has no authority of his own. He is only able to speak with high level Chinese government officials because he is credentialed by the President of the United States. God credentials you and me to make His appeal to others. Ponder this – are you representing Christ Jesus well?  Do your words and actions reflect your love and loyalty to Him.

I am so thankful that none of us has to try to do this work alone or solely by our own resources. The Holy Spirit lives in us. He counsels us, teaches us, empowers us. Jesus promises "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (John 14:26, NIV)  Take time to be quiet before Him, to let His wisdom and will becomes yours. Then, you are ready to represent Him as a faithful ambassador.

The word from the Word reminds that not all who claim the Name of Christ are true ambassadors of the heavenly Kingdom. "For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. Their future is eternal destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and all they think about is this life here on earth. But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior." (Philippians 3:18-20, NLT)

Lord, help us to represent You well. Amen

(Video of this blog at this link)


Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer
There is no more for heaven now to give
He is my joy my righteousness and freedom
My steadfast love my deep and boundless peace

To this I hold my hope is only Jesus
For my life is wholly bound to his
Oh how strange and divine I can sing all is mine
Yet not I but through Christ in me

The night is dark but I am not forsaken
For by my side the Saviour he will stay
I labour on in weakness and rejoicing
For in my need his power is displayed

To this I hold my Shepherd will defend me
Through the deepest valley he will lead
Oh the night has been won and I shall overcome
Yet not I but through Christ in me

No fate I dread I know I am forgiven
The future sure the price it has been paid
For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon
And he was raised to overthrow the grave

To this I hold my sin has been defeated
Jesus now and ever is my plea
Oh the chains are released I can sing I am free
Yet not I but through Christ in me

With every breath I long to follow Jesus
For he has said that he will bring me home
And day by day I know he will renew me
Until I stand with joy before the throne

To this I hold my hope is only Jesus
All the glory evermore to him
When the race is complete still my lips shall repeat
Yet not I but through Christ in me

When the race is complete still my lips shall repeat
Yet not I but through Christ in me
Yet not I but through Christ in me

Jonny Robinson | Michael Farren | Rich Thompson

© 2018 CityAlight Music (Admin. by Integrity Music)

Farren Love And War Publishing (Admin. by Integrity Music)

Integrity's Alleluia! Music (Admin. by Integrity Music)

CCLI License # 810055