Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Help me, I’m sinking!


Have you ever started a project, a new job, took on a challenge only to experience real doubts about your ability to finish it? In 1977, Bev and I believed that God was giving us a new assignment for ministry in a town 2,000 miles away from home. Full of dreams and faith, but mostly penniless, we prepared for the move. In spite of some people telling us that we were crazy (yes, they did!) we were excited, anticipating God’s blessings.

On the day we started our move, we had not gone more than 40 miles on the road when I was overwhelmed with fear.  “What have I done? Why did I do this? It’s going to be a disaster!”  I admit that I wept as I drove.  My beloved wife, just 23 years old at the time, reached out to put her hand on my hand and prayed for us, asking the Spirit to renew our faith and joy, to refocus her fearful husband on the dream.  And, the next year proved to one of the most interesting times of spiritual growth for us.

Here is one thing I know for certain – IF you decide to live in faith, to step out of the mainstream of life, you will be told that you are “ too young, too old, too dumb, too poor, too smart...” to follow your heart’s calling!  The moment we let the nay-sayers and doubters take up space in our head, we will retreat, fear will grow. Unless we focus on God’s possibilities and receive His gift of faith, we will put His call and our vision on the shelf and go home to our recliners to watch TV alone night after night: safe but dead while we still live.

 This story from the Gospel of Matthew is one of my go-to’s, giving me much inspiration over the years.  The disciples had a great day with Jesus and saw an amazing miracle. One boy’s lunch was multiplied to feed 5000 people!  This is how Matthew tells about what happened next. "Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God
.” (Matthew 14:22-33, NIV)

Have you ever walked on water or are you one of those people who stays put in the boat where it's safe? People who always play it safe do not make much of an impact.  Why? Because risk is an integral part of success!  Those unwilling to fail cannot succeed.

Let’s be clear. That faith story of Peter’s adventure on the Sea of Galilee isn't a story about a daredevil who spit in the face of fate, who threw all caution to the wind, or who had a secret death wish. It's about a man who wanted to know His Lord and whose passion for Jesus drove him to total obedience. Peter asked Jesus to call him and when the Lord did, Peter responded -- against all good sense -- by getting out of the boat. He walked on the water until he focused on the impossibility of his situation and only then  he failed... or did he? Yes, he started to sink, but Jesus took his hand and refocused his faith. That stormy night provided a lesson of faith that Peter never forgot for the rest of his life.

Are waves kicking up around your little lifeboat today?

Are your kids rebelling?

Is your marriage strained?

Is some sin pulling hard on you, so much that the temptation is nearly overwhelming?

Have past financial decisions created a situation you can’t control? 

Are you afraid of aging, the future, the government? 

Truthfully, we all have problems that rock our boat. That's life!  Jesus walks with us. He's passing by, and He’s inviting us to walk on the waves! Will you accept the challenge to grow a bigger, deeper faith?  When you hear His voice, get out of the boat.  Oh, yes, be careful about getting so impressed with yourself that you start to show off.   The moment you take your eyes off of Him, you’ll suffer a Peter moment;  you’re sunk!

And, if you fail, adopt the attitude of Jonas Salk, the person who saved millions from polio when he developed the polio vaccine. He failed hundreds of times before he got it right. Somebody asked Mr. Salk, "How did it feel to fail 200 times?" Salk said, "I never failed 200 times for I was taught not to use the word, 'failure.' I discovered 200 ways not to vaccinate for polio!"

Your greatest failure won't be if you happen to sink in the waves,

Here’s the word from the Word.  Pray for new faith, for hope, for courage today as you receive the promise of ‘immeasurably more.’

 "Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more (NLT)  (immeasurably more (NIV), exceedingly abundantly (KJV), than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen
." (Ephesians 3:20-21, NLT)   Now how about walking on the water today with Jesus?

(Video of this blog at this link)


Lord I Need You

Lord I come I confess
Bowing here I find my rest
And without You I fall apart
You're the one that guides my heart


Lord I need You oh I need You
Ev'ry hour I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You


Where sin runs deep Your grace is more
Where grace is found is where You are
And where You are Lord I am free
Holiness is Christ in me

Where You are Lord I am free
Holiness is Christ in me


So teach my song to rise to You
When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You
Jesus You're my hope and stay
And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You
Jesus You're my hope and stay


Lord I need You oh I need You
Ev'ry hour I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You


Christy Nockels | Daniel Carson | Jesse Reeves | Kristian Stanfill | Matt Maher

© 2011 sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

Sweater Weather Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

Valley Of Songs Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

CCLI License # 810055

Monday, October 31, 2022

EOTWAWKI? (Translation? See last line!)


The election hype, the dire warnings are issued by both sides promising that our country is doomed if the other guy is elected. Are there differences between the Republicans and the Democrats? Sure there are, more than ever, with our very divided nation. Will the election of one party or the other have a real and lasting affect on our lives?  Yes, I believe that is true. Public policies will change as a result of legislation.  National security, even world history, will be directed by leaders. Our schools and roads will reflect the policies of those we put ‘in charge.’  So, this blog is not meant to minimize the importance of participating in our election privilege, but rather to set the whole things within the context of God’s reign and truth.

God says - "I am in charge of history!"  Stretch of faith for you?  Sometimes for me, too.  So let’s consider Daniel. This man was carried from his home in Jerusalem to Babylon where he was put in the service of a pagan emperor. It must have been hard for Daniel to reconcile the truth that God was revealing to him concerning His control of human events and the fact that his homeland was in ruins and that young Jews like himself were in captives in a foreign land. Yet, he stayed faithful to the revelation. Daniel, despite tragedy, remained God's man. As a result he was amazingly effective as God's spokesman in that God-less culture.

One time, Nebuchadnezzar demanded that his counselors tell him what he had dreamed and the meaning of his dream. Impossible? Sure it was. But, Daniel went to prayer, received the revelation, and went to tell the king what God was saying to him. God showed Daniel that He was still in charge. Remember that dream? It was a large statue with golden head, silver chest, bronze belly, iron legs, and feet of clay. It represented the kingdoms of men. The key part of the dream was the Stone that was cut out, not with human hands, that smashed the statue. The meaning? All earthly kingdoms will come to an end when the King of Kings sets up His reign.

Later in the king's life, he had another terrifying dream. He saw a great tree in the center of the earth. It was cut down by a heavenly messenger, but the stump was left. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that it was a message that he was about to be cut down because of his arrogance. "They shall drive you from men, your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make you eat grass like oxen. They shall wet you with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over you, till you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses. "And inasmuch as they gave the command to leave the stump and roots of the tree, your kingdom shall be assured to you, after you come to know that Heaven rules." (Daniel 4:25-26, NKJV)

God rules! For the Christian, that is a word giving great comfort. The Scripture consistently calls us to be responsible, proactive, and engaged all the while reminding us that we are not in charge and that we need not be afraid. Though we are aliens in this world, passing through on our way to our home, the Spirit is with us and God is guiding us.

Disciple, I want to urge you to trust that revelation today. Steady yourself in faith in God, that He is capable of keeping you in the palm of His hand, no matter what happens to our economy, no matter who controls the Congress after next Tuesday, and no matter who sits in the White House. God has not left us to ourselves. Pray for eyes that see what God sees and a mind that thinks as He thinks as the Spirit gives revelation. In this election year when there is so much anxiety about the future of this country... remember the Truth!

"Blessed be the name of God, forever and ever. He knows all, does all: He changes the seasons and guides history, He raises up kings and also brings them down." (Daniel 2:20-21, The Message) He has charged us with responsibility to pray for His will to be done, and then we will obey Him and live with heart-deep faith and rock-solid assurance.

I hope you will go to the polls, exercising that privilege of democracy. I urge you to pray, as the Word directs.  The word from the Word today says "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:1-4, NIV)  Peace will own your heart and mind, God’s wisdom guiding, and the world will be richer.

Oh, yes:

EOTWAWKI means- End Of The World As We Know It

(Video of this blog at this link)


Battle Belongs

When all I see is the battle
You see my victory
When all I see is a mountain
You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow
Your love surrounds me
There's nothing to fear now
For I am safe with You

So when I fight I'll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
O God the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I'll sing through the night
O God the battle belongs to You

And if You are for me
Who can be against me
For Jesus there's nothing
Impossible for You

When all I see are the ashes
You see the beauty
When all I see is a cross
God You see the empty tomb
(An) Almighty Fortress You go before us
Nothing can stand against

The power of our God
You shine in the shadows
You win every battle
Nothing can stand against
The power of our God

O God the battle belongs to You

Brian Johnson | Phil Wickham
© Phil Wickham Music (Fair Trade Music Publishing [c/o Essential Music Publishing LLC])
Simply Global Songs (Fair Trade Music Publishing [c/o Essential Music Publishing LLC])
Bethel Music Publishing

CCLI License # 810055