Friday, June 20, 2014

One big happy family? Can it be?

Good Shepherd Christian Academy, a ministry of the church I where I serve as the pastor, held 8th grade graduation exercises last night. It was gratifying to see kids who appreciated one of the strengths of our small school: the sense of being a family! The attachments run deep, as evidenced by their tears, real tears that flowed copiously. Sure, they fight. What brothers and sisters don't? Some of them have been GSCA students for their entire elementary education, others just for a year or two.  Even at age 13 or 14, they know the value of 'belonging.

I pray fervently that every participant in every ministry of our church would find and hold onto that kind of connection! People need to know they matter. Christians grow strong when they are loved and love deeply.   Few things are more critical to emotional and spiritual health than being part of a network of relationships that provides opportunities for service and support.

Ours is a fragmented, broken society, with many lonely and isolated people, isn’t it?  Large extended families in America are near extinct, torn apart by our mobility and quest for prosperity; and yet, we need to belong! But, it isn't easy to build or maintain that kind of web, is it?  Too often conflict is allowed to tear up families and churches! I have experienced estrangement from family and the stress of a ‘church split.’  Removed from those situations by decades, I still feel something like physical pain at the memory! We need to be bold in addressing dysfunction – in ourselves and others- to bring about healing, not separation. Then, too, many of us hang onto an exaggerated sense of privacy and/or individualism that allows us a high level of autonomy but robs us of the joy of really loving and being loved.  We must resist the temptation to just ‘stay home.’

A church that opens her doors and hearts to others will look very messy!  Some expect their church to be like an army on parade, in neat uniforms, marching in lockstep. A real church will resemble a family reunion, chaotic, relational, glued together not by rigid discipline but by profound love!  A loving church will have the full complement of characters - just like any other family.  There will be the leaders and the followers, the stars and the silent workers, the cranks and the jokesters, the sages and the fools, the highly productive and the VNP's (Very Needy People), the good and the bad, the whole and the broken, the joyful and the sad.

Let me ask you a couple of questions today.
Are you part of a church, attached deeply to others in His Body?
Are you helping her be a real family?
Are you investing yourself in forming and maintaining close relationships that will return rich dividends to you and for the cause of Christ?

The word from the Word is a familiar passage so I've used The Message to help you see it with fresh perspective.
As you read, invite the Holy Spirit to renew the family of God, to glue us together, to help us to love each other.

"What we have is one body with many parts, each its proper size and in its proper place. No part is important on its own. Can you imagine Eye telling Hand, "Get lost; I don't need you"? Or, Head telling Foot, "You're fired; your job has been phased out"? As a matter of fact, in practice it works the other way-the "lower" the part, the more basic, and therefore necessary. You can live without an eye, for instance, but not without a stomach.  When it's a part of your own body you are concerned with, it makes no difference whether the part is visible or clothed, higher or lower. You give it dignity and honor just as it is, without comparisons. If anything, you have more concern for the lower parts than the higher. If you had to choose, wouldn't you prefer good digestion to full-bodied hair?
The way God designed our bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part, the parts we mention and the parts we don't, the parts we see and the parts we don't. If one part hurts, every other part is involved in the hurt, and in the healing. If one part flourishes, every other part enters into the exuberance.
You are Christ's body-that's who you are! You must never forget this. Only as you accept your part of that body does your "part" mean anything. You're familiar with some of the parts that God has formed in his church, which is his "body": apostles prophets teachers miracle workers healers helpers organizers those who pray in tongues. But it's obvious by now, isn't it, that Christ's church is a complete Body and not a gigantic, one-dimensional Part?

It's not all Apostle, not all Prophet, not all Miracle Worker, not all Healer, not all Prayer in Tongues, not all Interpreter of Tongues." (1 Corinthians 12:20-30, The Message)
Welcome to the family,
We're glad that you have come
To share your life with us,
As we grow in love
And may we always be to you,
What God would have us be,
A fam'ly always there,
To be strong and to lean on.

May we learn to love each other
More with each new day,
May words of love be on our lips
In ev'rything we say.
May the Spirit melt our hearts,
And teach us how to pray,
That we might be a true family.

Welcome To The Family
Rettino, Debby Kerner
© 1982 Rettino - Kerner Publishing (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.)
CCLI License No. 810055

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Defeated in your mind before you start?

A Christian man said to me, "Pastor, I dread the Summer time. Women show so much more skin and lust overtakes me!"  That’s honest and wrong.  I know that Fred’s struggle was real but because of his attitude, he was set up for failure! This man had already 'surrendered' to the temptation. How many of us believe that that sin is like gravity, uncontrollable and irresistible. Christians can enter into a transformational process that changes our 'natural' responses.  We not simply say, “Well, there I go again” with a regretful smile and small intent to do better the next time.

Wrath, greed, dishonesty, selfishness, pornography, abuse of drugs or alcohol, gossip, gluttony, laziness, and hatred are just a few things that are the work of the old sinful nature. If we let them control us they will destroy our testimony, fill us with shame, and disqualify us from serving the Lord with honor.  To admit that they are real issues for us is just a first step.  The real question is –  do we really want to become like Christ Jesus? 

Will you serve God with holiness today?  Some of you are ready to insist, “Jerry, I just don’t know. Temptation comes at me out of nowhere and I … “   No, Christian, they do not!  Temptation for the Christian comes from needs unmet in the right way.  We lose so many battles with it because we spend way too much time dealing symptoms instead of causes.  If we work on getting our relationships in order (think forgive, connect, time), if we get proper rest, if we avoid making silly financial decisions, if we prioritize worship – we will be amazed at how much less we feel the tug of temptation.

It is true that the grip of the sinful nature can be powerful. Our habits are reinforced by long practice. On top of that we are subject to the pressures of an ungodly world around us.  Romans 13:14 tells us to: "let the Lord Jesus Christ take control of you, and don’t think of ways to indulge your evil desires." The KJV says, "make no provision for the flesh!"  We sin because we quietly surrender ourselves. That is why the Spirit says, "Don't store up food to feed sin so it gets strong. Starve it, instead!"  Will any of us every reach a place on this earth where we live completely without failure and sin?  No, perfection is beyond us as long as we are in these mortal bodies.  Still, while we wait for our final perfection, the Bible calls on us to be "transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." {2 Corinthians 3:18}

First, we believe the Truth. Christ has defeated sin at the Cross. His work makes a holy life possible for all those who live ‘in Christ!’ That is the first fact to accept! Satan maintains his powerful influence over us by lying and illusion. Fear and ignorance provide him a place to do his infernal work.  We are not  in darkness.

Then, we invite the Presence of the Holy Spirit to become our Counselor and Friend.  Do you believe that God wants you to live in perpetual failure?  He does not! One day at a time we own Christ's victory.  We make choices to facilitate His work in us. Personal responsibility and the power of the Spirit are the twin rails that support the progress in our growth. Philippians 2:12-14 "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."  

Despite wonderful intentions many keep on failing because they believe a lie.  They think that somewhere they will find an overwhelming, 'life completely changed in an instant' experience. They wander in search of this magical moment from church to church, pastor to teacher, looking for ‘revival.’  We, Pentecostals, are particularly vulnerable at this point. While the Bible does promise an empowering experience with the Holy Spirit, we must never think that our temptations are, once and for all, taken away by His fiery Presence. If we become passive, waiting for deliverance and rescue,  our failure to possess the power of God will cause us to remain slaves to sin. Powerful experiences of the Holy Spirit are valuable as crisis moments in which God points us in a new direction. Lasting transformation happens through sustained spiritual disciplines and gaining deeper understanding of who we are. It's a process.

Work out your salvation... let God use the ordinary situations of life to shape you, to test you, to deepen your faith in Him. Practice the disciplines - solitude, confession, worship, study, service - that create opportunities for the work of the Spirit to be accomplished. Grow up in Christ and begin to enjoy the productivity that comes with maturity.

Here's a word from the Word - "Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace." Romans 8:5-6

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Building Inspector

Early in my ministry, the church I served as an associate pastor assigned me the job of supervising the building of a new worship center. From early morning until late afternoon, I spent every day on the site, reviewing plans, talking with the contractors, meeting with the architect and engineers, watching the project take shape. Despite the hard work, that year, 1979, was one of the most fun in my memory!  

Today, I am pastor of the church that meets in that building.  My prayer now, as it was 35 years ago, is that God will bless those who walk through the doors and that He will use our congregation to make His Name known in our community.

And, I am still a temple builder!  (and so are you)  The Scripture teaches us thatour lives are God’s temple, that He lives in us.  What an awesome privilege and responsibility we have.  "Because of God’s grace to me, I have laid the foundation like an expert builder. Now others are building on it. But whoever is building on this foundation must be very careful. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have-Jesus Christ.
Anyone who builds on that foundation may use a variety of materials-gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay, or straw. 
But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value. If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward. But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer great loss. The builder will be saved, but like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames. 
Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?"
 (1 Corinthians 3:10-16, NLT)

The Word solemnly reminds that God will inspect our lives. He will subject us to rigorous review.  No, it’s not about ‘getting to Heaven,’ as some mistakenly conclude. Our salvation is a gift, not a reward. Christ Jesus provides redemption from sin and the assurance of Eternal Life with the Father.  

But, He will look at what we did with our opportunities, how we related to others, our motives, our secret desires- yes, all that goes into making a life. Some will find all they have done gone, as in a puff of smoke! The rickety structure, cobbled together with halfhearted devotion - built out of prayers focused only on Self and service done to earn applause and admiration will burn up under His fiery gaze.  What glory for others.  As the Lord looks over their life, He will make known the deep devotion, the hidden service, the love that would not quit, the faithfulness of the saint- and a temple of glorious splendor will emerge.

Does that Day cause you to tremble with fear or feel a surge of anticipation? 
Do you know that you have built well?

Our lives are not a ‘do it yourself’ project! We are not left without resources or help. God builds His church and He invests Himself in giving us all we need to live for His glory. "In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. " (Ephesians 2:21-22, NIV)

Here’s the word from the Word.  
Temple-builders, let’s make Him a beautiful home!
"Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you-your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust.
So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others.
With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus." (2 Peter 1:3-8, The Message)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Enough, and so much more!

Did you grow up taught to be content or to chase after more things?  

We were not, by any stretch of imagination, a wealthy household! Combine four teenagers and a pastor's salary with a wife who was dedicated to being a full-time Mom- and that means a very limited budget.  My children did not even think about attending expensive colleges. They drove old cars and got jobs to pay for their own insurance. Vacations were not long excursions to exotic locales.  A trip to the Outer Banks delighted us all.  We tried to live generously with what we had and to be content with the things God provided for us and thus, we seldom felt deprived or poor.  God was and is our Provider.

Christians who want to live joyfully must choose contentment!  

In our culture of 'more,' that is no easy decision.  Carefully scripted commercials bombard us with propaganda, trying to convince us that we will find greater happiness if only ...  we bought a new car, got a facelift, invested with another brokerage, or used a better shampoo! Jesus cries to us:"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (Luke 12:15, NIV)  Put another way, we are not defined by what we own!  You will not be a better person just because you wear a shirt that costs $100.  Of course, choosing to buy a cheap shirt does not make you more holy or happier either.  A Christian sees 'stuff' for what it is; temporary, perishable, and to be used, not worshiped. 

The generosity that should be part of every Christian's character is a near impossible choice if he lacks assurance of God's provision or is unwilling to live thankfully. For some, there is no such thing as 'enough.' They are fearful of what may come tomorrow, holding tightly to whatever they have, planning and plotting to get more.  What a tragic way of life. No matter the balance in their accounts, they cannot enjoy what they have!  

We need to really live the kind of life described here: "I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:11-13, NLT)

It is not just things that stirs our envy. It is possible to yearn for a better position in such a way that we fail to live faithfully where we are.  We can become obsessed with appearance, certain that real happiness will be ours only after we get thinner, develop bigger muscles, or find the perfect tan.  What an illusion that is, yet millions spend $billions chasing a mirage of perpetual youthful beauty!

Do you want to be content? 
Do you want to enjoy this day, where you are, with what you have?

Here is God's wisdom.  Take time to meditate on these two passages. 
Soak your 
mind in them.  
Ask the Spirit to transform the values of your heart with this Truth. 

"Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. 
Be relaxed with what you have. 
Since God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," 
we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; 
I'm fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me? "
(Hebrews 13:5-6, The Message)

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, 
in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us 
with all wisdom and understanding.
" (Ephesians 1:7-8, NIV)

Lavish love, abundant beauty;
Gracious gifts for heart and hand.
Life that fills the soul and senses,
All burst forth at Your command.
Lord our Lord, Eternal Father,
Great Creator, God and Friend.
Boundless power gave full expression
To Your love which knows no end.

Who am I that You should love me,
Meet my ev'ry need from birth?
Why invest Yourself so fully
In a creature made of earth?
In Your loving heart You planned me
Fashioned me with greatest care,
Through my soul You breathed Your Spirit
Planted Your own image there.

I am Yours, Eternal Father,
All my body, mind, and heart.
Take and use me to Your glory,
Form Yourself in ev'ry part.
Lord, Your love brings joy and gladness
Flowing forth within my soul.
May my very breath and being
Rise to You their source and goal!

Lavish Love, Abundant Beauty
Peter Ellis | Rowland Hugh Prichard
© Words: 1986 Word Music, LLC (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.)
CCLI License # 810055

Monday, June 16, 2014

Holy Imagination

Holy Imagination

Aren’t dreams amazing?  They transport us to faraway places, allow us to ‘see’ those who have left us for Heaven, let us shake off the limits of time, or place, or even gravity! They can be bizarre, lead us on wild adventures, or even transgress the boundaries of behaviors we think are right. They are not all pleasant are they?  Nightmares awaken us with the remnants of fear still hanging on.  Our dreams arise from our minds when the boundaries we consciously impose are lifted by sleep.
The Bible contains many dream stories when God’s Spirit acted on the person during sleep to reveal His plans. Daniel’s dreams let him see the successions of empires that would lead to the coming of the Messiah.  The details are astonishing in retrospect. Joseph’s dreams inspired him, and through decades of hardship he held onto the promises of God that came to him in those visions. Peter’s dream (Acts 10) caused him to reach out to the wider world with the Good News about Jesus.

Paul was guided by the Lord in a dream. When the apostle was unsure about the next step in his ministry the Bible says "That night Paul had a dream: A Macedonian stood on the far shore and called across the sea, “Come over to Macedonia and help us! The dream gave Paul his map. We went to work at once getting things ready to cross over to Macedonia. All the pieces had come together. We knew now for sure that God had called us to preach the good news to the Europeans. " (Acts 16:10, The Message)

During my life, God has given me some dreams that I have stored away and, in time, most have found fulfilment, confirming His Word and promise.   Do you have a holy imagination? Are you willing to let God inspire you with dreams that go beyond what you consciously believe is possible for you?  We should ask God to give us eyes of faith, to see as He sees.  We need to have holy imagination!  I realize that some might take this to extremes and confuse the meandering of their sleepy minds with the revelation of the will of God.  That’s not what I am encouraging today.  I am urging you to take God at His Word, listening careful to His Spirit, presenting yourself – body, mind, heart, and soul to Him - and asking Him to free you from the limits that others and this world might impose on you. Then, you can pray with faith that sees an answer.

Here’s a word from the Word.  May the Spirit use it to inspire us to reach higher for the glory of God. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV)  

"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!" (Ephesians 3:20-21, The Message)


Let Your Glory Fall

Father of creation,
Unfold Your sov'reign plan.
Raise up a chosen generation
That will march through the land.
All of creation is longing
For Your unveiling of pow'r.
Would You release Your anointing?
Oh God, let this be the hour!

Let Your glory fall in this room,
Let it go forth from here to the nations.
Let Your fragrance rest in this place,
As we gather to seek Your face.

Ruler of the nations,
The world has yet to see,
The full release of Your promise,
The church in victory!
Turn to us, Lord, and touch us,
Make us strong in Your might.
Overcome our weakness
That we could stand up and fight.

Let Your kingdom come!
Let Your will be done!
Let us see on earth,
The glory of Your Son!

David Ruis
© 1992 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Vineyard Music USA)
CCLI License # 810055