Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Swinging at Curve Balls?

Just when I think I have it all figured out, with all my plans in order, something changes somebody moves, a key player decides to go in another direction. Ah, well - so much for best laid plans.  

Ask a baseball player about that pitch that he swings at because it looks like a straight-in fast ball! But, he misses because, right in front of the plate, it breaks away from the trajectory he expected. That’s a curve ball! A curve ball, for the record, is a fast pitch that appears to 'break' out of a straight line. The ball doesn't really curve but rather travels in an arc, but to the batter, it looks like it curves. If a batter realizes the pitcher has thrown a curve ball and does not swing at it, it will often end up being called a 'ball' since the arc of travel will usually cause it to travel outside of the strike zone- or so I'm told.

Has life thrown you any curve balls recently? If it has not, it will! The important question that demands an answer is this: Am I at the mercy of circumstances? Must the unexpected, the unanticipated, strike us out, sidelining us from the game?

If we believe that, we become helpless victims, corks bobbing along on the river of fate. God gave us a gift - to learn about life’s curve balls and to choose how and when we swing at them. It is our privilege it is to rest in Christ Jesus, to put those things we did not foresee before Him, and to know that He will be our faithful coach, One who guides. In Hebrews 6 we find this assuring declaration, "we who have fled to him for refuge can take new courage, for we can hold on to his promise with confidence. This confidence is like a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls." (NLT)

Are you anchored in the unchanging Christ? Settling ourselves in His Presence will keep us from swinging wildly, so that we strike out. Baseball players strike out at the plate, not for lack of skill, but often because they are unnerved by a canny pitcher who throws a couple of unexpected pitches at them.

If we get panicked when the things come at us for which we are not prepared, we turn into reactors. Did you know that if you’re just reacting to circumstance you put someone else in control of your life? Don’t do it! Instead, reset you anchor by renewing faith. How?  
  • Pray, even if only with sighs or quiet waiting.
  • Worship, not superficially, but from the heart. 
  • Claim the Truth, by reading passages of hope and affirmation to yourself. (Psalm 37 is one. Ephesians 1 is another.) 
  • And, don’t neglect renewing yourself!

    Each of us will do that differently. I love to go and sit at the piano for a while, playing songs that come from memory (usually fracturing the lyrics!) and letting the music become an expression of my heart. For you, it might be a walk in the early morning, or listening to classical music, or talking with a trusted friend, or painting a picture, or working on your car.
Has life served up a few 'curve balls?'
Are you feeling unsettled by them, unsure, maybe even fearful? 
Right now, take a moment to talk to the Lord - in your own words - about it. "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes."

He's my rock, my sword, my shield
He's my wheel in the middle of the field
He's the lily of the valley
He's the bright and morning star
Makes no difference what you say
I'm goin' on my knees and pray
I'm gonna wait right here for my Jesus
‘Till he comes.   

Public Domain

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