Friday, December 07, 2012

What a mess, unfinished business!

“Handle paper once.”  The woman leading the training session was talking about how to make an office efficient, how to keep the  work stream flowing. She elaborated, “ Don’t let things go. Finish things you start, whenever possible, before moving on to another project.”  That advice has stayed with me and I try to follow it to this day. When I open mail, I process it instead of laying it aside.  I return phone calls on the same day that I get them, if at all possible.  It’s so much better to start a new day looking ahead than working on yesterday’s business. If a pile of half-done projects builds up around us, it can leave us paralyzed, unwilling or unable to tackle any of them. 

Does your life have a bunch of unfinished business hanging around?   
Are you unable to move forward confidently because there are so many open projects tying you to yesterday?  

 We need to learn to finish well.  It is not just business that we need to finish.  Unresolved conflicts and unkept promises will weigh us down, too!

Do you feel like you are stuck, living the same day in time over and over again?  Sometimes life feels like an endless loop, doesn't it? We awaken to meet the same responsibilities, to go through the same chores, in the same ritual. Yes, of course, there is routine in all of life. However, if we are not finding new challenges, learning new things, and creating new opportunities, it may well be because we have left behind too many things that are unfinished.  It takes a lot of courage to look back on life and see where we have walked away from a relationship without making things right, without trying to work on reconciliation and/or understanding, but it’s critically important to do so.  It’s hard to admit that we abandoned our responsibility at some point in time and left people hanging.  We need to go back, re-examine something we have done, some experience we have gone through, and put it to rest. 

Failed? Accept responsibility, seek forgiveness, make restitution; move on! 

Been hurt? Offer forgiveness, release the person to God’s justice, and leave it behind.

Left confused by disappointment? Can’t find an answer?  You can keep circling the issue, stuck in that moment, or you can consciously choose to leave it with God in faith, and take up today’s work.

Sinned terribly against yourself, others, or God?  You can live in perpetual regret, or you can finish it!  Yes, confession, defined in the Bible as ‘saying the same thing about our actions that God says,’ allows us to find His forgiveness. Asking another’s forgiveness, with sincerity,  will often provide us a kind of freedom we did not think was possible.  We need to learn to forgiven ourselves, too.  That’s not the same as excusing our sins. We look at our sin, face on, own it; then leave it with the Lord.

God finishes His work!  You and I are “His workmanship.” The Word promises that He won’t walk off leaving us in a mess. “I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again." (Philippians 1:6, NLT)

At the end of his life, Paul reflected on the things he had done in a letter to his protégé, Timothy. I aspire to living in a way that these could be my words at the end as well. How about you? "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." (2 Timothy 4:6-8, NKJV)


Find Us Faithful

We're pilgrims on the journey

Of the narrow road,

And those who've gone before us

Line the way;

Cheering on the faithful,

Encouraging the weary,

Their lives a stirring testament

To God's sustaining grace.

Oh may all who come behind us

Find us faithful!

May the fire of our devotion

Light their way!

May the footprints that we leave,

Lead them to believe,

And the lives we live

Inspire them to obey.

Oh may all who come behind us

Find us faithful.

Surrounded by so great

A cloud of witnesses,

Let us run the race

Not only for the prize.

But, as those who've gone before us

Let us leave to those behind us

The heritage of faithfulness

Passed on through godly lives.

Jon Mohr

© 1987 Jonathan Mark Music (Admin. by Gaither Copyright Management)

Birdwing Music (a div. of EMI Christian Music Publishing)

CCLI License # 810055

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