Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The One Thing Most Christians Have Never Done

Brainwashing is a technique used by regimes who want to change a person's values and convictions. It involves beating up on the person's identity, creating a ton of guilt and/or shame about that identity, and causing him to betray himself or his country. Once a person is mentally and emotionally wrecked, he's ripe for any offering of security and acceptance. POW's that were held by Vietnam were subjected to brainwashing and many came home struggling with the psychological damage inflicted on them.  

Are you reluctant to talk about Jesus because you feel that to do so is to engage in something akin to brainwashing?  Is "evangelism" a dirty word? Apparently it is among many Christians given how little it is said in churches or small groups today! Then, too, mistaken ideas about tolerance cause us to say: "I just couldn't force my beliefs on anyone else." 

So, let's re-define the word. Evangelism comes from a Biblical word that mean 'the good announcement.' It not about assaulting anyone in the name of Christ, nor is it about brainwashing. It's letting others in on the good news that they have a purpose for being alive, a Father who loves them, and a way to know the best quality of life possible! It's not about shouting "turn or burn, sinner!"  Evangelism is saying, "Would you like to meet my Friend?"  For the Spirit-filled disciple, evangelism not something that is done a day a month or once every now and then, it is his way of life!

Jesus told His first disciples that when He left them to return to the Father, they were to spend time waiting in Jerusalem until they were "powered up."  What for? So they could have great, happy lives, becoming the city's most prosperous citizens?  Not according to the book of Acts. So that they could become emotionally and spiritually well-adjusted, enjoying wide acceptance within the community? Uh, wrong, again!   

Jesus said "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."(Acts 1:8, NLT)

"Witnesses" is another of those words that makes a lot of Christians shudder. It brings up visions of earnest people going door to door arguing about the Bible with those who are willing to open their door, or good looking guys in white shirts riding bicycles through suburban neighborhood trying to convince people to read the book of Mormon. It's not really a bad word at all. It just means "spectator who tells others what he has seen and knows."  The Holy Spirit living in you and me creates the kind of life (think- 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control') that others want to know what makes us tick and we tell them. The basic component of evangelism is not knowing a catalog of Bible verses that you use to convince another of your superior truth. It is living authentically, purposefully, and wholly holy (not a typo). The Light within shines into the darkness and creates multiple opportunities for us to say, "Would you like to know my Friend?"

The one thing most Christians have never done is the one thing all Christians are called to do - make disciples! They are bereft of a great joy. It's rather like a young couple reluctant to have a baby because they see how much work an infant brings into the lives of their friends, but then when they finally have their own child, they realize the joys far aweigh the inconveniences of parenting.

Let me ask you two things today:
1.    Are you living in a way that your greatest treasure is Christ, full of the Spirit of God? Is your life a compelling example of who a true disciple is?

2.    If so, are you taking opportunities to pray with people, to sensitively and courageously say, "May I talk with you about my Friend?"

"Remember this-a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop." (2 Cor. 9:6 NLT)

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