Friday, July 02, 2010

A Christian Nation?

Warning -- the following may cause controversy. Read on with caution! (smile!)

Is the United States a secular state? The answer is an unequivocal 'yes!' And... I am glad for that fact! The founders of this nation were very familiar with the problems created when the Church was sponsored by the State and took pains to clearly separate the two. The King of England is head of the Anglican church. This keeps that church from speaking as freely as it might to the sins of the Crown. Many Europeans are taxed by the government to support the Church. Imagine the distress that would result from the IRS collecting a tax from you on behalf of say-- the Roman Catholic Church-- if she were the state-sponsored church!

Just because our government is without ties to a state-sponsored Church (thus, secular) does not mean that our government should make and/or enforce laws created without reference to morality or the values of our religious heritage. It is perfectly acceptable that our leaders allow their spiritual beliefs and values to inform their governing processes. A devout Catholic law-maker should be clear that the teaching of his church about the sacredness of human life is helping to shape his votes on issues relating to abortion, the death penalty, and euthanasia. A devout Baptist legislator should allow his ideals about human dignity and the natural rights conferred on him by his Creator inform the way in which he writes law. The religious convictions (or lack thereof) of those who govern should be transparent as they are part of his thought processes.

On this Independence Day, I appeal to you to think carefully about the rhetoric used by some Believers about making America a "Christian" nation. Look for the meaning behind those words.

IF they mean that we desire that others will become Christian as they come to know and love Jesus Christ, that is wonderful! We should choose godly people to govern and those godly people should create public policy and/or law that reflects the high values of Jesus Christ, who govern as true ‘public servants.’ Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

IF, by desiring a “Christian nation” they mean that our government endorses and supports churches based on a Christian creed, they are inviting trouble and division. What church, then, would we have the government endorse and/or support with public funds? The Catholic church? After all, it is the largest church in America. No? Well, then how about the Southern Baptists? They are the largest Protestant church in America. No? What about just making the government generically 'Christian?' OK, but what test does the government then apply to a church to see if it is truly 'Christian' before providing government funds to that body? Should your tax dollars be used to support the Church of the Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ (the Mormon church) since it claims to be 'Christian?'

Can you see the problems inherent with Church/State entanglement? Too frequently, Christians do not understand that many of the references they quote about being a godly nation are drawn from the Old Testament and reflect the fact that Israel was a theocracy, a people with a common faith in the LORD God, organized and governed by that shared faith. These United States are not like pre-Christian Israel. We are not a theocracy, nor do I believe that many thinking Christians would truly want this country to become one!

As we celebrate America’s birthday, I want to encourage you to several steps.
First, pray for those who are voted into office! Let us ask God to make them wise and just. Let us ask Him to bless them as they govern without partiality or self interest.
Second, OBEY the law for the sake of Christ! Romans 12 reminds us to 'obey the government for God is the one who put it there.'
Third, we pay our taxes! That same chapter says 'pay your taxes... for government workers need to be paid so they can do the work God intended them to do.'
Fourth, we give proper respect to those who hold office! A Believer may well express dissent from government policy. Indeed, when the policies of our government do not conform to God's standard of justice, mercy, and protection for the weak/poor persons in society-- we are obligated to raise our voice; but we do so while respecting the office and the people who hold that office.

Happy Independence Day!

My sincere prayer today is: God bless America that she may remain a great nation and may her greatness be used to create liberty and justice for ALL!

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