Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good Bye! So Long! Good Riddance?

My prayer is that people are glad when I show up and sad to see me go. That's not true for everyone, is it? There are some people who make us sad when they show up and oh so glad when they depart! Dr. Henry Cloud writes (Integrity, 2005) that "You can tell a lot about a ship as you look at its wake. If it is in a straight line, you get the feeling that the boat is steadily on course and that the captain is not dozing at the wheel.... if it is smooth and flat you know something about the speed of the boat. ... With people the same thing is true. As a person goes through life, he leaves behind a wake." That analogy created a vivid picture in my mind. It made me think about the wake that that my life leaves. Cloud further observes that we leave a two-sided wake, relationships and tasks. It isn't just how we accomplish those jobs we are assigned, but who we effect in the process.

As we evaluate the task side of our lives, it is important that we ask questions like ...
- Am I completing tasks on time and without needless diversions?
- Do I understand the task and set my course to finish it?
- Is my work well done, worthy of review?

On the relational side of our lives, there are important questions, too.
- Do I create hope and encourage, or build barriers and discourage?
- Are people thankful for my presence?
- Do I make others feel enriched or exploited?

Sometimes the answers are obvious, if we have even a small amount of self-awareness. Then, there are those situations where the evaluation of how we have performed our task or interacted with others is not so quickly discerned. Sometimes we encounter situations over which we have little control. There are people who actively resist even our best efforts at building a strong relationship. They bring their own personalities and programs into our lives. The smooth wake that we want to create by our passing is broken up by their wake. As their turbulence of their wake flows into ours, the chop created can stir up a real tempest! I've been on a small boat and experienced being bounced around when a couple of speed boats passed by on crossing courses, leaving the waters roiled and rough. We need to remember that there are days when we run into winds of opposition and/or difficulty that blow us off course and purpose. At those times, no matter how diligent we are at the wheel of life, trying to steer a straight course, those gusts that blow over us will create wavy wake!

We must determine the course that God wants us to sail. We must be diligent to know the Word and patient to understand the Spirit's ways and then - go forward, steady on. In my lifetime, I've come to understand that I cannot adjust speed or course every time somebody makes an objection! I must humbly listen for the voice of the Lord and when I understand what He wants from me then I must sail on, gently but on course. I must pray for His Spirit to keep me true to those principles that set my course, and keep going. That assures that, over time, the wake left by my passing by will be a good one.

Take a look at the wake you're leaving on life's sea. Don't just look close to the stern. Look toward the horizon, too. Is it straight and true? Does it show steady speed?

Here's a word about living well, for God's glory. Take Paul's benediction and turn it into your prayerful petition today. We are...
"praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works.
We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you ...
As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work.

We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul-not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives.
It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us." (Colossians 1:9-12, The Message)



Out in the highways and byways of life,
Many are weary and sad.
Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife,
Making the sorrowing glad.

Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love;
Tell of His pow'r to forgive.
Others will trust Him if only you prove true
Every moment you live.

Give as 'twas given to you in your need;
Love as the Master loved you.
Be to the helpless a helper indeed;
Unto your mission be true.

Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing,
Out of my life may Jesus shine;
Make me a blessing, O Savior I pray,
Make me a blessing to someone today.

Make Me A Blessing
Wilson, Ira B. / Schuler, George S.
© 1924. Renewed 1952 Word Music, Inc. (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.)
CCLI License No. 810055

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