Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Misusing the Name of the Lord?

As Election Day approaches, there are more and more messages in my email inbox telling me that God wants me to join with other Believers to vote for _____________ because he is "the one" God has chosen, the only righteous candidate. God has not told me which candidate He's voting for! I don't think He has revealed that information to anyone else either. What I am certain about is this: He has given me the amazing capabilities of reason and analysis, and the gift of choice. In the upcoming election, I am equally certain that I will please Him if I make a wise and principled decision that is aligned with the all of the values derived from the Scripture that I hold as a Christian.

As for those who claim that "God told me to tell you..." I think that they are dangerously close to violating one of the Ten Commandments, the one that says: "You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name." (Exodus 20:7, NLT) This Word forbids invoking God's authority and/or endorsement for our decisions and choices.

That either political party could lay claim to being the "party of God" or that any Believer would think that either the Democrats or Republicans have the endorsement of Heaven are ideas that I find, well - more than a little naive. "But, Jerry, don't you think God is pleased by the pro-life stance of Sen. McCain?" That is a good position but to my knowledge the Republican's platform on pro-life issues is woefully inconsistent in that a true ethic of life will extend beyond protecting unborn babies and include such things as addressing quality of life issues for the the aged and thoughtful treatment of the morality of capital punishment. "So, Jerry, don't you think that Sen. Obama's support of civil rights for homosexuals is sinful?" No. The Bible is clear that homosexual practice is sinful, but everyone of us who sins is still afforded protection from harm and discrimination under the law.

My point is not to argue either candidate's worthiness! What I am trying to point out is that neither party nor candidate offers up a totally "Christian" platform as I would write it. We must not use a single issue to brand one candidate or the other, "God's candidate." To do so is to misuse His holy Name.

One week from today, we have the wonderful privilege of selecting our leaders - from our local town, to our state government, and for the nation. I urge you to be very prayerful. Exercise your citizenship with wisdom and in keeping with your primary calling as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Many will vote along lines of self-interest. The choices made in the voting booth are so often shaped by questions like: "Who offers me more promise of benefits? Who is most like me?" Disciple, be different! Ask God to help you to see through the haze of the campaigning with a discerning eye. Then, vote for those that you believe will most help all of us to fulfill God's demands of all people.

"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8, NIV)

Father, I know that this nation is in terrible times.
Our economy is faltering; greed is everywhere.
Lust and pleasure seeking are America's idols.
I repent and pray for your mercy to be extended.

We have sought our own interest too often,
both individually and as a nation and so I humbly say,
Please forgive us. Show us how to love others, Lord.

Through the next few days, Spirit of God, give me discernment.
Keep me from being used by a party or candidate only interested in pursuit of more power.
Help me to choose those who have the character and courage
to lead this nation to the highest and best for all-
to act justly, to love mercy, and to take You seriously.
In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen

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