Thursday, January 31, 2008

So now, go!

Share your dream, especially one involving significant change, and you will run into nay-sayers. The first will probably be you! More than once I have talked myself out of even trying to do something that, at first thought, sounded like a great idea. Why does doubt, fear, and negativity come so easily to us? Why are faith, courage, and positive attitudes so scarce? To answer that, consider the story of the call of Moses.

God, in His sovereign purposes, decided that the time had come to return the descendants of Abraham to the Promised Land from slavery in Egypt. The tiny clan that went to Egypt to avoid starvation during a famine had grown, over several centuries' time, into a nation-sized population that was suffering terribly under the heavy hand of oppression. Now, the Lord needed a man to lead them, a deliverer! "Oh, Moses. Where are you?" The erstwhile price of Egypt had been off 'on the far side of the desert' tending Jethro's sheep for 40 years. He had put his dreams away and settled down so God had to get his attention with a burning bush; more accurately a bush that appeared to be on fire but which was not actually burning up. When Moses went over to check it out, God spoke his name. He tells Moses that He is ready to move, that He has a plan, and then He says - "So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt." (Exodus 3:10, NIV)

Does Moses stand, salute, and pack up? Not at all. Instead, he argues with God, making excuses about why he should not, could not, and would not do this great thing. "I'm unworthy." Good one, Moses. A little false humility might work, except this is God you're dealing with. God brushes that off by reminding him that He knows he's nothing, so He will go with him! So Moses says, I do not really know Who You are and so I cannot speak with authority." To that the LORD says, "Just tell them that "I AM" sent you, for "I AM THAT I AM." In other words, "Moses, you want to know my Name? Here it is, "I AM the SELF-EXISTENT ONE, ONE WHO HAS NO FIRST CAUSE." And yes, it is in all capitals in the Bible, too.

Moses is still not sufficiently awe-stricken, so he tries this lame excuse: "What if they do not listen to me?" So, God patiently gives him three impressive signs; turning his shepherd's staff into a snake and back again, turning his hand white with leprosy and healing it again, and telling him that if he pours Nile River water on the ground it will turn to blood! Now, Moses is ready to go, right? No! Moses tries once more to get out of the assignment. "I am slow of speech." Does he really think that speeches are going to get this job done? God by this time is angry with the faithless man and replies by telling him to get his brother Aaron to be his spokesman. And, finally Moses answers the call.

Laugh, if you will, at that man's bad excuses, but the truth is, God is calling you, too! He says, "So now, go!" to your family, to your neighbors, to the people with whom you work, to your city, to the world. You have work to do for Him that only you can do. Stop stammering your excuses! All of God's children are called to serve in ministry; perhaps not as members of the clergy, but as representatives of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, "Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people!" (1 Corinthians 12:7, The Message)

As we purpose to obey, Self and others will rise us to tell why we cannot or should not do this. The enemy of God and good wants us to live safe, insignificant lives that are focused on minimal risk. So, is your dream really to work only as much as as required to keep your job, watch as much TV as you can stand, and die safe in your warm bed?

I want to be all that He wants me to be, to do all He wants me to do, to risk it all for the glory of God. I know I will not always get it right. My history proves that too true. I know I am not perfect (I heard that loud "Amen!") I know that I will fail for reasons that are sometimes my fault and sometimes beyond my comprehension. But I also know this - God is greater than my flaws, has promised to never leave me to fight alone, and has a rich reward in reserve for me when I finish the race obediently. The results are in His hands. Obedience is my responsibility!

Meditate on this passage today. Ask the Spirit to cause it to inspire you to respond with a ready, "Yes, Lord," when He says, "So now, go!"

"This is the Message I’ve been set apart to proclaim as preacher, emissary, and teacher. It’s also the cause of all this trouble I’m in. But I have no regrets.
I couldn’t be more sure of my ground—
the One I’ve trusted in can take care of what he’s trusted me to do right to the end.
So keep at your work, this faith and love rooted in Christ, exactly as I set it out for you. It’s as sound as the day you first heard it from me. Guard this precious thing placed in your custody by the Holy Spirit who works in us."
(2 Timothy 1:11-14, The Message)

Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyal,
King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be;
Under the standard exalted and royal,
Strong in Thy strength we will battle for Thee.

Peal out the watchword!
Silence it never!
Song of our spirits, rejoicing and free;
Peal out the watchword!
Loyal forever!
King of our lives,
by Thy grace we will be.

Wholehearted! Savior beloved and glorious,
Take Thy great power and reign Thou alone,
Over our wills and affections victorious—
Freely surrendered and wholly Thine own.

-Frances Havergal, Public Domain

Want to hear this hymn?

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