Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The view from the heights

Andy Stanley, in his book, Visioneering, writes that 'the difference between filling bags with dirt and building a dike to save a town is found in vision.' He goes on to say, "There's nothing glamorous or fulfilling about filling bags with dirt. But, saving a city is another thing altogether." Building a dike that will save a city gives meaning to the ordinary chore of filling bags. Much of what we do in life is the stuff of filling bags with dirt unless we see the bigger picture.

Each week I pace myself through boring routines of tending to church business and doing the invisible chores that maintain the organization. Most of the time I do those things gladly because they support the vision God gave me to build a community of people who make a noticeable difference in our corner of the world! On those days that I lose sight of the bigger mission, (and there are those days) the tedium can become overwhelming. Then I realize I need to climb higher to catch another glimpse of that glorious Church that my Lord Jesus will find worthy of His love and commendation. Call me grandiose, but I believe that the only hope for this world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ; a message that transforms people into amazing saints, infuses life with purpose and meaning, and gives hope for an Eternal Home of Rest. Nothing in the world is the equal of the message that declares: "God loves you, gave His Son to save you, prepared a mission for you, and has a home waiting for you." That is the vision that sustains me!

This past Sunday I made an announcement from the pulpit recruiting volunteers for the Girls Ministry at our church. Even as the words were coming out of my mouth I wondered if the vision was written large enough to be compelling! If women hearing that announcement thought they were just helping to keep a program that entertains little girls alive, who among them would be willing to give 2 hours each Wednesday evening? Adding a responsibility to their all ready busy lives would not be all that inviting! They would not want to give up several Saturdays to take girls to sleep-overs, retreats, and conventions just to help their Prims or Daisies earn some badges and awards. However, if they understood that they were involved with a team that is shaping young girls' view of the world, equipping them with an understanding of God's ways, and modeling the path of discipleship that will lead those girls to their own experience with Jesus - the time given becomes an investment, the sacrifice will worth it's cost!

Friend, do you know the 'why' behind the 'what' in your life? Is there a greater God-given vision that draws you to love God with devotion, that gives your service in the church meaning, that causes you to love your spouse, that keeps you connected to your kids, that gives you a reason to say 'no' to temptations and 'yes' to the Lord?

Some of you are thinking, "Yeah, Jerry, I've heard this hype before. My 'vision' is just to keep making some money to pay the bills to make it through today." I do understand. There are days, too many really, when I'm in the same place. On many days I just feel like the guy in that 1990's Dunkin' Donuts commercial who was up all night just because it was '... time to make the donuts!' In the middle of the grind of life, by faith I seize the proclamation of the Word that "we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10, NLT) God is purposeful. God is concerned about you and able to use you - but you must make yourself available and let Him mature the vision in you.

Today, take some time to present yourself to Him, again. Borrow the prayer that little Samuel prayed in the dark when the voice of the Lord echoed through his heart - "Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:9, NIV) When he prayed, God showed him a plan and then the boy worked and waited faithfully on that plan for years - in the process becoming a key person in Israel. Invite Him to speak, then wait for the answer.

Here's a word from the Word for you today.
"Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie.
If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time. "Look at that man, bloated by self-importance— full of himself but soul-empty. But the person in right standing before God through loyal and steady believing is fully alive, really alive. "
(Habakkuk 2:2-4, The Message)

I'm pressing on the upward way,
New heights I'm gaining every day;
Still praying as I'm onward bound,
"Lord, plant my feet on higher ground."

Lord, lift me up and let me stand
By faith on heaven's table-land,
A higher plane than I have found:
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I'll pray, 'til heaven I've found
"Lord, lead me on to higher ground."

Higher Ground - Johnson Oatman, Jr.
Public Domain

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