Thursday, June 21, 2007

Does faithfulness matter?

Americans love BIG, RICH, and IMPORTANT, don't we? If we are not doing what we do for many people or on a world stage, the temptation is to begin to believe that it is unimportant and/or that we can slack off on from a high level of performance. Think again! George O. Wood, who serves our national church as her General Secretary, wrote an essay that helped me to think again about faithfulness. What follows is derived from a letter he sent to pastors last week.

Name the 5 wealthiest people in the world.
Name the last 5 winners of the Heisman trophy.
Name the last 5 women to hold the title - "Miss America."
Name any 10 people who have won either a Nobel or Pulitzer prize.
Name the last 10 teams to win the World Series.

I totally struck out. I can only recall a couple of those names! None of us can remember the headlines even from yesterday. These were the best in their field, but the applause soon dies, the awards tarnish, the achievements are forgotten. Certificates get buried with their owners.

Now, take a different approach.

List several teachers that helped you in your education.
Name 3 friends who were there for you in time of crisis or need.
Name 5 people from whom you learned something worthwhile.
List a few people that have made you feel special and/or appreciated.
Think of 5 people with whom you want to spend more time.

Not so hard, is it? We can rattle off those names fairly quickly. The people who make a real difference in our lives are not always those with credentials, money, or awards. They are the people who care, who show us that they love us.

From time to time, I'll admit that pride tiptoes up on me and whispers, "Who cares what you do? Who cares if you show up, do your best?" Truth is, outside of a small circle of friends and family, I am unknown! When God calls me home, I fairly certain that no flags will be lowered to half-staff. So what? Does that mean my life does not count? Not at all. God has given me a place to fill, people to love, lives to touch. He knows exactly how much I am capable of doing, and He has given me gifts of the Spirit that perfectly equip me to fulfill His will perfectly. Will I? That answer is up to me and depends, not so much on numbers, but on faithfulness.

Be faithful, friend, wherever God puts you. Grow where you're planted!

"As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart. Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do." (Ephesians 6:6-8, NLT)

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