Friday, June 02, 2006

Have you heard from the Lord?

In our time there are more words with less content than in any previous era! We are flooded with communications. Is your mailbox anything like mine bringing you glossy flyers advertising everything from political candidates to extermination companies; dozens of bulging envelopes offering yet another credit card; magazines with advice on everything? Add to all that print the fact that we have 250 channels more or less on the TV, access to hundreds of radio stations, and the amazing Internet providing us with some very good and very bad information! Who do we trust, what should we read? Is the information accurate or biased?

This surfeit of information has invaded Christianity as well! Messages pour out over pulpits, in emails like this one, from TV shows, in magazines and a person has to wonder - how much of it is inspired by the Spirit? The impact we are having in our world does not, to me at least, seem to be in proportion to all the noise we're making. Could it be that the word of God is not being heard, that many who speak in His Name really have not heard from Him, at all?

Jeremiah warned of prophets whose words were without inspiration. “These preachers are liars, and they use my name to cover their lies. I never sent them, I never commanded them, and I don’t talk with them. The sermons they’ve been handing out are sheer illusion, tissues of lies, whistlings in the dark." (Jeremiah 14:14, The Message)

Peter is even stronger in his condemnation of those who speak for God without listening to Him - "These people are as useless as dried-up springs of water or as clouds blown away by the wind—promising much and delivering nothing. They are doomed to blackest darkness. They brag about themselves with empty, foolish boasting. With lustful desire as their bait, they lure back into sin those who have just escaped from such wicked living. They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves to sin and corruption. (2 Peter 2:17-19, NLT)

But, when a person hears from God: truly hears the Word and knows the voice of the Spirit, that person hears words of life. That man or woman gains wisdom that leads to life that is genuine, rich, abundant, and eternal! Have you learned to listen? Do you quiet your soul, still your mind, and close your mouth long enough each day to let God speak to you? He is speaking, friend. His voice has not been stilled, but it is often ignored.

Today, let me urge you to borrow the prayer of young Samuel and make it yours. When he was just a young boy he prayed, "Speak, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10, NIV) Listen well, God is speaking,

This Sunday at the Assembly I will be talking about how to listen well to the word of God. Remember, we begin our Summer schedule- Sunday School in recess; Worship beginning at 10 AM. See

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