Friday, December 02, 2005

There is room for You!

Those 'personalized' letters that come from some far-off credit card company that open with 'Dear Jerry,' as though they came from a friend, make me laugh out loud. The marketers that work to create the illusion of personalization recognize a real need that exists in our world- to be known and accepted. They know that most of us are left empty by the impersonal nature of our hurry-up world. We want to be 'connected' to others. So, they create fake 'personalized' letters that appeal to that hunger.

Yesterday, I went to the deli where I stop a couple of morning during the week to get a cup of coffee and where I pick up lunch every now and then. The man who owns that deli always greets me with a smile. When I stepped up to the counter to order a sandwich, before I could say anything, he said, "It will be a 'Slam,' no tomato, with mayo, right?" He knew a little part of my preferences and I appreciated his effort to remember! It feels good when someone remembers my name. I'll admit it. No, it's not because I'm egotistical, it's just that I want to feel human, not like a machine.

When the Son of God was born, He came to a world that didn't recognize Him. Joseph and his very pregnant wife arrived in Bethlehem to find themselves on the outside, their needs unmet. According to Luke, they went to settle down in the place where the animals were kept 'because there was no room for them in the inn.' (2.7) John says, "He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him." (John 1:10-11, NIV)

Why didn't people recognize Mary's pregnancy and make room for her and for her baby?
Why did Jesus live among people who talked much about their desire for God's Deliverer, the Messiah, but yet did not recognize Him?

Most likely He went unrecognized for the same reasons that we fail to 'know' the people that surround us. Often, it isn't open hostility or intentional disregard. We just get pre-occupied with life, busy with our 'stuff,' intent on meeting our own agenda, don't we?

One of the greatest gifts we can give to those around us is the gift of warmth, compassion - of being loving. That sounds so simple, doesn't it?

Yet, we fail at it so often. I think I know, at least partially, why. We fail at love for others because we fail to love God! When we make it a priority to love God, to carve out time from our schedules to pray, to meditate, to be in His Presence - His love settles over us, bringing a serenity to our heart and mind. From that centeredness, that serenity, comes a sense of purposefulness. Instead of living frantically, rushing around trying to become 'somebody,' trying to secure our place in the world, worrying about having enough; we live in the care of the Father who knows our needs before we even ask Him about them! We gain a sense that He knows our name! We are not alone. We are no longer insecure in an impersonal world. We are God's sons and daughters. Loved, we become more loving.

Don't let this Season of Celebration of God's love gift be robbed of the most important part - making room for God, and for others! For what good it is if our house is wonderfully decorated, if the gifts are beautifully wrapped, if the dinner is astonishingly delicious - but our life is full of stress and confusion as a result of all our 'busy-ness?'

Love God! Focus on Jesus, making room in your life, your heart, for Him. Then, as you experience His love, go love Him. How?
He said, "Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me." (Matthew 25:40, The Message)

That's right - we make room for Jesus when we make room in our hearts for those around us!

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