Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thank you, Lord

Do you feel entitled, that is, having the feeling that something is your right, that it is owed to you? The entitlement mentality creeps up on us stealthily and becomes an ugly blot of darkness in us. When we don't get what we feel that we are entitled to receive, we become miserable.
"The government owes me that check."
"I deserve to be paid better than I am by that stingy boss."
"My kids owe me some gratitude after all I gave up to raise them." And on the list goes....

Many is the marriage that suffers under the weight of entitlement, for example. Each of us brings certain expectations into our marriage- that our spouse will always be supportive, that our spouse will be warmly affectionate, that he will always remember to be romantic and thoughtful. Those are not bad things, are they? But if they are demanded, if no thanks is expressed to our spouse when she meets our expectation, something wonderful is lost in the relationship! The truth is that her kindness, his thoughtfulness - while admirable - are a gift and as such, should be appreciated.

Do you believe that God owes you - blessings, healing, salvation, peace, joy? Many Christians do! They twist God's rich and wonderful promises into entitlement contracts and their prayers are more like legal briefs that present demands for actions than conversations with a Friend. These Believers turn faith into a 'gimme' system that says, "God, you promised; now, pay up!" How tragic, how misguided. Our Father in Heaven loves to bless and He does, but He owes you and me NOTHING. His gifts are based in grace, not merit.

One day Jesus was traveling and came upon ten men who suffered one of the worst fates in that time. They were lepers. When leprosy became evident on a person's skin, he was immediately separated from the community, as a means of keeping the spread of the disease to a minimum. No more living in his home, no more meals with his family, none of life's pleasures were available. Instead, the wretch lived as a beggar outside of town, usually near the dump from which he scavenged the scraps that kept him alive! When the ten lepers realized who was approaching, they yelled - "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, their leprosy disappeared. Luke 17:14 (NLT) Imagine their joy when they saw their skin clearing, all evidence of their leprous condition gone, given the desperate situation that they lived in because of it! Now, here's the part of the story that I want to emphasize today. "One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, “Praise God, I’m healed!” He fell face down on the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking him for what he had done. This man was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?" (Luke 17:15-17, NLT)

If we think that we are entitled to the blessing of God, we will not even think of thankfulness! Instead, we'll simply believe that God paid up, made good on the deal. The downside of that line of thinking is that when things go badly, when life falls apart, we will beat ourselves up wondering what we did that brought such grief on our heads. Mercy is God's method. The Psalmist reminds us - "He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust." (Psalm 103:9-14, NIV)

Are you grateful today?
Does thankfulness overflow from you?
Or is God asking, "where is the gratitude, where is the recognition of My mercy?"

Let's not be AWOL when it comes to returning thanks. In this season of Thanksgiving, check your heart for areas where entitlement has taken up residence. Get rid of it and realize, anew, the gifts of kindness and mercy that come your way. Then, liberally give thanks - to God, to friends, to family.

There will be a Testimony and Thanksgiving service, celebrated with Communion, at the Assembly tonight at 7. You're invited.

TFTD will be back in your inbox next Monday - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
and -- Thanks for reading along day by day. I do count it a privilege to be invited into your life via TFTD!

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