Friday, October 21, 2005

A real 'do-gooder!'

Evil darkness descended on Holland during World War 2 carried by men with deadly intent. The Nazis overwhelmed Holland in 1940 with an agenda of conquest and killing. The efficiency with which they carried out their diabolical schemes is still astonishing. The SS and Gestapo worshipped naked, raw power used in the service of cruelty and hatred. In one corner of Haarlem, Holland that juggernaut met with resistance in the most unlikely form- the Ten Boom family. Two spinster sisters, Betsie and Corrie, and their aged father, Casper; all devoted Christians, opened their home to Jews, protecting them until another 'safe house' could be arranged. For two years, this trio met terrible evil with great good which was offered at tremendous cost! In February, 1944, the secret police were told of the Ten Boom's activity and the family was arrested. Casper, the father, died at age 84 after just 10 days in prison. Betsie died within the year in Ravensbruck, a German concentration camp. Corrie survived and became, at age 53, a world-renowned speaker for the cause of Christ with a simple message built on two themes she had learned while suffering in Nazi camps: "There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still! and "God will give us the love we need to forgive our enemies."

Scriptures says, "Don’t let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good." (Romans 12:21, NLT) Great evil exists in the world around us. It isn't just the evil of terrorist hatred or warring nations. It is an evil that lurks near, disguised and hidden in our neighborhoods. Hatred is common, expressed in banal acts of careless disregard for the dignity of others. "To arms," we cry, "We must destroy evil!" We meet power with power, launching a holy war of wars and dollars. Our best intentions too often are twisted into unintended consequences that result when hatred is met with hatred. We cannot create love by hating!

Jesus commanded a different way - "Do good!" Read His directive slowly, even as you think about your own response to those who are evil -
“To you who are ready for the truth, I say this:
Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst.

When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person.
If someone slaps you in the face, stand there and take it. If someone grabs your shirt, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it.

If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff.
Live generously.

“Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them!" (Luke 6:27-31, The Message)

His words are impossible unless we are filled with the love of the Spirit, overflowing with inspired hope, and have our sights set on Heaven. We love only when we know that we are loved by God.

A few years ago there was a saying that floated around - "Practice random acts of kindness." It was plastered on a million bumpers of cars and we read it and said, "How nice." Think about that statement again. It is a reflection of our self-absorption. Do we really want to live in a world where kindness is random, where we are serving the needs of those in need of compassion or a helping hand only when we feel like it, when it is convenient, or when it fits into our emotional state of mind? We need much more than random acts of kindness in this world. We need intentional acts of goodness!

We are created by God for goodness, and our lives are called to serve Him by doing good. You want to find your true destiny? It is stated in this short word from the Word. Take it with you today - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10, NKJV) Invite the Spirit of God to begin a transformation in your life, right now. Ask Him to make you good, so you can do good, then overcome the evil in this world with intentional acts of goodness.

For the glory of God!

At the Assembly this weekend, the theme is "The Amazing Power of doing Good."
Worship begins at 10:15. Hope to see you there!

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