Friday, May 12, 2006

Confusing facts and fiction

Dan Brown's best-seller, The DaVinci Code, is a subtle piece of indoctrination, anti-Christian at its core. Woven into a compelling story are assertions about the doctrines of Christianity- which if true - would rewrite the Bible. I read the book over the weekend and have to agree that it is a fun to read book that kept me turning the pages with a fast paced storyline. But, the premises on which Brown builds his story will, if believed to be true, destroy the Gospel of Christ! A key character in the story is one Leigh Teabing, an English scholar, knight of the realm, and raconteur par excellence. Teabing claims that the Bible is a construct of a few men under the influence of Constantine to erase nature worship and the 'divine feminine.' Teabing claims that until 325 AD, "Jesus was viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet . . . a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. A mortal." "Jesus establishment as the 'Son of God' was officially proposed and voted by the Council of Nicea." "Christ as Messiah was critical to the functioning of Church and state... the early Church literally stole Jesus from his original followers, hijacking his human message...." (all quotes from page 233)

Because the novel is packaged by its author as a fictional story that is written around real historical facts, there are millions who swallow the assertions about the Bible's origins, about the 'real' identity of Jesus, uncritically. But, the scholarship that underlies the story is wrong; a reconstruction of select facts and total fabrications arranged to fit a set of assumptions that ignore the supernatural claims of the New Testament, that dismiss long-standing facts about the authenticity of the Bible, and that want to make Jesus into a great Teacher while taking away His claim to be 'the Way, the Truth, and the Life.' If Jesus is not God come to Earth, a unique God/Man; then he simply takes his place among other spiritual teachers of history and we are free to pick and choose from his words, mixing and matching them with those of the Buddha, of Mohammed, of Confucius, and our Grandpa! If He is not a person unique in history and 'full of grace and truth,' why are we not free to create our own eclectic religion of self-made rules, freely bent and shaped to fit our particular life choices? The troubling issue of "Truth" is gone, replaced by "preference" which allows each one of do whatever is right in our own eyes! How convenient for a society that worships autonomy and choice!

I would be the first to admit that the Truth which Jesus said would set us free has been turned into a cruel set of rules used by various groups down through history to protect their preferred status, to enrich those in power, to enslave, and as an excuse to wage war and kill. The claim to hold the "Truth" has been twisted in our own time by local pastors and congregations to hurt, ostracize, and marginalize people out of favor ! That is tragic, evil, and indefensible. But the answer is not to try to erase the identity of Jesus Christ to make Him more 'people friendly.' Instead, we do well to reclaim the Jesus that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John presented to the world - as witnesses to the Truth- just a few decades after He walked the pathways of Palestine.

They present us with a Man who brought words of life, who demonstrated His uniqueness, His authority, and His love with acts of caring, with incredible wisdom, and with miracles. To me, the majesty of His claim to be the Judge of all the earth lies in His willingness to be the Servant Savior of all. He is the Man of the Cross as well as the Lord of the Universe. I have no qualms about submitting myself to One who would leave Heaven, endure scorn and rejection, who would challenge people intent on using power to oppress, and ultimately die for the very people who rejected His message. Such a Man has demonstrated so great a love that I willingly accept His judgment, willingly bow myself before His Truth - because that which He demands of me is not designed for His good, but rather to give me life! He said, "It is the Spirit who gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life." (John 6:63, NLT)

Don't be duped by those who, in the name of truth, would rob you of the Truth. Yes, they may well have confused the religion of men, which is the letter of the law that kills, with the Gospel that liberates and gives life. They may even believe that they are doing you and me a service by freeing us from 'silly superstitions.'

Here's Jesus' prayer for you and me.
Meditate on it today and feel the power of the Spirit and Truth!

"Now I’m returning to you. I’m saying these things in the world’s hearing So my people can experience My joy completed in them. I gave them your word; The godless world hated them because of it, Because they didn’t join the world’s ways,
Just as I didn’t join the world’s ways. I’m not asking that you take them out of the world But that you guard them from the Evil One. They are no more defined by the world Than I am defined by the world. Make them holy—consecrated—with the truth; Your word is consecrating truth." (John 17:13-17, The Message)

Come and see the beauty of the Lord,
Come and know the wonder of His grace,
Come and seehow much He cares for you,
Gaze at the compassion on His face.

Come and touch the nail prints in His hands,
Find the Friend who truly understands,
Come and stand beneaththe blood-stained Cross,
Proof of His unchanging love for us.

He is worthy,worthy of our praise,
He is worthy,worthy of our praise,
He is glorious,He is wonderful,
He is everything to me!

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