Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Can you see the Promised Land?

Some of you can probably remember when Bush I, ran for the Presidency of the U.S. against Bill Clinton. Much was made of "the vision thing," as the media dubbed it. It was claimed that President George H. W. Bush was a manager who led the nation without a clear leadership vision. Though he was a good and decent man, he failed to inspire the nation. Did he actually lack vision or was this accusation simply an invention of the press? I don't know, but what I do know is that the Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18, KJV) Vision is what causes us to sacrifice, to reach higher, to achieve great things. Without it, people give themselves over to fighting, to selfishness, to indulgence of sensual whims.

Vision is an incredibly important part of reaching God's goals - for our personal life, our family, our church, our local community, or our nation! My life is pulled along by a God-given vision of being a man whose words and actions honors the Lord- as a good and loving husband and father, and as a person who provides solid leadership to the local church that God has called me to shepherd. When that vision is sharp and clear, it makes saying "no" to certain things much easier. For example, when greed creeps up on me and whispers in my ear... if I start to look around and compare my pile of things with what others have... I am tempted by other more lucrative opportunities. But, if I look up and renew the vision, the voice of greed falls silent and I remain faithful to God's calling.

In the organization that I lead, I know that my greatest challenge, my most important work, is to impart vision, to help people see the 'Promised Land.' By that I don't just mean Heaven! God has charged me to help people see who they can be by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. He has charged me to help people see the world as God desires it to be, not as it is. Am I always good at that? Nope, 'cause like Bush I, sometimes I fall into management instead of leadership. I get so taken with making sure that the system is running smoothly, that I don't see the 'big picture' as clearly as I should.

Visions are powerful, yet fragile. They motivate people to change, but they die without constant tending. Naturally, we are not visionary. It takes effort and inspiration to lift our eyes to see past our appetites, our comfort, our attachment to the present, to begin to love the vision of a new future! God calls on us to have faith and reminds us that without faith that 'sees' His vision for life, we will never please Him. To understand that, consider the story of the Exodus. When Moses led the Israeli people out of Egypt, they followed him with excitement- for a short while. When things got rough and they grew tired, the vision of the Promised Land faded and they started to whine: “We remember all the fish we used to eat for free in Egypt. And we had all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic that we wanted. But now our appetites are gone, and day after day we have nothing to eat but this manna!” (Numbers 11:5-6, NLT) They forgot that those foods came to them at the cost of their freedom, at the cost of the lives of their sons and daughters. They forgot that they were slaves and remembered only the stuff that they put in their bellies!

What vision has God given to you?
Are you keeping it sharp, tending it, renewing it by regular times when you re-connect with the Spirit who gave it to you?

Memory is deceptive and selective! Yesterday's victories and defeats must be left behind as we pursue the calling that God has given to us. If we look back, a rosy glow will come over our vision causing us to long for what we can never have again. We will fall into sin as our vision is clouded with reminisce. If we look forward, God will show us the "Promised Land" of His provision,drawing us to become holy people that honor His Name.

Here's the promise - “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. In those days, I will pour out my Spirit even on servants, men and women alike." (Joel 2:28-29, NLT) _______________________

Father, give me spiritual eyes that see the promise,
the possible, not just the probable.
Renew Your dream in me, causing me to see the Promised Land.
When I start to love my food, my TV, my comfort -
more than I love You, Your callings -
forgive me and send me messengers that renew the vision.
Pour out the Spirit on me, like a refreshing rain that causes
new life to burst out.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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