Friday, January 04, 2008

Another dimension to life

Occasionally I have an experience that refreshes my appreciation of my relationship with the Lord. In a conversation with a couple of guys who had no idea that I am a Christian or a pastor, I listened to them brag about their drinking habits, their pursuit of 'babes,' and their various weekend diversions. The emptiness of their lives stood in stark contrast to the fullness of my own! Please do not misunderstand my attitude here. I am not crawling up on a pedestal to look down on others. Like Paul, I know that "God was kind! He made me what I am, and his wonderful kindness wasn’t wasted." (1 Corinthians 15:10, CEV)

Next week Bev and I will celebrate our 33rd anniversary, thanks be to God's goodness. In my marriage, I have a source of joy that my 'babe chasing' friend, whose marriage ended because of his wandering ways, cannot know. In that same conversation, another person made reference to the fact that he had fulfilled his 'Christmas obligations' by spending a day with his adult son and daughter, with the implication it was not something he did gladly. I enjoy my children's love and esteem, not because I am better or brighter than him, but because the Holy Spirit helped me to love and nurture them as a godly father through the years. My life is crowded with friends, abounding in hope and purpose, and my eternal home secure in Christ! What more could I want or need?

From time to time, someone will say "You're so lucky. You lead a charmed life, that knows so little of problems or sadness." I smile and thank the Lord! But, the truth is that my sojourn on this planet has not been a walk in the park without trials, temptation, or tribulation. I've known sorrow, seduction of the sinful nature, and disappointment as much as any other man. The difference is that those things have not broken me, because I do not walk alone. God has led me through dark valleys and His promise has proven true - "I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel safe." (Psalm 23:4, CEV)

Once again, let me emphasize I do not write these words to boast, but to exult in the amazing grace of God! I deserve judgment; I am gifted with life abundant! Yes, to be sure, there are choices to be made and I am responsible for choosing, day after day, to say "yes" to Him, in order to continue to know His goodness. But, even those choices are empowered by the Spirit who works deeply in me, drawing me to the Presence and favor of God, in Christ Jesus.

Are you 'rich toward God?' (Luke 12:21) Are you pursuing Him, seeking to live in the center of His goodness, enjoying the wealth of His favor? You can! I do not belong to an exclusive club that is open only to those of some special bloodline or heritage. I received the grace of God, and you can receive Him, too.

Here's what the Word says. "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. As God’s partners, we beg you not to accept this marvelous gift of God’s kindness and then ignore it. For God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 5:21-6:2, NLT)

Choose now to receive the gift of God's undeserved favor. Let Him hide your life in Christ. I cannot promise you that all your troubles will go away. Neither the Scripture nor my experience of the Christian life would support such a claim. But I can promise you that you will find a whole new dimension to life, one that is beyond the reach of those who live apart from the Spirit!

How rich I am
since Jesus came my way,
Redeemed my soul and
turned my night to day.
How very rich, how very rich I am!

Such peace and joy
I never knew before.
And countless blessings from
His boundless store.
How very rich, how very rich I am!

There's a greater glory in a sunset,
A brighter twinkle in a star,
There's much more promise in a rainbow
More music in a singing bird by far;

All things have changed
my eyes once blind can see,
The whole wide world is
now a symphony,
And with all this,
heav'n is my destiny,
How rich I am!

© 1956. Renewed 1984 John W. Peterson Music Company CCLI License No. 810055

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Politics and me

America is now officially in the Presidential selection process. Iowans caucus tonight, followed by primaries across these United States in coming weeks. You know that, right? Unless you're living without electricity, somewhere in a wilderness cabin, you cannot avoid seeing Obama, Clinton, Edwards, Huckabee, McCain, Giuliani, and Romney. I hope that you will see the process as an opportunity for more than just casting a vote. This is a time for conversations about which way our country will turn in the next year. Believer, I urge you to engage your mind and integrate the Truth to which you lay claim into the dialogue. Anyone who thinks that politics and faith do not intersect has not read much of the Old Testament prophets. Those men fearless called on their kings to lead the people with justice and in righteousness.

Know this, too. There is more to the conversation than abortion and/or same sex marriage! Yes, I am concerned about protection for the unborn child and believe that our government policies should defend the defenseless one in the womb. I am troubled by the trend to extend the same recognition to homosexual households that are enjoyed by heterosexual couples. Marriage is sacred and foundational to a secure social structure. However, I am also deeply concerned about government policies that insure economic opportunities for everyone, that our policies encourage care for the Creation for which God has made us responsible, and that justice for all become more than rhetoric. We need to talk about our willingness to go to war and what the concept of 'just war' means in the world today. Believer, we cannot allow ourselves to be drawn in by politics as usual that appeals to our self interest. I encourage you to think of the interest of others, including those who are not American, in your politics.

During this election I am going to try to think less as a Republican or a Democrat and more as a Christian! I hope that you will, too. We may not find ourselves in one big block of votes, supporting a single candidate that takes positions we find in keeping with our convictions. But we can raise a witness and have a powerful effect on the political process when we intelligently bring our faith to the process on every issue, not just the ones that are easy or traditionally of concern to Believers. Let's not become predictably 'left' or 'right' or 'conservative' or 'liberal' or PBS or FoxNews!

Let's become prophetic! Let's adopt the courage and conviction of men like Amos who shouts - "let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" (Amos 5:24, NIV); and Micah who cries out "O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8, NLT) "How can I tolerate your merchants who use dishonest scales and weights? The rich among you have become wealthy through extortion and violence. Your citizens are so used to lying that their tongues can no longer tell the truth." (Micah 6:11-12, NLT)

And do not forget the powerful effect of the prayers of those who fear God. "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior." (1 Timothy 2:1-3, NIV)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


On this second day of 2008, as I look out over a new year, I see much for which to be personally thankful. I am blessed man, with a loving family, a warm and safe home, more resources than I need, and a knowledge of God's gracious love. However, it is crystal clear to me that the blessings I enjoy are not given to me so to insulate me from the need of the world in which I live! There is a temptation to turn my eyes from suffering, to give myself to pleasant diversions, to become another happily apathetic person who lives in a bubble of undisturbed bliss. Is the 'good life' really focused on finding the best restaurant, getting the best seat at the movies, buying a bigger screen TV, or playing a better game? For many Americans that is it! Why trouble one's self about children in developing nations that are sick and/or hungry? Why let issues of injustice in far away cities be of concern? Why give sacrificially to the support the work of church or charity when there is no immediate benefit except to reduce one's taxes?

Jesus told a story that I think is particularly appropriate to my life (and perhaps to yours?) here at the beginning of 2008. Take a look. "A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. He said to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have room for all my crops.’" (Luke 12:16-17, NLT) In short, he was blessed! He did what comes naturally to us. Instead of recognizing the Source of his blessings and participating in God's work with his surplus, he hoarded it for himself. "Then he said, ‘I know! I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll have room enough to store all my wheat and other goods. And I’ll sit back and say to myself, "My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!" (Luke 12:18-19, NLT) Do not make the mistake of misreading the lesson in Jesus' story. He is not condemning wealth, nor is He condemning wise stewardship. He is challenging the idea that we can be self-sufficient and He is reminding us of the importance of remaining in touch with God and His purposes even when life is filled with blessings. He closes the story with words that are strikingly harsh - "Just then God showed up and said, ‘Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?’ "That’s what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God." (Luke 12:20-21, The Message)

My word for this year of 2008 is "better."

I am praying that God will help me to use the skills, the resources, and the opportunities that are uniquely available to me to make my world a better place. I do not labor under any delusions of changing history. I care nothing for notoriety. I aim to be faithful so that I can enjoy the smile of the Great Keeper of Records and have a sense that my life was invested in a purpose bigger than making Jerry's days a little more pleasant. I want to help the one who is ready to quit in despair find enough hope to keep trying. I want to give a little child the security of knowing they are loved. I want to point the one who is seeking for life to the Loving Lord who gives lasting life. I want to encourage a Believer to discover the joy of being who God wants him to be. Each day I want to leave the world that I walk through, just a tiny bit better, God helping me!

What blessings has God invested in you?
What are you doing with those opportunities?

In 2 Kings, there is a story of provision. The Arameans were besieging the city of Samaria. The city was starving. Elisha, God's prophet, told them that in one day there would be an abundance of food. His words were met with scorn. Meanwhile, four men with leprosy whose disease had made them into social outcasts, were outside of the city walls starving. In their desperate plight, they decided to go to the Aramean army. When they got to the camp, they found that God had caused the soldiers to run off, leaving behind all of their tents and provisions. These lepers feasted until one of them realized that they had a greater responsibility. Here are their words, which I pray will be words that challenge us to use God's blessings in a better way: "We shouldn’t be doing this! This is a day of good news and we’re making it into a private party! If we wait around until morning we’ll get caught and punished. Come on! Let’s go tell the news ..." (2 Kings 7:9, The Message)

A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify,
A never dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.

To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfill;
O may it all my powr's engage
To do my Master's will!

Arm me with jealous care,
As in Thy sight to live,
And O, Thy servant, Lord, prepare,
A strict account to give!

Help me to watch and pray,
And on Thyself rely,
Assured, if I my trust betray,
I shall forever die.

A Charge to Keep I Have
Charles Wesley © Public Domain

Monday, December 31, 2007

Course correction due?

A couple I know recently turned a 45 minute trip into a 3 hour journey! How? They missed just one turn and, because they were in an unfamiliar area, did not realize their mistake. If my friends had consulted a map, they would have spared themselves a long detour. Years ago, when I was a student pilot, I set off on a flight on a bright sunny day and about an hour later came to the realization that I was far from the course that I had planned to fly. My airplane was pointed in the right direction, but because I was a rookie, I was not aware of the cross winds that were having a major effect on my true course. If I had kept my flight charts open and checked them, I would have quickly known about those winds. It is possible to think you're making great progress while traveling in the wrong direction!

At this year's end, we have the opportunity to check our progress in life. We need to ask ourselves some hard questions, make certain that we are 'on course.' Perhaps you think that your life is going in the right direction because you're feeling good, having fun, and are self-satisfied. The truth is that we need a way to evaluate our lives using a guide that is outside of ourselves. That is where the importance of the wisdom of the Scripture, the counsel of mature Believers, the guidance of the Spirit, and the practice of regular corporate worship enter the picture!

More than just doing 'good' things, a Believer is called to live in the purposes of God. Rick Warren coined the phrase, the "purpose driven life." He proposes that instead of letting life happen to us, reacting to situations that develop around us as we drift from day to day, that we learn what God desires of us, set our course, and fulfill His plans. Through the preacher Jeremiah God told His people who had let themselves fall far from their holy calling that He had not forgotten or forsaken them. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:11-13, NIV)

In order to find those plans and that promised destiny, we must commit ourselves to obedience and we need to do regular course corrections, asking:
"Am I making the choices God wants me to make or following my own desires?
Am I consistently doing what is right or taking the easy way of expedience?
Am I intentionally growing in character or drifting with the crowd and the current?"

December 31st is just another day on the calendar, another flip of the page. However, it is a reminder that a course correction might be due. I urge you to spend some time prayerfully reflecting on your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of those choices you're making that need to be brought into line with the purposes of God.

Perhaps you have made a wrong turn. If you're tolerating something that you know is not pleasing to Him, determine today to change course. Don't wait until you're far from the Way! And know this, too; everyone of us, even those who make good, God-honoring decisions from day to day, have to deal with crosswinds. Temptations arise and threaten to blow us off course. Illness, job loss, political change, and other factors beyond our control brings storms that effect our progress, but if we are guided by the Spirit, they will not take us from His purposes!

Here's a word from the Word. God asks His people to evaluate their lives.
Let these ancient words speak to you today.

"Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: "Consider your ways! "You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes." Thus says the Lord of hosts: "Consider your ways! Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified," says the Lord." (Haggai 1:5-8, NKJV)

I pray that His Purposes will become your purposes and that you will find, in Him, a glorious "hope and future."

Happy New Year!