“You’re pre-occupied, honey, aren’t you?” Bev noted last night. And, so I was. I’ll be ministering to a family of a young woman today and my mind was thinking about their loss. Driving through our town yesterday I realized anew that Christ’s church has much to do in leading others to know Him. Our troubled world is an unsettled place – war, terror, poverty, oppression being the lot of millions today. Those things, and more, made me think of heaven, home, and hope – the inheritance my Father has prepared for me.
Am I
complaining or in despair? Not at all! I enjoy rich blessings - the love of
God, many friendships, a loving wife, great kids – overall a privileged
life! What I am trying to say is that even with a good life, there is a
longing for that promised place where sin cannot enter, where suffering is
unknown, and where intimacy with God is unbroken. The Psalmist
expresses my desire: "One
thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of
the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him
in his temple." (Psalm 27:4, NIV)
Our Creator
made us to love and serve Him and His Spirit works in us causing us to
intensely desire His Presence. We will only fully know rest and communion with
Him when we reach Home! The late Dallas Willard pointed Christians
forward to eternity. Without a real conviction about Heaven and
home we risk becoming disillusioned, even embittered, with the
passing of time. Read his thoughts slowly. They are rich with
meet many faithful Christians who, in spite of their faith, are deeply disappointed
in how their lives have turned out. Sometimes it is a matter of how they experience aging,
in how their lives have turned out. Sometimes it is a matter of how they experience aging,
they take to mean they no longer have a future.
often, due to circumstances or wrongful decisions and actions by others,
they had hoped to accomplish in life they did not ....
of the distress of these people
comes from a failure to realize that their life lies
before them…
the life that lies endlessly before us in the kingdom
of God."
(The Divine
are you taking hold of Heaven, home, and hope that is your inheritance?
Remember, too; eternal life DOES NOT begin only after we die.
WE are citizens
of Heaven, now by the grace of Jesus Christ. I
commune with the Lord of Glory now. I am called to bring Heaven to
earth, to live in earnest expectation of glories to come, while confronting the
darkness of sin with the Light of Heaven, right now.
Abraham is
a model for us. He heard God's call, grasped the reality of
eternity, and lived the rest of days here on earth on pilgrimage. Was he
perfect? No! He took some detours from the straight and narrow path,
but he never lost sight of where he was
going. "By
an act of faith, Abraham said yes to God’s call to travel to an unknown place
that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. By
an act of faith he lived in the country promised him, lived as a stranger
camping in tents. Isaac and Jacob did the same, living under the same promise. Abraham
did it by keeping his eye on an unseen city with real, eternal foundations—the
City designed and built by God." (Hebrews 11:8-10,
The Message)
Our silly
fantasies about heaven can diminish our anticipation of that prepared
home. The images of the misty fog enveloping transparent
spirits floating in a ghostly realm, the fat little cherubs strumming harps as
their feet dangle over the edge of clouds, are nonsense. Heaven is a real
place, created by the same God that thought up the refraction of sunlight by
water moisture which produces the beauty of a rainbow. He did that
for a thing of beauty that lasts for a few moments. The One who
designed this temporal world, which is destined for destruction, has built a
place where we will live eternally. If He would make a temporary world of
such splendor, what must the eternal home He’s created for to enjoy forever be
like? John tried to describe it for us, but could only speak of gates of
pearl and streets of gold. The amazing beauty of a Mozart composition will sound
like a beginner’s piano piece compared to Heaven’s music. The inspiration
I find in Hillsong’s worship song, Oceans, will be nothing compared to the roar
of the throngs around the Throne of God who will raise a song of worship.
The best
conversations, the deepest love for another, the most wonderful worship, the
most blissful day - are just glimpses of what we will enjoy ALL THE TIME in our
So, by
faith, reach out and set your hope in Heaven. Never lose sight of
that place. When life is overwhelming, when sin threatens to engulf
you, when all seems futile, when disappointment breaks your heart -
look up and thank God that He has written Heaven into your
heart. It is precisely that longing for home that makes us
unwilling to settle down and desire our best life now.
words of promise are our word from the Word. Read them, believe them; He
promised. “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also
in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have
told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you
may be also." (John 14:1-3, NKJV)
to the Prize before us,
Soon His beauty we'll behold.
Soon the pearly gates will open,
We shall tread the streets of gold.
When we all get to
Heaven,Soon His beauty we'll behold.
Soon the pearly gates will open,
We shall tread the streets of gold.
What a day of rejoicing that will be,
When we all see Jesus,
We'll sing and shout the victory.
-public domain