Friday, January 15, 2021

Are you an influencer?

Influencers. These persons work to position themselves on social media to direct followers to products. If a person can attract a few thousand followers on social media, her marketing influence becomes valuable, increasing in value with each new follower. The explosion of users (around 4 billion people) of YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook creates opportunities for micro-marketing, which has proven amazingly effective. 

Christians have always been influencers although not with a personal profit motive. The presence of the Spirit in us should change our lives, creating a quality that makes His Gospel attractive.  Christian, does the thought of representing Jesus leave you feeling inadequate?

A pastor brought an electrical engineer to church to conduct an experiment. "We turned off all the lights, hooked up an ordinary pickle to some wires, and then passed an electrical current through it. The pickle glowed! It gave light to a room. Many people believe that the flow of the Holy Spirit is reserved for spiritual giants. but, throughout history God has caused His power to flow through the most unlikely people; a prostitute named Rahab, a con man named Jacob, and a cheat named Zacchaeus. So the next time you're feeling inadequate, remember that even a pickle can glow if it stays plugged in to the flow of power." (John Ortberg, God Is Closer Than You Think)  I have read that little story many times and each time, after I laugh, I feel renewed confidence that God can use me to do His work. 

Representing Christ is a high calling for which my natural abilities and skills are unequal! I quickly identify with Paul's question- "who is equal to such a task?" (2 Cor. 2:16)  I know, too well, my failures, inconsistencies, and fears. But, it is not about me. In fact, God invests the treasure of His grace and Spirit in "jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." (2 Corinthians 4:7, NIV)  Dear friend, while we do not revel in our failures, we can honestly acknowledge our weakness and lean hard on the Lord.  It is at that point that God can use us for 'when we are weak, He is strong!'

At the end of His earthly work Jesus called together that all-too-ordinary people to take His Message to the ends of the earth.  Oh how I love the promise made to those men, that is for us, too. "I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high." (Luke 24:49, NIV) Luke continues the story (Acts 2) telling us that a few days later, the Holy Spirit fell in that Upper Room. When He rested on those men and women they did experience a profound change, empowered for the Kingdom life. No, they did not become super-humans. They were not flawless, fail-proof, or above mistakes.  But, they were increasingly filled with the character of Christ, persistent in faith, and hopeful above all. The Holy Spirit made them influencers who “turned the world upside down” in a generation! 

Christianity has not survived for 2000 years
because of the greatness of Believers, but because of the faithfulness of God

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed by life today, wondering if you're up to doing anything useful for the Lord?
Are you discouraged by what appears to be more problems than answers, more need than resource?

Confess your need. Humbly lean on Him; dependent on His power. Wait to be empowered, expecting the Spirit to come. Those first disciples waited in the Upper Room for days. God, the Holy Spirit, came in HIS time, not theirs!

And, don’t forget that even a pickle glows when it's plugged into a current. (smile)

Here's a word from the Word.  It my favorite passage of Scripture. Soak up the promise.  I pray "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us
, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:17-21, NIV)

 Immeasurably more!


Goodness Of God
(worship along with CeCe Winans)


I love You Lord

Oh Your mercy never fails me

All my days

I've been held in Your hands

From the moment that I wake up

Until I lay my head

I will sing of the goodness of God


All my life You have been faithful

All my life You have been so so good

With every breath that I am able

I will sing of the goodness of God


I love Your voice

You have led me through the fire

In darkest night

You are close like no other

I've known You as a father

I've known You as a friend

I have lived in the goodness of God


Your goodness is running after

It’s running after me

Your goodness is running after

It’s running after me

With my life laid down

I’m surrendered now

I give You everything

Your goodness is running after

It's running after me


Ben Fielding | Brian Johnson | Ed Cash | Jason Ingram | Jenn Johnson


© 2018 Alletrop Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

SHOUT! Music Publishing Australia (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

Fellow Ships Music (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC)

So Essential Tunes (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC)


CCLI License # 810055

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Failed, again?


While reading the reports of the arrests of people who illegally entered the nation’s Capitol building I note that some who were solid citizens made an awful error in judgment. Who knows why otherwise law-abiding people made the choice to rampage through the seat of government?  Their actions that day will change the rest of their lives;  jobs lost, perhaps prison time, criminal records. I am not justifying what they did in these remarks. But, I hope for restoration. 


Why?  Because I understand failure! 35 years ago my life went sideways and I made ignorant and sinful decisions that led to painful personal consequences. As a result, life changed dramatically for me and for my family. In the middle of it all, God kept loving me, the Spirit reminding me that I could conclude that failure was fatal or I could receive the grace of God for a new start.  Yes, my choices had consequences, felt by me to this day, but out of those ashes came a new man.


Gordon MacDonald, an author and pastor, made some sinful choices in mid-life. A nationally known leading Christian, he found himself a pariah, many writing him off from any future in God’s work. He was an example of what is required for restoration. He made no excuses for the choices he had made. He took time to rebuild his life around truly important priorities, retreating from public view for two years. 


About a decade later, he reflected on that season and how God had changed him. "My touch with failure changed a large part of my perspective as a pastor. It gave me an indelible vision of the host of people who enter the sanctuary every week and are staring failure squarely in the face. When I stand to pray, I see two people a few rows back failing at a marriage. Next to them sits an attorney who faces disbarment. Nearby is a man crippled by an addiction to pornography. To his right, a mother who feels a failure with her kids; to her left, the man who can't keep a job. ... I would never have seen most of these people ... had it not been for my own failure. In short, failure gave me a new set of eyes. There is a stewardship to failure. What we learn and gain in our own dark moments is meant to be shared one day with others who face similar kinds of failures. Some of us would like to bury our failures, forget they ever happened. But that doesn't seem possible. There are too many fallen people along the way who can profit from what we've learned of God."  (Discipleship Journal : Issue 109)

Let me tell you something you must know – God is a Restorer! He does not write us off.  IF you fail, and the truth is that we all do - somewhere, sometime - there will be many voices that indignantly insist that you’re too damaged to be useful, that God is finished with you, that you should give up and go away. That is not the voice of God!   

When His people failed terribly, they suffered awfully; but He held out this offer which is still good. “Come now, let us argue this out,” says the Lord. “No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool. If you will only obey me and let me help you, then you will have plenty to eat. But if you keep turning away and refusing to listen, you will be destroyed by your enemies. I, the Lord, have spoken!” (Isaiah 1:18-20, NLT)  

In our age there is so much gracelessness, so much judgment. As God’s people I pray our hearts will be filled with tender empathy, that we learn to see beyond the failure, that we will be willing to extend the same grace that we have received from God who loved us ‘while we were still sinners.’ Restoration is not easy! Forgiveness and healing seldom come in a moment’s time. If we will face life honestly, admit to ourselves and to those we have hurt what we have done, humbly asking them to forgive, we can start again. Yes, God forgives us but it is often much tougher to forgive ourselves.


If you're tempted to try to make a deal with God, reject that impulse. The Lord does not plea bargain. He looks for repentance; "the sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise." (Psalm 51:17, NLT) If your 'failure' is not one of sin, but rather finding yourself overwhelmed by your circumstances, there is this in the Word. "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18, NIV)

Here is a word from the Word. Own it for yourself, give it away to those in need of hope.
God told His people, and us, this -
“Here’s what I’m going to do: I’m going to take you out of these countries, gather you from all over, and bring you back to your own land. I’ll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed. I’ll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You’ll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You’ll be my people! I’ll be your God!" (Ezekiel 36:24-28, The Message) 

"The danger is not that we should fall . . . but that we could remain on the ground."  - John Chrysostom


Holy Water

God I'm on my knees again

God I'm begging please again

I need You

Oh I need You

Walking down these desert roads

Water for my thirsty soul

I need You

Oh I need You


Your forgiveness

Is like sweet sweet honey on my lips

Like the sound of a symphony to my ears

Like holy water (on my skin)


Dead man walking slave to sin

I wanna know about being born again

I need You

Oh God I need You

So take me to the riverside

Take me under baptize

I need You

Oh God I need You oh


I don't wanna abuse Your grace

God I need it ev'ry day

It's the only thing that ever really

Makes me wanna change


Yeah it’s like holy water on my skin

Oh it’s like holy water


Andrew Bergthold | Ed Cash | Franni Cash | Martin Cash | Scott Cash

© 2019 Andrew Bergthold Designee (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

Capitol CMG Paragon (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

We The Kingdom ASCAP Designee (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

We The Kingdom Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.


CCLI License # 810055

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Dirty Window Syndrome


How’s your vision? A young friend of mine recently had an eye exam and was prescribed corrective lens. When he put on his glasses for the first time he looked across the street through the front window and saw the neighbor’s house clearly. He said that he always just thought the windows needed cleaning!  

Many of us are struggling with what I am going to call ‘dirty window syndrome.  We cannot see ahead clearly and we mistakenly conclude that our environment is the problem when, in fact, it is our vision that needs to be corrected. 

Jesus, after a healing a blind born without eyesight, spoke to those around him who suffered from spiritual blindness. “I have come to judge the world. I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.” (John 9:39, NLT)  He promised to bring clarity of vision to those who would follow Him.  At the heart of His mission is the restoration of our ability to see the reality of life as God sees.

Christian, are you seeing life through God’s eyes?  When we have eyes that are open to spiritual reality, we begin to grasp the 'why' behind the 'what' in life. We were created for more than eating, drinking, and sleeping!  In the turbulent times in which we are living is critically importance that we live with spiritual insight to keep ourselves from being deceived by the mirage of finding security in the things of this present world

There is a story about one of God’s preachers, Elisha, who found himself pursued by an angry king. His servant went out one morning and saw the king’s army surrounding the town and was terrified by the prospect of capture and death. When he reported his fear to Elisha, the old preacher prayed this: “O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." (2 Kings 6:17, NIV)  

Dear friend, because of Christ Jesus, we can find safety and security in the embrace of our Father. Not even the natural fear of death itself is a terror for the Believer. We, Scripture says, are no longer "held in slavery by their fear of death." (Hebrews 2:15, NIV) Why? Because we can see beyond the edge of time into eternity!

People without vision merely survive.  They are like that guy in that 1990's Dunkin' Donuts commercial who staggered out the door each morning explaining that it was '... time to make the donuts!' We are made for more than just making the donuts, more than just grinding out another day.  The Word declares that "we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10, NLT) I pray that vision is renewed in me, in you, in these opening days of 2021.  May He cause us to see His vision, give us courage to own it, and faith to live brightly, children of the Heavenly Father.

Here's a word from the Word for you today.  It comes from a preacher with a strange name – Habbakuk. The people of God were under siege from their powerful neighbor.  That God would allow the godless Babylonians to destroy Jerusalem made little sense to natural eyes!  He cries out for revelation. Are you wondering about today, trying to find purpose in life? Take this promise.

"Then the LORD replied:

“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

“See, he is puffed up; his desires are not upright— but the righteous will live by his faith" (Habakkuk 2:2-4, NIV)


Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou my vision
O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me

Save that Thou art
Thou my best thought

By day or by night
Waking or sleeping

Thy presence my light

Be Thou my Wisdom and
Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and
Thou with me Lord
Thou my great Father
I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling and
I with Thee one

High King of heaven
When vict'ry is won

May I reach heaven's joys
O bright heaven's Sun

Heart of my own heart
Whatever befall

Still be my vision
O Ruler of all

Eleanor Henrietta Hull | Mary Elizabeth Byrne

© Words: Public Domain

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Truth? Does it exist?


 Trust in authority has taken near fatal hits in recent months, at least for me. Who can I trust? What is true?  We all know how to deal with ‘spin,’ which is presenting the ‘facts’ in the way that best supports the position for which we are an advocate. Currently, what we are experiencing is more than spin. Facts seem to shift depending on the winds of public opinion and the manipulation of the media.  The tragic result, at least in my life, is the development of an awful cynicism about public figures and authority.  I question most everyone and everything and it is an unpleasant way to live. God help me to find a better way.

Christian, we must be people who are committed to the truth.  Do you know that you can avoid speaking falsehoods and still be less than honest? If we work to create an impression, if we allow others to form wrong conclusions that are encouraged by a wink or a nod, we are living a lie even if our words are technically true. Truth, as a word, is fairly easy to define. Truth is the actual state of a matter, conformity with fact. Living truthfully is much more difficult.   

One of the great tragedies of America today is our willingness to assign motives, to assume we know the content of another’s heart. When someone says or does something we find offensive, we tend to turn them into a villain, the whole of their life defined by a single statement or a moment.  Oh how we need to realize anew that each one of us is a mixture of motives, that we are human beings capable of being wonderful and awful in the same day.

 One of the most honest things we can say is this - “I don’t know.”  When we get caught up in thorny issues – pandemic policies, political issues, or a plethora of other questions – we do not always have to ‘be right’ or have a set opinion. We need not rush to judge another, be quick to condemn or acquit, or choose a side!

When we say “I just don’t know,” it lets us listen and learn.  Genuine humility will lead us to acknowledge that in many situations, perhaps most, we just do not have ‘all the facts.’  To assume that we do leads us to judge and frankly, makes fools of us on too many occasions. No wonder Jesus cautions us about taking God’s place and says, “Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged." (Matthew 7:1-2, NLT)

When we walk with God, when we create an open heart to His Presence, there is a promise He gives. Jesus said of the Holy Spirit "when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." (John 16:13, NIV)  Yes, He will reveal what is best and true to us. 

We need not live in confusion, allowing the chaos born of our current controversies to own us. Why?  Because God, the Spirit, will give us ‘the mind of Christ.’  (2 Cor. 2.13)  Think of Jesus as He was dragged before Pilate, questioned, judged unfairly, sentenced to death. In spite of the lies and the hate, He knew Who He was, what His mission was, and remained steady through it all.

Let’s pray to be like that: not detached, but engaged with hope; not quick to judge, but patient; people who love the truth even when it means saying, “I don’t have that answer!”

Do you love the truth?  Is your life characterized by honesty, authenticity?  Do you refuse to become a part of the image-building and public posturing that fills this age?  Living in that way will not necessarily win any popularity contests.  Jesus confronted the world with the truth and they killed Him for it!   But, letting truth shape your life from the inside out will make you whole and holy, a person who has the ‘mind of Christ’ in this world.  Resting on the Truth we will live lovingly, people who are capable of creating peace. 

Here's a word from the Word for your thoughts today:  
"Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." (Matthew 5:37, NKJV)  

No spin, no quick judgments- just the Truth!


Truth I'm Standing On
(Listen and let faith grow!)



Oh I thought I knew scared

But I’m so filled with fear that I can barely move



I’ve had my share of doubts

But never more than right now

I’m wondering where are you


Here on the edge of fall apart

Somehow you’re promises

Find my troubled heart


This is the truth I’m standing on

Even when all my strength is gone

You are faithful forever and

I know you’ll never let me fall

Right now I’m choosing to believe

That someday soon I’ll look back and see

All the pain had a purpose

Your plan was perfect all along


This is the truth I’m standing on

Even when all my strength is gone

You are faithful forever and

I know you’ll never let me fall

Right now I’m choosing to believe

That someday soon I’ll look back and see

All the pain had a purpose

Your plan was perfect all along

This is the truth I’m standing on


Good I believe you’re still good

Even when life’s not good

I’m clinging to this hope

That the God who parts the sea

Promises that he will make a way for me


You’re my rock my shield my firm foundation

I know I will not be shaken

You remind me where my help comes from


Andrew Jacob Pruis | Leanna Crawford | Matthew West

© Combustion Five (Admin. by Me Gusta Music LLC)

Third Story House Music (Admin. by Me Gusta Music LLC)

CCLI License # 810055

Monday, January 11, 2021

The Richest Gift You Can Give

The gift of praying for others is one each of us can offer to others.  I count the prayers of others among my richest resources. Yesterday, as I began a full day of ministry, a friend texted me a prayer offered on my behalf. I felt the Presence of God as I read those words. Decades ago, on that May evening on which I was ordained to Christian ministry, senior pastors gathered around me, placing their hands on my shoulders, inviting God, the Holy Spirit, to prepare me for service. 

The prayers of friend and family have sustained me in trial, in sickness, when seeking guidance.  I am beyond grateful for the prayers of others.

James tells us to "confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:16, NIV)  Don’t miss the heart of that instruction by understanding it too narrowly.  We are to remain open with each other, able to talk through our faults and failures. The right response to the vulnerability of another Believer is not rejection, but rather prayer which brings healing. The word James uses for healing is about wholeness  of body, soul, and spirit.

On this Monday morning, I want to encourage you to PRAY for one another. Toss the criticism. Leave behind the remarks about another’s faults or difference. The Christian church would be a wholly different place IF God’s people really prayed for one another, constantly, earnestly, fervently.  When you pray for someone, you give them an amazing gift. You do not have to be wealthy to do this. You do not have to be a pastor or church leader, either.  God just asks you to be faithful to pray for others. Let me repeat that text - "pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with." (James 5:16, The Message) 

I doubt many of my sermons have a shelf life of even 7 days! Things I write to encourage other Christians quickly fade into forgottenness. But, the prayers that I pray are recorded in eternity and are actively reshaping lives. That is not intended to sound grandiose. It is the reality I know.

Make sure when you pray you are actually addressing God.  That is one of the reasons for getting alone when you engage in real prayer. There we are not tempted to polish our words, to speak to the people in the room instead of the Father. It is a natural temptation to turn public prayers into little sermons or inspirational talks; both of which miss the point of prayer entirely! Jesus said "when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:6, NIV)

You CAN pray effectively for others. Eloquence is not required. Lengthy, involved petition is not a prerequisite. You do not have to be faultless or sinless to pray! Present the need of your friend to God, asking Him to work on their behalf. Open your heart, your mouth; engage our mind and speak to the Father.  Often when I am praying for those in my pastoral care, I don't even know what to ask for on their behalf. The situation may be complicated, the details of their dilemma unknown to me, yet I can pray for them because God knows their need, so I ask Him to love them, keep them, steady them, entrusting that person to Him.

You might wonder why that is necessary. Doesn’t God know what we need before we ask? He does! I do not know all the reasons that an All-knowing, All-powerful Purposeful God wants us to pray, but clearly He does. The Bible make that abundantly clear. "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)

There are moments when you can be an incredible blessing to someone by praying with them and for them. One of the joys of my calling is to sit with a person who is broken, or sick, or overwhelmed and to speak to God on their behalf. You can do this, too. Your words might get mixed up. There may be moments when there are quiet pauses.  But, when we invite God’s Spirit to come near, together, it is like a soothing salve for the soul.

Few things are capable of touching me more deeply than hearing someone talk about me, my needs, my life to the Father. It does not have to be ‘perfect’ to be good.  God will put it all in the right perspective and use our prayers to accomplish His will and purposes.

A caution is in order here. IF you are privileged to pray with someone else, do not turn it into a moment of correction or rebuke! Such ‘prayers’ are unloving and self-defeating because they stir up resentment. IF a friend needs to get something right in his life, talk with the Lord alone about that. Should you feel the need to address their ‘problem’ do it face to face, honestly, without using ‘prayer’ as a cover.

Let’s go beyond - "Lord, bless Pete, Sally, and Sam." Let's ask God to enrich the lives of our family, friends, and those in the world around us by praying authentic prayers on their behalf.

The word from the Word is Paul's amazing prayer for the Ephesians. I love the hope and power that fill these words. What a prayer to pray on behalf of others.

"Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for Christians everywhere, I have never stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people. I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him.”
(Ephesians 1:15-19, NLT)

Can I get an Amen?


The Prayers Of The Saints

(Matt Redman invites us to worshipful prayer)


Are the prayers of the saints

Like sweet smelling incense

Are the prayers of the saints

Like sweet smelling incense to Your heart

To Your heart


Let these prayers of the saints

Be sweet smelling incense

Let these prayers of the saints

Be sweet smelling incense to Your heart


Are the songs of the saints

Like sweet smelling incense

Are the songs of the saints

Like sweet smelling incense to Your heart

To Your heart


Let these songs of the saints

Be sweet smelling incense

Let these songs of the saints

Be sweet smelling incense to Your heart


Matt Redman

© 1998 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

CCLI License # 810055