Driving home at dusk yesterday, I noted the splash of colors surrounding me and pulled off the road to drink it in. As I released the tensions of the day, I breathed a prayer of praise, thanking God for the beauty and for a moment’s respite from it all. Lyrics of an old Louis Armstrong song played through my mind- "I see skies of blue and clouds of white, the bright blessed days, the dark sacred nights; and I think to myself: What a wonderful world!" Thanks, Lord, I needed that. It’s been a turbulent week – a death of a friend, the final days of my pastoral service, the tragic news from Afghanistan and Haiti.
kinds of weeks show up in our lives, from time to time, when life gets heavy. Death, hate, war, and destruction are signals
to those of us in Christ we are pilgrims in this world, citizens of an eternal
Kingdom, not home just yet. Still, there is beauty to be found, joy to be discovered,
beauty and brightness in the middle of the mess.
Joining David’s song, we can reset, renew, and refresh our souls.
“O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and
crowned him with glory and honor." (Psalm 8:1-5, NIV)
Have you found yourself tired out, or filled with dread, or just overwhelmed by the sadness brought to life by sin and suffering?
Did you awaken this morning and wish that you could just pull down the shades and hide out from life for the day?
understand that impulse, and I also know that joy comes with the morning, if we
look up and take in His goodness and mercy. Find reasons to rejoice today. Open
your heart to God’s Presence. Pray earnestly and expectantly for those
situations that are beyond your control.
"The LORD is a refuge for the
oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will
trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Sing
praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has
done." (Psalm 9:8-11, NIV)
those words your prayer, personalizing the hope found in them. The Lord – my refuge! The Lord – who never
forsakes me! Become God aware in a new way
Here is a word from the Word. It is one of the songs of ascent, songs for the road as pilgrims went ‘up’ to Jerusalem for holy festivals.
Read it aloud, and go ‘up’ to the Presence of God. He will answer with His tender mercies bringing a new dawn.
"A song of ascents.
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord;
O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.
I wait for the
Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
O Israel, put your
hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.
He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins."
(Psalm 130, NIV)
I pray you are renewed in His love today.
In brokenness and wandering
Through all my fear and unbelief
Your faithfulness appears to me again
Through mountain top and valley low
In ev'ry season this I know
Your goodness like the dawn will break again
All Your mercies rising
In this heart again
And my soul begins to sing
They are new ev'ry morning
New ev'ry morning
Great is Your faithfulness
Your mercies are new ev'ry morning
New ev'ry morning
Great is Your faithfulness
Ev'ry good and perfect gift
In Your endless grace You give
Flowing from the Father's heart to mine
Beams of Heaven as I go
Through this wilderness below
The fullness of Your love for all of time
All Your mercies rising in this heart again
All Your mercies rising in this heart again
All Your mercies rising
Forever shining in this grateful heart again
Great is Your faithfulness
Great is Your faithfulness
Colby Taylor | Daniel Kim | Edith McNeil | Matt Redman | May Angeles
© 2019 Tent Peg Music (div. of New Nation Music [Admin. by Music Services, Inc.])
Colby Taylor Designee (Admin. by Integrity Music)
CCLI License # 810055