Friday, April 03, 2009

Sex crazed?

Almost daily our local newspaper carries reports of crimes of a sexual nature. Today's edition reported three sex crimes in just our local area; a 60 year old township leader accused of sexually assaulting a 19 year old woman, a father of high school age kids encouraging students to party at his home where he built a room called 'the cave' in which he encouraged teens to have sex, and a 21 year old female student teacher engaging in sexual contact with a boy in her 6th grade class. Anybody who has spent 10 minutes on the Internet knows that pornography is just a click away and is one of the 'net's big money makers. At a Christian men's conference I attended a couple of weeks ago, two sessions were devoted to the whole issue of sexual temptation that so easily turns into self-destructive behavior for far too many men. So, what's up with this? Are we a sex-crazed society?

Yes, and I blame, in part, the Church for a sorry, incomplete teaching about this part of human nature. The extent of the message that many Christians have heard is "Don't!" Sex, if spoken of at all, is usually wrapped in dire warnings of disease, debauchery, and disgust! Have we forgotten that God created us as sexual beings and that He made this part of our humanity a powerful bonding experience? Read the Song of Solomon lately? It is an erotic poem, part of the Holy Scripture. In it, God celebrates the love of a man and a woman including their physical longings for each other. Genesis reminds us, 'male and female, He created them.' Our Creator invested the pleasure of sexuality with the power of procreativity, linking the two in a way that keeps a man and woman together to raise the children they bring into the world.

Yes, our sexuality is a powerful drive and if not properly understood, given the right context, and governed with self-discipline; it will control us and lead us into all kinds of deviant and destructive behaviors. That is why the Word is not vague in telling God's people to avoid filthiness, to run from promiscuity, and to stay in love with their spouse! Could the Scripture be more explicit than this? "Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. ... Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love." (Proverbs 5:18-20, NLT)

To simply proclaim prohibition will set up God's people for failure! We need to celebrate marriage, teach men and women how to really love each other including physical intimacy that is life-long and satisfying. The Word directs us to keep intimacy alive in our marriages, a very practical instruction. In a frank recognition of our sexuality, Paul wrote these inspired words: "It's good for a man to have a wife, and for a woman to have a husband. Sexual drives are strong, but marriage is strong enough to contain them and provide for a balanced and fulfilling sexual life in a world of sexual disorder. The marriage bed must be a place of mutuality-the husband seeking to satisfy his wife, the wife seeking to satisfy her husband. Marriage is not a place to "stand up for your rights." Marriage is a decision to serve the other, whether in bed or out." (1 Corinthians 7:1-4, The Message)

Husband, are you loving your wife? Are you continuing to woo her with your words, your attention, your gentleness? "Husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. ... As the Scriptures say, "A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." (Ephesians 5:28, 31, NLT) Wife, are you responsive to your husband, returning his love and finding your fulfillment in him?

Admittedly, we live in a fallen world that tries to steal away God's gifts. The world, the flesh, and the Devil conspire to rob us of the joy of intimacy, to make us slaves of that part of us which we must master! But, even our sexuality can be made holy! Yes, it should. Along with our whole being, we must bring this part of our lives to Christ and ask Him to teach us how to be whole and holy. When Christians reclaim sexuality from the gutter, restore it to a place of honorable celebration within the context of their marriage, they will find themselves equipped to deal with a sex-crazed culture, able to say, "Yes" to God's plan and "No" to that which would lead to sin and death.

As you go out today, remember your high and holy calling. Here's a word from the Word to take with you. "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God's people. Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes-these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God." (Ephesians 5:1-5, NLT)

"Carefully determine what pleases the Lord." (Ephesians 5:10, NLT)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Paternity test!

Following in Dad’s steps as a pastor has it’s pluses and minuses! Being the pastor of the church where I grew up – definitely interesting! But, more and more, as I age, I hear from people, “You remind me of your Dad.” There are a few physical similarities as a result of his DNA, but their references are aimed more at things I do. Some phrase or mannerism makes people think of him, the shadow of his influence showing in my words or action. Mostly I hope I show the same love of people and the Lord, two powerful forces that drove my Dad in his life. The basic fact is this: I don’t need a test to establish his paternity! It’s obvious to any who knew Pastor Scott, Sr. that I am his son.

Jesus confronted the religious leaders of His time who attacked Him and resisted His teaching by telling them that He knew their father! They were proud of their heritage as children of Abraham, the father of the faithful, but Jesus told them they were illegitimate children, their true father was not who they thought. As one might expect, His words provoked fury. Take a look.
“If you were really the children of Abraham, you would follow his example. Instead, you are trying to kill me because I told you the truth, which I heard from God. Abraham never did such a thing. No, you are imitating your real father.” They replied, “We aren’t illegitimate children! God himself is our true Father.” Jesus told them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, because I have come to you from God. I am not here on my own, but he sent me. … For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does." (John 8:39-42, 44, NLT)

Disciple, to whom do your actions and values point?
Whose ‘fathering’ influence is effecting the way you live?

The Word tells us that God’s true children are ‘born again,’ fathered a second time. "To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God." (John 1:12-13, NIV) The Holy Spirit mysteriously enters our being and begins a process of transformation; changing our nature, our values, our conversation, and it becomes obvious to observers Who our Father is. Just as I don’t have to consciously work to be like my Dad, no true child of God will have to work it up, either. If He lives in us, the truth of our spiritual paternity will be obvious.

Here’s a word from the Word to ponder today. “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike." (Matthew 5:43-45, NLT)

May it be said of you always – “You’re just like your Father!”

And remember, a rich inheritance awaits the children of the Heavenly Father; provision for the present and promise for eternity. "Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." (Luke 12:29-31, NIV)

Great is Thy faithfulness,
Oh God, my Father.
There is no shadow of turning
With Thee.
Thou changest not,
Thy compassions they fail not.
As Thou hast been,
Thou forever will be!

Great is Thy faithfulness.
Great is Thy faithfulness.
Morning by morning,
New mercies I see.
All I have needed,
Thy hand hath provided,
Great is Thy faithfulness,
Lord, unto me.

- Public domain

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Finding God

Rabbi Naomi Levy repeats the story about a young boy who went into the woods day after day. When his Dad noticed this pattern he inquired, “What do you go out to the woods every day?” The son said, “I go there to find God.” The father, whose theology was sound, corrected the boy, “But, don’t you know that God is the same everywhere?” The boy’s wisdom was apparent in his reply: “Yes, Dad, but I am not the same everywhere!” – To Begin Again

We are renewed by God’s Presence, aren’t we? Worship is one of the key factors in the development of spiritual maturity. Finding ways to connect with Him is the challenge. The spiritual love language that each of us speaks is very different. I am by nature a contemplative. My best times of worship require solitude and quietness. For example, last night, Bev was in our home office, working. I was alone in the living room. There, in the quiet, I found myself touched, moved deeply by the Spirit, aware that I had come near to the heart of God. I know others who experience His Presence as they dish out meals to the poor. Still others experience His renewal as they listen to the majestic compositions of Bach. Yet others worship deeply when they are shouting and dancing in a Pentecostal revival! One place is not better than another. That is where we go wrong! We tend to think that our worship language should be the way that all come near to Him.

Gary Chapman, in his well-known marriage book, explains the five love languages that are common to humans.
Some thrive on words of affirmation.
Others are moved by spending quality time together sharing experiences.
Still others are responsive to acts of service feeling loved when their spouse washes their car.
Then, there are those who experience love when they receive gifts.
Many (especially men!) speak the love language of physical touch.
A wise spouse learns the primary love language of his mate and speaks it often, even if it is not his innate way to show or experience love.

So, too, a mature disciple learns multiple spiritual love languages so that she can experience the Presence of God in the woods or at the mall; alone in the middle of the night or among the congregation in corporate worship. Jesus teaches us that our worship must be always be ‘in Spirit and truth,’ that is, offered from the depths of our beings in response to God’s moving and without manipulative or selfish motives that block His call to integrity.

Take this word from the Word with you today. Before you rush on to other duties, ponder the call to the Presence of God and invite Him near to you.

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long,
“Where is your God?”
These things I remember as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God,
with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng.

Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?

Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."
(Psalm 42:1-5, NIV)

Light of the world,
You stepped down into darkness,
opened my eyes, let me see
beauty that made this heart adore You,
Hope of a life spent with You.

King of all days,
oh, so highly exalted.
Glorious in Heaven above!
Humbly You came to earth You created.
All for love's sake became poor.

Here I am to worship!
Here I am to bow down!
Here I am to say
that You're my God.
You're altogether lovely,
altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.

Here I Am To Worship
Tim Hughes© 2000 Kingsway Music
CCLI License No. 810055

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Are you a fraud?

As I walked past the jewelry counter, I saw the sparkle of what I thought were diamonds. Even from a couple of feet away I could not tell that they were not real. Bending over to look I realized that I was looking at ‘beautiful cubic zirconia’ - fakes! Faux ‘diamonds’ have many of the qualities of a genuine gem but the critical thing, value, is not there. The ultimate test is pressure. A real diamond is many times more durable than a man-made one. Are you a genuine Christian? Let’s be specific, the reference is not to being a ‘Church-ian,’ nor is it about simple morality. It is about receiving God’s grace by faith and loving Jesus Christ in a way that makes Him the Center of our life. It is possible to settle for a fake religion, an experience that looks very much like a genuine faith. But, when pressure is applied, the real disciple will stand, while those who are frauds will fold!

The Word contrasts faux religion with genuine faith in this passage.
"If with Christ you’ve put all that pretentious and infantile religion behind you, why do you let yourselves be bullied by it? “Don’t touch this! Don’t taste that! Don’t go near this!” Do you think things that are here today and gone tomorrow are worth that kind of attention? Such things sound impressive if said in a deep enough voice. They even give the illusion of being pious and humble and ascetic. But they’re just another way of showing off, making yourselves look important.

So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective." (Colossians 2:20-3:2, The Message)

Religion is all about ‘me.’ Christianity is all about Him! As that passage explains, a person who is taken by a fraudulent religion will work hard at piety. They will create all kinds of prohibitions in an attempt to keep sin in check. But without the reality of the Spirit, without the resurrection power of Christ, all they have is a system of behavior modification. Dallas Willard calls this fake religion ‘the Gospel of Sin Management.’ –The Divine Conspiracy

The focus is constantly on keeping Self from leading us to greed, lust, or selfishness. The heart’s desire does not really change, it is simply put on a leash, often a tether of fear! The implied motivation is ‘if you want God to treat you well, you better be good!’ Or, it is ‘if you want to be respected as real Christian, you must always look good.’ Such religiosity is an exercise in missing the point!

A genuine conversion experience is exactly that, an infusion of a quality of life that begins a transformation that starts at the core of our being. We read this promise: "All of us who have had that veil (the spiritual blindness of religion, my comment) removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image." (2 Corinthians 3:18, NLT) The restraint on sinful behavior comes from an inner quality of life, not from externally imposed controls. An observer often cannot tell the difference.

The fake and the real appear the same. But, apply some pressure and the person who is working hard at ‘being good,’ will crack! The real disciple will stand; indeed, he will flourish for the pressure will squeeze the sweet fragrance of Christ’s life from him.

Many well-meaning people work hard at trying to act like a Christian. Truth is, you can only be what you are! Apart from being born of God, given a new nature by the Holy Spirit, there is no possibility of knowing the joy of the Lord. But, when we are possessed by Him, when we invite Him to become our Life and our Lord, the evidence of His life in us grows as surely as an apple tree produces apples. "So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." (Galatians 5:16, NIV) "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV)

In the presence of a holy God,
There's new meaning now to grace;
You took all my sins upon Yourself,
I can only stand amazed.

And I cry holy, holy, holy God,
How awesome is Your name,
Holy, holy, holy God,
How majestic is Your reign;
And I am changed
In the presence of a holy God.

In The Presence
Altrogge, Mark
Integrity Music, Inc. / Integrity Music, Inc.
© 1989 Integrity's Praise! Music (c/o Integrity Music, Inc.) / PDI Praise
(Admin. by Integrity's Praise! Music)
CCLI License No. 810055

Monday, March 30, 2009

When You've Just Had Enough!

I preached my heart out yesterday! It was a sermon on the coming Judgment, not a favorite topic of mine. That kind of preaching makes demands - emotionally, spiritually, even physically - that I do not completely understand, but I feel the result: Exhaustion. The next day, I am vulnerable to feelings of worthlessness and/or discouragement. In those moments, I know how easily I could slip into the "Elijah" complex. What is that?

Elijah, God's faithful man in Israel during a terribly evil time, stood up to an evil duo that ruled at the time, Ahab and Jezebel. They tried to thwart his work and even take his life! God gave Elijah the dubious honor of announcing judgment! God told him to tell the nation that they were facing a long drought. Many suffered and died during that time. This man of God was not an admired figure. People hated him. Finally, after years of struggle and maximum effort, Elijah ran away! Alone under a tree in the wilderness, he sighed, "I have had enough, Lord. Take my life." (1 Kings 19.4)

The prophet traveled deep into wilds, ending up in a cave. There we catch a glimpse of his discouragement and fatigue as we listen in on his prayerful lament: "I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I alone am left, and now they are trying to kill me, too." (1 Kings 19:10)

Can you identify with his heart? Have you ever poured yourself into some great effort for the Lord, or put your heart into something only to descend into discouragement when it was over: overwhelmed by feelings of isolation, futility, or hopelessness?

Here's the good news! God didn't kick him while he was down. God didn't say, "Well, what a weakling my prophet turned out to be. I'll just let him die and find someone else to do my work." The Lord showed up to restore Elijah! It's a dramatic scene! The mountain where Elijah was holed up was torn by a powerful wind, then shaken by an earthquake. After that, a blaze of fire swept the face of the mountain. The prophet discerned that God's Presence was not in the BIG, NOISY, and IMPRESSIVE displays!

Then came a gentle whisper- God's revelation of Himself. The prophet was reminded that he was not alone. "There are 7000 in Israel who have not joined the idol worshippers!" And, he was directed to go find Elisha and start to mentor him. Today the Spirit whispers to me: "'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty." (Zechariah 4:6) I'd love to have my work validated by all the marks of success, but that may not happen. Faithfulness is enough!

As people under the command of Another, we must be faithful and entrust the results to our Lord, who by the Spirit and truth of His eternal Word, will bring about His plans in His time.

Have you given your best and came up 'way short of what you hoped for in terms of results? Does it seem that God has 'failed' you? There is no sin in feeling disappointment or even in asking questions. But, if you do, make sure you listen for the answer. Likely God's answer to you will come in a quiet whisper that calls for you to set aside your demands for immediate results and faithfulness to wait out His purposes. You are NOT alone! Stay involved with those who love you and share your love of God.

And hear this Word that assures us that HE knows what's up, even when we do not. . . Romans 8:25-26 -- The Message

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.

Sometimes I feel discouraged,
And think my life in vain.
I'm tempted then to murmur,
And of my lot complain.
But when I think of Jesus,
And all He's done for me,
Then I cry, O Rock of Ages,
Hide Thou me.

O Rock of Ages, hide Thou me.
No other refuge have I but Thee.
When life's dark vale I wander,
Far, far from Thee.
Then I cry, O Rock of Ages,
Hide Thou me.

Sometimes it seems I dare not,
Go one step farther on.
And from my heart all courage
Has slipped away and gone.
But I remember Jesus,
And all His love for me.
Then I cry, O Rock of Ages
Hide Thou me.

Hide Thou Me
Thoro Harris © 1926. Renewed 1953 Singspiration Music (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc., 741 Coolsprings Blvd., Franklin TN 37067)CCLI License No. 810055