Friday, October 28, 2005

Praying for those who lead

"I urge ... that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for ...all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." (1 Timothy 2:1-2, NIV) When I read that passage, I felt the sting of conscience! I have not consistently matched my criticism of those who lead with earnest prayers offered on their behalf. It's easy to find things with which we disagree in any situation where there is a leader.

Griping about policies and decisions made by those who are 'in charge' in a given setting is an American sport. No matter if it is a supervisor at work, the local zoning official, the governor of our state, the President, the pastor of our church, the principal at our child's school- we have an opinion about how the job should be done. "Why did he do that?" "Why didn't she move more quickly to address the need?" "What was he thinking?" I found the recent criticisms of our national leaders over their response to Hurricane Katrina almost humorous. Early on, the government was lambasted for not responding quickly enough, with a flow of resources. Then, a couple of weeks later, the outcry was about too much money being poured into the SE United States which was resulting in wasteful spending. So, what is it? Too much or too little? If there was a poll I am quite certain that about equal numbers of people would take opposing positions.

One of the privileges of our free and democratic society is that we can make our opinions known and use various methods to put pressure on our government. Then, too, from time to time, we get to go and vote brave souls into office so we can spend the next few years criticizing how they are doing the job. As followers of the Way of Jesus, we need to take another step, too- PRAY! Our prayers for those who lead must go beyond, "Lord, bless the President today." The Bible tells us to offer specific requests, to intercede (to seek a hearing with God on behalf of another), and to thank God for those in authority! Christians from both sides of the political spectrum have the privilege, yes the responsibility, to pray for ALL of our leaders. Depending on our political persuasions, our prayers will be framed very differently. That's just fine. There isn't a 'right' prayer; it is simply right to pray! God is pleased that we pray at all! We pray, He answers.

Yesterday, I was at prayer with several of my friends who are Pastors, called to lead local congregations. There was a heaviness in their hearts, created not as much by the work of the Church which each of us in that room delights in doing, but by the incessant criticism that goes with being a leader. The men who gathered to pray are good men. They work hard at doing what God has called them to do. Each of them is a servant to the people God has entrusted to their care, yet critics abound. What a blessings might result if those who were unhappy with choices and decisions made be their leaders matched their criticism, word for word, with "requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving?"

Let me leave you with these two challenges today:

1st - When you see something being done by someone who is in a position of leadership with which you disagree, go to prayer BEFORE you write a letter or utter a word of criticism. Give God an opportunity to change something- it might be you, it might be the leader!

2nd - When you hear another Believer criticizing someone in leadership, whatever the position, gently ask if you might agree with that person in prayer about the situation. Match the criticism (which may be valid, by the way!) with a genuine, heartfelt prayer on behalf of the leader. Not only is that God's will, but you will see your leader changed - and the Bible says that as God grants wisdom to our leaders, we all benefit with better lives!

Remember to set your clocks back this Saturday evening.
It's time to "Fall back" from Daylight Saving Time.

Be in church this Sunday.
It's going to be a celebration Sunday as we have several being baptized in the worship service.
Come and rejoice in their open confession of their faith in Jesus Christ!

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