Monday, August 14, 2023

Always With You

A couple of months ago, I wanted to replace the top on my Miata. I knew that the job was close to impossible for me alone but I have a friend who is a genius at that kind of thing. Jacob consented to be the lead guy on the job which we tackled one day in his garage.  After about 6 hours of work, real work, my car had a new convertible top that looks great!  Most tasks are like that, aren’t they? They just go better when the work is shared, when there is someone present who knows how to accomplish the task.

Are you attempting to live the Christian life with determination, attempting to do the impossible on your own?  Let me remind you that the Way is impossible by yourself BUT there is a Promised One who lives in us, making us what we can never be on our own.  The night before He went to the Cross, Jesus sat with His friend for a long conversation that is recorded by John. Jesus told them He was going to leave them but that they would not be ‘orphaned.’ 

"It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.
" (John 16:7, NIV) The Spirit is our “Comforter, Friend, Counselor, Advocate, and Helper." The word Jesus used to name the Spirit – Parakletos - was one used to describe a person who supplied the kind of support that I had in Jacob when we put on that new car top. A “paraclete” was a friend, coach, and advocate!

The secret of the joyful Christian life is the Spirit Life in us. When we make the Gospel into commandments, or a system of ethics, or a moral law, or liturgical worship, we become frustrated by our inabilities. Yes, Christians will worship, be ethical, live with a high set of morals but as a result of the inner life of the Spirit not as the result of their own rigid will.  

The late Eugene Peterson writes that ‘there is not a whole lot we can do here, any more than we can pitch in and work on the Cosmos or assist Jesus in salvation. But, there is a great deal that the Spirit will do; the Resurrection Community is the Spirit’s work. What we can do and need to do is this – be there to accept what is sent by the Father in Jesus’ Name. Be there, receptive and obedient. Be there, praying’ making yourself available to Him.  Memorize this promise that Jesus made - "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." (John 14:16-17, NIV)

When you sense yourself failing, or when you face the calling to some place of service or growth that appears to be impossible – breath in the life of the Spirit. Look away from yourself and thank God for the One who is not just with us, but who lives IN US.  Who is so broken that you have no words?  Who is mired deeply in sin and/or dysfunction so that you could conclude they are beyond redemption? 

Remember, God, the Spirit, is our Source, our Wisdom, our Power.  He is 'on call' 24/7!  If we are solely focused on our abilities and resources -  if we think we can do spiritual work with natural talents or abilities – we are destined to be ineffective, frustrated, and failing. 

Today, invite God to take the lead, to show you just how He can take your unique experiences, your personality, your situation and make you an effective ambassador of His kingdom:  in your home, your school, your place of work, your extended family, and in your church.  Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you, to renew you. You are a Gifted Child of God.  When you live in Him, you will find joy for the journey.

The word from the Word is rich in promise. "But when the Father sends the Counselor as my representative—and by the Counselor I mean the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I myself have told you. “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid." (John 14:26-27, NLT)   Ah, Spirit of God, find me open to Your Presence, receptive to Your guidance, and ready to be Your home.  Amen.

(Video of this blog at this link)



Holy Spirit Faithful Guide


Holy Spirit faithful guide

Ever near the Christian's side

Gently lead us by the hand

Pilgrims in a desert land

Weary souls fore'er rejoice

While they hear that sweetest voice

Whisp'ring softly wand'rer come

Follow Me I'll guide Thee home


Ever present truest Friend

Ever near Thine aid to lend

Leave us not to doubt and fear

Groping on in darkness drear

When the storms are ragging sore

Hearts grow faint and hopes give o'er

Whisper softly wande'rer come

Follow Me I'll guide thee home


When our days of toil shall cease

Waiting still for sweet release

Nothing left but heav'n and prayer

Wond'ring if our names were there

Wading deep the dismal flood

Pleading naught but Jesus' blood

Whisper softly wand'rer come

Follow Me I'll guide Thee home

Marcus Morris Wells

Public Domain

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