Friday, March 06, 2009

Spring Training - Doing the Basics, all over again!

Disciple, are you 'in shape,' in peak playing form?
No, I'm not inquiring about your athletic prowess. Are you spiritually in shape, making maximum contribution to this world with the spiritual gifts God has invested in you?

Major League Baseball's spring training is well underway. At small baseball parks in Florida and Arizona the pro's are working at getting their bats and gloves back into top form. These men, many of whom have spent years in the game, are being coached, working on their baseball skills- just like they did when they were rookies on an AA team. They are going through the aches and pains that are the result of coaxing their bodies into playing form again. They play games with deadly seriousness, even though the season has not started yet.

Just like these baseball players, disciples need training, need to be equipped for serving the Lord, need to hone skill to use the gifts and talents He's invested in us! Have you thought about what you might do to become a better Christian, a skilled member of God's team? There are the basics --daily intake of Scripture,-regular times of meditation when we listen for God's voice,-prayers for the needs of ourselves and others,-the choice to serve faithfully, and-regular worship with other Believers. When we do those things we are working out in a way that is similar to the routines that all the players do to get in top physical shape before their season begins. No matter if they are an outfielder or pitcher, all the players do the sit-ups, the crunches, the running that tones up their bodies. Likewise, Believers need to do the basics, no matter their calling or ministry.

I've been a Believer for 40+ years and I still do the basics! Every day I open the Bible to renew my mind with His wisdom. I spend time listening to Him, quieting my mind before Him. I pray and make the choice to get to church and to prayer group- even when I don't feel like it or when I'm 'on vacation.' Do I think doing those things 'earn' me extra points in Heaven, or help me to get my prayers answered more quickly? Of course not! Those are the fundamental exercises of the Christian life that help me 'stay in shape' so I am able to live as He desires and able to consistently do what He wants me to do.

Beyond the basics, the baseball pros have specialized training too. Each one is coached for the position he will occupy on the field. We all, regardless of what we do in God's service, need to be the best we can be for God! American Christians are blessed with abundant resources for which we should thank God! No matter what you do in His name, it seems there are books, magazines, and conferences where you can take advantage of shared wisdom that will help to sharpen your skills and the way that you exercise your gifts.

My hope is that you take what you do for God so seriously that you earnestly desire to be the BEST at it, for Christ's sake! I regularly read books and journeals that help me evaluate how I am leading the congregation He's entrusted to my care, that help me deepen my understanding of the Scripture, and that coach me on the way I communicate with the people He's called me to teach. I attend conferences, from time to time, to gain new skills and sharpen old ones. Do you train yourself for service for His glory? Who coaches you in your Christian walk? I hope and pray that you have those that you trust and to whom you have given permission to speak both the positive and the negative so that you can become ALL that God has called you to be. I've surrounded myself with people that I trust and I seek their feedback. I love it when they take note of the home run, but cringe when one of my trusted coaches points out an area of sloppiness or poor service! All of it helps me be the best I can be for the Master!

Read this passage slowly and let it sink in- and then, commit yourself to continual training in the Master's service. Envision yourself playing on a championship team, at peak performance, doing what you do with excellence - Soli Deo Gloria! (Glory to God alone!)

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body (discipline my body like an athlete- NLT ) and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
1 Corinthians 9:24-28 NIV

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