Monday, November 24, 2014

“Because I said so” - Dad

Just about every parent comes to a moment of frustration when dealing with a child’s questioning of some rule and goes for that old line – “because I said so.”  We promise ourselves we will not do it, but then … well, we do.  My wife will tell you that I am for less regulation.  Few things make me fume more than dealing with the regulations imposed by government, especially the ones that seem to be written only to give somebody as job in enforcement.  Of course my higher intelligence, understands that those same laws that make me crazy keep good order in society – be they speed limits, zoning regulations, or public safety laws. I am not very thankful when a police officer pulls me over for going a little too fast, but I sure appreciate that he is there to to keep drunk drivers from menacing safety.

Fences and boundaries can be a very good thing in a world where real sinners live.

Our Heavenly Father gave us rules. They are not silly or petty. He does not just hand them down and tell us to keep them because He can.  He designed a world and His directions allow us to live at peace with others and in the best way possible. In Exodus we find a list, a kind of summary, called the “Ten Commandments.” Read them recently? We would do well to memorize them. Make no mistake! Keeping them, if we could, won’t get us to Heaven!

No amount of rule-keeping can make us right with God. Only Jesus Christ can forgive our sins, but the “Big Ten” serve the purpose of building some fences. Galatians calls them "our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians 3:24, KJV) As the Lord was leading the Israelites to the Promised Land, He held a meeting with them to show them the kind of people He wanted them to be. (Exodus 20) Here’s a paraphrase of what He told them.

1. No other gods but Me.
2. No idols in your life.
3. Don’t misuse my Name by claiming to act under my authority when you’re not.
4. Keep one day out of seven for worship (a Sabbath) following the Creation pattern I established.
5. Honor your parents and you’ll live longer.
6. No murder.
7. No adultery.
8. No stealing.
9. No lying about your neighbor.
10. No lusting for your neighbor’s stuff, his wife, or anything belonging to him.

Kids everywhere work at finding loophole in parent’s directions, don’t they?  Yes, we who are God’s kids, often do the same. We study them to death, not always to find the best way to observe them, but rather to parse and twist them to fit everyone but ourselves. Yet, they stand! They can guide us to faithful reliance on our Savior who makes us holy starting in our heart, or they will stand as a witness against us when we are summonsed to the Throne to face the Judgment! Which will it be for you? Reading that ancient code I found myself challenged anew by the holy expectation of my Father. I am a free man in Christ Jesus, not bound by the Law of Moses, but it does inform me about the quality of the love that God seeks in me for Himself and for those who live alongside of me.

Read the “Big Ten” with new appreciation today.  Join the Psalmist who says:

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word." (Psalm 119:9, NIV)
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11, NIV)
"I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches." (Psalm 119:14, NIV)
"I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word." (Psalm 119:16, NIV)

The Law cannot save us, nor can scrupulous obedience ever meet the standard of a holy God. Only Christ Jesus can forgive, cleanse, and fill us with the Spirit. However, those rules will show us the way to live acceptably, pleasing our Father.

Purify my heart,
Let me be as gold
And precious silver.
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold,
Pure gold.

Refiner's fire;
My heart's one desire
Is to be holy,
Set apart for You, Lord!
I choose to be holy,
Set apart for You, my Master,
Ready to do Your will.

Purify my heart,
Cleanse me from within,
And make me holy.
Purify my heart,
Cleanse me from my sin,
Deep within.

Refiner's Fire
Brian Doerksen
© 1990 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Vineyard Music USA)
Vineyard Songs Cana

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