Wednesday, June 12, 2013

K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple, Stupid

Tuesday was not a banner day in Jerry’s life!  Something ‘round 10, snapped in me. Church ministry budgets that don’t balance, human needs for which I have no quick fix, a crazy mixed up world that seems to be getting more upside down recently – these things pressed in on me.  My first response should have been to retire to some quiet place to pray. Instead, I  got angry. “Why doesn’t he do this? What’s the matter with her? Can’t she just do her job?”  After a few minutes of anger, I settled down to whining about why life has to be so tough. (I agree, that’s one ugly picture!)   Later, while I drove alone in my car, praying (better late than never, right?) the Spirit drew me  back to the Truth, a reassuring center point for life. What is that?
“I am a beloved son of the Heavenly Father and with Him on my side, I can fulfill His calling.”

Do you know the K.I.S.S. principle? I'm not sure where it originated. 
K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Stupid!

ur Christian life gets awfully confused if we turn it into long debates about doctrines, slogs through philosophical ideas, or doing enough religious things. Am I belittling doctrine or wrestling with ideas to find the truth? Not at all.  Am I saying that serving God faithfully in our ministry for His kingdom is unnecessary? No, again!

However, the heart of the Christ life is relationship - with God and with others.  When I stand before Jesus to receive His evaluation of my life, He isn’t going to ask me how many years I balanced the church’s budget or how polished my sermons were.  His questions will be simple:  “Did you love me with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength?  Did you love others?”   He’s already told us what will be on that test!  He said that the whole Law of God is summed up this way: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’" (Matthew 22:36-39, The Message)

The writer of the book of Hebrews makes an extended argument for the superiority of the Gospel over the Law of Moses.  After all those carefully reasoned arguments, the Holy Spirit inspired that writer to circle around to the K.I.S.S. principle at the close: (13.1) "Keep on loving each other!"  If theology conforms to orthodoxy, but we fail to love- it is all a waste! 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us, "Without love, your preaching is as edifying as a gong or noisy cymbal. The ability to speak lofty theology, the insight to grasp spiritual mysteries, even a mountain-moving faith -- is worthless!"

Those unbalanced budgets are still there. That marriage crisis is still pending. But, I am re-centered today and I have sincerely repented for my ungodliness of yesterday.  I know that “I love God and He loves me!”  In that centering Truth there is a Solid Rock on which I stand.  I can, and I will, deal with my life, ministry, and the tests that will keep coming my way until I am received into His Presence for Eternity.  If you know that, you, too, can deal with the rest of the stuff! So, keep it simple today, OK?

Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so,
Little ones (and big people, too) to Him belong,
when they are weak,
He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loves me,
The Bible (and the Spirit in my heart) tells me so!
- public domain

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