Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blinking Light?

The dash light came one. “Check Engine,” it demanded with a slow amber blink.  The car seemed to be running just fine and money was short, so the light went unheeded. One friend after another pointed it out when they rode in Kyle’s car.  To avoid their questions, he devised a solution. He took a piece of black electrical tape and covered the light!  If he couldn’t see it, he need not worry about.  A few months later, the car quit, leaving him stranded in a parking lot.  (story from Kyle Idleman in his book, Not a Fan. )  So, what do you think when you read that?  “Dumb choice, Kyle” might be one. “I can identify,” could be another.

Any warning lights blinking for you? 
  • ·         Your spouse is sending signals about feeling ignored.  “This is crunch time at work,” you tell yourself.  Hey, you’re married, right? He’ll cope.  Next year you will give him more attention.
  •           The Holy Spirit is prodding you with a persistent sense of spiritual discomfort about your casual attitude about dealing with that destructive habit. But, hey, a lot of people have the problem. It’s just leftover and unnecessary guilt from your parents old-line religion, you tell yourself.
  •       Your 4 year-old son spills a foul word he doesn’t understand. You realize he’s just imitating you. A blinking light flashes in your brain.  “What else is he learning from me?” you wonder to yourself. 
  •            A friend dies and you hear people talking about him, about the amazing man he was, and a warning light flashes.  “Selfish,” it signals and you know it’s true. But, you love doing your own thing. So, you promise yourself that things will change when you hit 50.
Paul was imprisoned for preaching.  The king brought him to talk about it. When Felix heard the Gospel a warning light lit up. He "was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.” (Acts 24:25, NIV)  But, he never did! An opportunity for salvation and transformation was lost.   “There’s always tomorrow.”  Except, there isn’t.  Today’s opportunities are presented but once.

This is a hard truth. Putting things off is just another way to refuse the will of God. It may seem more polite to tell the Lord, “not right now, come back tomorrow,” but that is really just disobedience dressed up in nice clothes. Every time we say no to the Spirit it gets a little easier the next time. That’s why the Scripture tells us to pay attention to today so we don’t drift away. (Hebrews 2:1)  On the positive side, when we respond with obedience, saying “Yes, Lord,”  we find we’re not alone in the effort. His promise is that He will empower us. "As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness!" (2 Peter 1:3, NLT)

Here’s a word from the Word. Don’t even wait for the warning light!  Live whole and holy today, "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:16, KJV)  Buy this day out of the Devil’s grasp.  Another translation says it like this:  "Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days." (Ephesians 5:16, NLT)

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