Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Knowing the Real Jesus

I know hundreds of people, perhaps even thousands. I am rich in friends and acquaintances. Each one adds something to life, some unique gift and so I am thankful for all of them. But, there are just a few people who really ‘get me,’ who know my heart. Most of those are people who have ‘gone through the fire’ with me at some point in time; fighting for ministry, walking through sorrow together. The deepest bonds are those that are formed under pressure, when people unite around common cause – nation, faith, family, passion - and draw strength from one another to create success in life. The isolated individual, the one who is unable or unwilling to create those kind of intimate relationships, never reaches the same kind of emotional and spiritual maturity. Some prefer to avoid the risk of pain that comes with loving by remaining distant, by keeping to themselves. Oh what a short-sighted, self-protective choice.

The principle of bonding under pressure or in pain is true of our relationship with Christ Jesus, too. A new friend sent me this quote yesterday which I believe to be so true. "It seems like every strong believer I know has been broken or remains in broken places. A pastor said to me the other day, 'Angela, I don't really trust anyone in ministry who's never been broken.' His words were meant as grace to me....He gets it. None of us ever went looking for brokenness, but it came to find us anyway, with all its intense lessons on pain and heartache and suffering." (A Beautiful Offering) If you really want to know Jesus, you will let Him lead you through places that break you. If you’re intent on staying on the ‘Hallelujah side,’ always smiling, never willing to walk with Him into the dark where all you can do is cling to His hand; you will never know the depths of His grace and mercy.

Strangely enough, sometimes that intimacy with Jesus begins to take shape in our worst failures! David knew the Lord God and wrote beautiful songs (Psalms) about Him. But, only later in his life, after he had fallen flat on his face, disgraced himself and failed God in the most miserable ways, did he discover something of the mercy and grace of the Lord. Psalm 51 reflects his brokenness, his longing, and his realization of the steadfast love of the Lord. He came to see that all the Psalm-singing and sacrifices were no substitute for a heart of worship. "You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." (Psalm 51:16-17, NIV) Don’t misunderstand my point here. Nobody should go out and sin in some huge way thinking it leads to God! As the author I quoted above says we don’t have to go looking for brokenness. If we live authentic, God-seeking lives, it will find us in this sin-filled world.

Do you want to know the real Jesus?

I doubt you’ll find much of Him in most churches today. They’re too focused on keeping things light and happy, on helping people find the American dream, at covering over the pain of life. His sorrow, indeed- the Cross – while talked about is not loved all that much. More likely you will find Him in the cancer wing of the hospital, in the heart of the one who has struggled to trust Him through huge disappointment, in the person who has been rejected, or in that one who has learned to walk faithfully with Him in obscure places.

Let me leave you with that same passage from The Message - "Going through the motions doesn’t please you, a flawless performance is nothing to you. I learned God-worship when my pride was shattered. Heart-shattered lives ready for love don’t for a moment escape God’s notice. " (Psalm 51:16-17)

Jesus on the radio, Jesus on a late night show,
Jesus in a dream, looking all serene.
Jesus on a steeple, Jesus in the Gallup poll,
Jesus has His very own brand of rock and roll!
Watched Him on the silver screen,
Bought the action figurine,
But Jesus is the only name that makes you flinch.

Oh, can anybody show me the real Jesus?
Oh, let Your love unveil the mystery
Of the real Jesus.

Jesus started something new,
Jesus coined a phrase or two,
Jesus split the line at the turning point of time.
Jesus sparked a controversy,
Jesus known for His mercy gave a man his sight,
Jesus isn't white!
Jesus loves the children, holds the lambs,
Jesus prays a lot,
Jesus has distinguishing marks on His hands,

If anybody walks behind the Good Shepherd,
If anybody holds the hands that heal lepers,
And if you recognize the eyes that see forever,
Please- Jesus Jesus!

Oh, can anybody show me Jesus?
Oh, let Your love unveil the glory the real Jesus.
Oh, can anybody show me the real Jesus?
Oh let Your love unveil the glory,
Of the real Jesus the real Jesus.

The Real Jesus
© 2006 Centricity Music Publishing
Germain and Martel Publishing
(Admin. by Centricity Music Publishing)

Jason Germain
Marc Martel

CCLI License No. 810055

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