Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Really? A baby butt-wipe warmer?

Jesus said, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." (Luke 12:15, NIV) It’s a tough concept to grasp living as we do in a culture of more. I am not sure that most of us really understand what true ‘need’ is. My son, Sean and his lovely wife, Natalie, are expecting their first child. His experience in the baby section of the big box store, of which he recently wrote, follows. Enjoy!

Nat and I headed out today to start our baby registry. I won’t lie. I wasn't thrilled. I don't like "stuff" for stuff sake. Do I know what I need as a soon-to-be dad? Absolutely not! But, I DO know that I don't NEED all that STUFF I am told I must have by the forces that be when a baby is coming. That became oh-so-evident in the middle of the infant aisle today when Nat just stood there and cried. She was totally overwhelmed by the list in her hand and the choices in front of her. I knew what was wrong but asked anyway. Through big, sad tears she said, "I don't know what I need. I have no idea what to get or what's better." Tore me up and made me angry at the ‘system.’

She wasn't overwhelmed about our babies health, the roof over our head, if we were going to be able to feed or love the little one … no! She was totally swamped because she believed (whether she could verbalize it or not in the moment) that we NEEDED all this junk in order to be good, successful parents for our baby; that if we didn't have things, like a butt-wipe warmer, we weren't up to par. Garbage! I hugged her and said, "Babe, I bet your mom didn't have 75% of this stuff when you were a baby and everything was fine. You were loved and cared for to the best of her ability with much less than what you see here today. This stuff doesn't define your success as a future mom."

She just folded up into me. I was so mad! Not at her but at our culture. That message - "you need this to be happy" - is a cancer that's worked its existence into every aspect of our life- everything from smart phones, to the deluxe cable package, to the square footage of our homes. The genius of this commercial monster is that it makes you feel such guilt - like you don’t love your kids/family if you don't provide all the stuff for them! That is what stirs such a visceral reaction in me.

So don't buy into it. Own your stuff, don’t let it own you. Don't be a slave to it. It's not even a sliver of who you are or your worth as a person. 90% of our lives today are made up of "luxuries." Treat them that way.

Thank you, Sean!
Our current economic crisis is largely the result of wanting more than we can afford. Our current health issues are frequently caused by eating too much. Do you understand what is really need and what is just greed? Are you letting the things you own define you, provide your self-esteem, give you security. Here’s a challenge from the Word.

Jesus said, “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” Then, turning to his disciples, Jesus said, “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear." (Luke 12:21-22, NLT)
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need." (Luke 12:31, NLT)

Using things and loving people
That’s the way it’s got to be
Using things and loving people
Look around and you can see
That loving things and using people
Only leads to misery
Using things and loving people
That’s the way it’s got to be

Being loved is in the giving
All we have is what we share
Loving life is for the living
You have to have a heart to care
And loving things and using people
Only leads to misery

Using things and loving people
That’s the way it’s got to be
So put your hand inside my hand
I don’t know where the road will lead
We may not find the things we want
But we will find the things we need
And all we need is love
Using things and loving people
Brings you happiness I’ve found

Using things and loving people
Not the other way around
‘Cause loving things and using people
Only leads to misery
Using things and loving people
That’s the way it’s got to be
For you and me

For you and me

Using Things, Loving People
Written by: Hal David & Archie P. Jordan

Hear this old song by clicking on this line!

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