Wednesday, June 03, 2009

“God, I’m scared to death!”

During the first year of the Civil War, General McClellan, the head of the Union Army, waited and waited to commit his troops to battle. Finally President Lincoln sent a sarcastic note to the General that had this memorable line: "If you're not planning to use your army, may I borrow it?"

"Ready, aim... aim, aim, aim." Some people aim to do read their Bible, aim to get to church, aim to pray today, aim to get a grip on a sinful habit, aim to restore a broken relationship .... but they never do. Procrastination to another day only increases the feelings of discouragement over a task that grows more daunting as they dither. So, what is on your to-do list? What goals for this Summer, for the remaining part of 2009 (it’s nearly half gone, you know!), for today are in your mind? If you have not yet taken that first step of identifying reasonable goals, do it NOW! Take a small pad of paper and find a quiet spot for 15 minutes. Pray, committing yourself to the Spirit's guidance, then take pen in hand and write... at least 3 tasks you must accomplish- with deadlines. Then, go back and prioritize those tasks. Make another list of the resources (material and people) that you know to gather to get it done? It is not hard to be productive. It just requires a little thought and courage.

OK, I know some of you are objecting right now: "Jerry, I just live from day to day and let God lead me." Sounds good enough, but for most people that is just an excuse for inaction. Somebody said: "One of these days is none of these days." God has a hard time guiding us when our bottoms are planted deeply in the living room recliner! The best and most honest prayers are not prayed from comfortable chairs. They are prayed in urgent, desperate moments when our illusions of control are shattered, when our souls are distressed, when hope is slipping away. Take a lesson from that. Get up, get out, and get on with it. Put yourself on the edge where you feel some desperation and your prayer life will take new life -- guaranteed!

Others of you are saying: "Jerry, I've failed so many times. I am so afraid..." People fail. It’s a fact of life. If you’re unwilling to fail, you’re unable to succeed! I failed in many attempts and I am afraid, too! Every time I take the pulpit I feel fear – not of public speaking – but that I'll get it wrong and misdirect God's people. When people ask me to help them with some of life’s thorniest issues, I feel fear – that I’ll offer the wrong advice and increase their difficulties! FEAR CAUSES ME TO PRAY DESPERATELY. Fear is no reason to quit. Fear drives us to our knees and causes us to declare our dependence on God every day, for every task. If you’re only attempting what you know you can safely accomplish, you’re not doing much!

Inspired by the Spirit, Paul wrote to a younger, often waffling Timothy, urging him to get on with the work of leading the church in Ephesus. The young pastor had a church full of problems that outstripped his experience and capabilities, but Paul reminds him of his true Source of strength: "I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:6-7 NLT Those last three words are an amazing combination of empowering gifts!
Power! That is controlled strength, the ability to get the job done.
Love! Nothing motivates us like love. Nothing ultimately influences people more effectively than love.
Self-discipline! That is incredibly important for "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." (Proverbs 25:28, KJV)

The time of excuses is OVER. "Ready, aim... FIRE!"

"Father, thank you for opportunities. Forgive us for leaving so many of them unclaimed. We worship You and acknowledge that You know all our tomorrows. Renew our vision and our faith. Help us to see the tasks to which You are calling us. Give us courage to embrace them. Forgive us for our reluctance to move out of our comfort zone, to become radicals in our pursuit of Your will. Stir us, move us, fill us -- this is our prayer, Spirit of God. We are Yours. Make us fit for Your use, worthy of the high calling You have given us in Christ Jesus, our Lord. We pray in His holy Name. Amen."

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