Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What only today offers!

Are you full of anticipation about today? I wish this were a two-way conversation. Some would reply, “Yes, I’m just starting a new job… a new relationship.” Their eyes would sparkle with excitement! Others would say, “Yes, I’m leaving on vacation.” They too would be looking forward to the day.

But, many, perhaps most, would likely say, “Anticipation? Why? It’s just the same old stuff, different day. I’m stuck in a rut, Jerry.” And, they would be wrong. Sure, life is often predictable, boring even. We can’t live on the edge every moment of every day. But, each day offers us many unique moments to enjoy others, to show concern, to discover God’s grace in otherwise ordinary circumstances. Let me tell you an open secret: If we aren’t looking for those moments, they will pass us by!

In his book, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat” John Ortberg tells a story about a relative named Florence. When she died the family was cleaning out her home. In the attic, her grand-daughter found an exquisite set of china. It was a hand- painted set made in Bavaria before WW II. No one in the family remembered EVER seeing the china set for dinner. After inquiries were made to older members of the family, it was discovered that when Florence was very young she was given the china over a period of years. As she received each piece she carefully wrapped it and put it away to use for a 'special' occasion. No occasion ever came along and Florence's precious china remained in the boxes unused after 60 years, hidden in the attic. It would have been given away to the Salvation Army had not an observant grand-daughter taken time to open some old boxes! Now those beautiful dishes grace the table at the Ortberg home at every excuse for an occasion!

That's sad story! Florence feared her precious plates would get broken so she never used them. In reality, they may as well have been broken for all the joy they brought to her life and to her family! She missed the opportunity to experience joy that might have been hers on ordinary days. At least with her precious china, she played it safe, and her treasure was essentially worthless. What a joy that china might have been to Florence and her family if only she saw everyday as an occasion to celebrate life. At the end of her life she would have left a chipped up set of china and every chip would have told another story of a dinner served with joy!

There are two reasons many people live in mediocrity, with unfulfilled dreams and with unmet potential -- Fear and Laziness. Fear is, by far, the more potently crippling force. The Enemy's lie is -- "Take care of yourself. Preserve yourself. Hold onto what you have. Circle the wagons. Don't risk, always play safe."

A man in a story Jesus told bought that lie completely. It is a story about three managers found the 25th chapter of Matthew’s Gospel. A wealthy man was going on a journey and called these managers into his office to give them each a trust to care for in his absence. He gave each one just the right amount that he could manage, an amount in keeping with the ability of that man. Years later, the man called these managers to give an accounting of what they had done with his wealth. Two men had diligently worked at their responsibility. They saw opportunity in the ordinary and, over time, they doubled the wealth entrusted to their care.

The third was a pathetic person, apparently fully in the grip of both fear and laziness. He appeared before his old boss with a dirty bag and offered up this line: "Then the servant with the one bag of gold came and said, `Sir, I know you are a hard man, harvesting crops you didn't plant and gathering crops you didn't cultivate. I was afraid I would lose your money, so I hid it in the earth and here it is.'" -- Matthew 25:24-25 NLT

“Well, at least he kept it safe,” we might say. But, I assure you that the Master did not commend the man for his risk avoidance! The master’s word to that ‘play it safe, never anticipate the opportunities’ guy are downright terrifying! He said, “That’s a terrible way to live! It’s criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least? The least you could have done would have been to invest the sum with the bankers, where at least I would have gotten a little interest…. Throw him out into utter darkness’" (Matthew 25:26-27,30, The Message)

Don't let your life become a story of 'what might have been, if only.' Get on with life today. Take what God has given you and put it to work. Take a risk. No, not the kind of risk taken by fools in pursuit of fantasy!!

Rather, learn to listen to the Spirit as He blows through your life on the ordinary days. Let Him show you the person whose life would be saved by an act of kindness. Let Him lead you to forgiveness, to love, to discovery of a life of no regrets! Life will be richer for the trying.

You are my life, O precious Christ.
You are to me,
The pearl of greatest price.
My love for You will never die.
Jesus, You are my life.

I come to You. I run to You.
There's no greater joy than knowing You.

O Holy Fire, Love's Purest Light.
Burn all desires 'til
You are my one delight.
My love for You will never die
Jesus, You are my life.

O conquering King, conquer my heart
And make of me a pleasing gift to God
My love for You will never die
Jesus, You are my life.

You Are My Life
Steve Fry © 1994 Maranatha Praise, Inc. / Word Music, Inc. (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.)
CCLI License No. 810055

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