Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What of those dreams?

Dreams can be so sweet, fun, even hilarious. Our dreams are woven out of the experiences, images, and ideas stored in our brain. They are, in part anyway, our hopes and fears amplified, played out on the stage of our imagination. I often dream of family gatherings, of my children and grandchildren. The fact that they all live at a distance means nothing in my dreams. My brain gathers them all 'round the table as I sleep! In my dreams, I can be a child again; or I can journey to places far away; or I can overcome limitations that life imposes on me. Sometimes dreams turn dark. I have awakened from those nightmares with my heart pounding, only to realize that the man or beast that was chasing me existed only in my brain, much to my relief! More than once, I come to consciousness much relieved that things said or done were confined to my brain, only the stuff of dreams!!

Dreams can be useful, a place to work through life's challenges. More than once, in a dream I have solved some problem, or gained some insight. How does that happen? I believe that when our minds are freed from the limits imposed by our consciousness, there is an opportunity for the creative work of the Spirit of God to be accomplished in us. The Bible speaks repeatedly of God using dreams to reveal His will or His purposes. In the book of Genesis, we are told that Joseph saw the outlines of his future in a teenage dream that stayed with him through decades of slavery and imprisonment until he came into prominence in Egypt. His brothers mocked his dreams. Later, friends forget his dreams. But, those God-given dreams made Joseph the man who saved his people. Jesus' earthly Dad, another man named Joseph, learned of God's amazing plan for Mary and himself in a dream. "After he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 1:20, NIV)

We also speak of dreams in another way. We say that a future goal is our dream. Those who inspire others to reach higher are called dreamers or visionaries. These people can be hard to live with because they are possessed by a discontent with things as they are. They are compelled to stir things up, to make others uncomfortable in pursuit of that which only they can see. A person who loses the ability to dream, or whose disappointments brings about the death of his dream, becomes the captive of his circumstances, a drone who just exists, dragging himself to work, then home to watch more TV, fall asleep, and do it all again the next day. The Proverb reminds us of the power of dreams saying, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18, KJV) The Message gives a deeper insight into that verse: "If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed." (Proverbs 29:18, The Message)

Let me ask you two things today:
Do you dream godly, good, and inspired dreams?
Are you submitting your dreams to the Lord, asking Him to whisper of His purposes and plans to you?

In these difficult days, when sin increases, challenges multiply, and many situations are overwhelming - a new vision is much needed. Ponder this promise of inspiration! Invite the Spirit to make these words true in you.
Here's the word from His Word.
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy." {my note - They will become God's spokesmen in this world!}
(Acts 2:17-18, NIV)


Father, teach me to dream again.
Yes, I pray you will keep me from empty and escapist fantasies!
Protect my heart and mind from the sinful impulses of Self.

Holy Spirit, work deeply in me today,
giving me a vision for the way You want me to live.
Let me 'see' what You're doing,
hear what You're saying,
so that I will lead the way to the kind of world You desire.
I ask this confidently in Jesus' holy Name. Amen.

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