Tuesday, October 14, 2008


On the table at the coffee shop was a container of sugar. Next to it was a box holding yellow, pink, and blue packets bearing attractive names like Sweet 'N Low, Equal, and Splenda. These various sweeteners claim to be sugar substitutes. Each can produce an illusion of sweetness temporarily but then the aftertaste kicks in. Ugh! About six months ago, when I realized how many calories I was adding to my daily diet with heaping teaspoons of sugar in my coffee, I decided to try the substitutes. After ruining successive cups of coffee, I learned to like my coffee with cream only. In my opinion, better nothing than the substitute!

In the book of Galatians, Paul asks an important question. "After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" (Galatians 3:3, NIV) Religion, which is the attempt to please God with rigid rules about sin, carefully controlled emotions, and large does of human will, is a frequent substitute for living Christianity. Every disciple is tempted by it from time to time. Religion allows us to 'look good' on the outside, without waiting on the Holy Spirit to transform our inner person. It offers us a quick route to earning the approval of others by doing some good things, without needing to submit to God's work that goes heart deep. But religion is a poor substitute for a real, living relationship with God, the Spirit in much the same way as those little packets are for real sugar!

Some very, very religious people, highly accomplished in their performance of outer righteousness, earned this scathing rebuke from Jesus: “You hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean." (Matthew 23:27, NIV)

Several people have told me that if I'll use one of those little packets of sugar substitutes I'll get used the aftertaste. They are probably right as there is quite a market for artificial sweeteners. There is a big market for religion, too. But, religion can't satisfy, doesn't change character, and cannot produce eternal life. "So, then, if with Christ you’ve put all that pretentious and infantile religion behind you, why do you let yourselves be bullied by it? “Don’t touch this! Don’t taste that! Don’t go near this!” Do you think things that are here today and gone tomorrow are worth that kind of attention? Such things sound impressive if said in a deep enough voice. They even give the illusion of being pious and humble and ascetic. But they’re just another way of showing off, making yourselves look important." (Colossians 2:20-24, The Message)

Disciple, keep step with the Spirit. If you can live your 'Christian' life without prayer, without leaning hard on God's provision and power, it's not real Christianity- it's just religion.

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (Galatians 5:25, NIV)

Spirit of God, descend upon my heart,
wean it from earth, through all its pulses move.
Stoop to my weakness mighty as Thou art,
and make me love Thee as I ought to love.

Hast Thou not bid us love Thee, God and King?
All, all Thine own --soul, heart, and strength and mind.
I see Thy cross --there teach my heart to cling,
O let me seek Thee and O let me find.

Teach me to feel that Thou art always nigh,
Teach me the struggles of the soul to bear ---
To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh:
Teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

Teach me to love Thee as Thine angels love,
Only holy passion filling all my frame.
The baptism of the heave'n descended Dove,
My heart an altar, and Thy love - the flame.

George Croly© Public Domain

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