Thursday, May 08, 2008

Tremble Before Him!

While watching a recent docu-drama created around the life of John Adams, 2nd President of the US, I saw a scene that helped my prayer life! Really! At the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, the American government appointed Adams as ambassador to Great Britain. He had to go through elaborate coaching about the protocols involved in meeting the king of England, including a deep bow in greeting that deeply offended Adams at first. When he finally was ushered into the throne room, the king stood regally at the end of a very large room. Adams was shaken by the majesty of the encounter and came to understand the power of symbols of power in a new way. For one of the few times in his life, the man who always had a ready answer found himself nearly speechless with awe!

Which scene better describes your attitude in prayer -
having a chat over a cup of coffee with a friend, or
an audience with a king?

The answer has a lot to do with your theology and spiritual experience; and is somewhat related to your personality. For those of us who grew up in the informality of evangelical churches with no liturgy, spontaneous prayers, and a theology largely shaped around the 2nd Person of the Trinity, prayer is mostly conceived of as a conversation with a Friend. The result is that our spirituality can be limited by a deficiency in the 'majesty' department!

It is wonderful that we as Believers know that God is accessible, that through Jesus Christ, we are invited near to find help in time of trouble. However, the Holy Trinity is not just Jesus, the son of Mary. God, the Father, the Awesome King of Glory is the head of that mysterious Being. There is a time when our mouth must be silenced by an encounter with the Lord of the Universe; when we grasp that He is Wholly, Holy Other- that He is not a man. When that image accompanies our love of Jesus, our Friend and Brother, we will find a better balance between awe and familiarity. This is important for the cliché is true - 'familiarity breeds contempt.' If we make God too small in our eyes, we will too easily argue with His will, disregard His call, and disobey His commands. Isaiah's encounter with His Majesty scared him nearly to death and made him realize, anew, the depth of his sinfulness. He cried, "It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies." (Isaiah 6:5, NLT) And God made him clean!

When God was shaping Israel into His people, when He was about to give them the Law; He brought them to Mt. Sinai. Strict regulations were put into place to prepare the people to hear the Words of God. To help them prepare their hearts, they went through symbolic cleansing, ritual consecrations, and were forbidden even to be intimate with their spouses for three days! (Exodus 19) God was coming with His Word. They needed to be ready. "Oh," you say, "but that so Old Testament." As you go your way today, ponder these words from Hebrews that apply that story to our Christian experience. And, may we learn to tremble before Him!

"You have not come to a place like Mount Sinai that can be seen and touched. There is no flaming fire or dark cloud or storm or trumpet sound. . . . You have now come to Mount Zion and to the heavenly Jerusalem. This is the city of the living God, where thousands and thousands of angels have come to celebrate. Here you will find all of God’s dearest children, whose names are written in heaven. And you will find God himself, who judges everyone. Here also are the spirits of those good people who have been made perfect. And Jesus is here! He is the one who makes God’s new agreement with us, and his sprinkled blood says much better things than the blood of Abel. Make sure that you obey the one who speaks to you. The people did not escape, when they refused to obey the one who spoke to them at Mount Sinai. Do you think you can possibly escape, if you refuse to obey the one who speaks to you from heaven?" (Hebrews 12:18-25, CEV)

Welcomed in to the courts of the King!
I've been ushered into Your presence.
Lord, I stand on Your merciful ground;
Yet with every step tread with reverence.

Who is there in the heavens like You?
And upon the earth who's Your equal?
You are far above,
You're the highest of highs.
We are bowing down to exalt You!

And I'll fall face down!
As Your glory shines around;
Yes, I'll fall face down!
As Your glory shines around.

So, let Your glory shine around.
Let Your glory shine around.
King of glory here be found,
King of glory!

Matt RedmanCCLI License No. 810055

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