Monday, February 18, 2008

Critics - a blessing or a curse?

Film critics regularly tell us if a movie is worth our $8. Is a film a 'must see' or a 'don't waste your money' snooze? Are there flaws in storylines, poor editing, and bad writing? One thing about movie critics that makes me smile is how seldom they see a good film! Perhaps pointing out the flaws, real and imagined, creates a kind of "movie critic" job security. Dr. Larry Crabb, renowned Christian author, said that reading the reviews of his books makes him shake as he finds it difficult to see his work analyzed and sometimes criticized. Imagine putting your heart on paper and submitting it to the world and then to have people who don't even know you tear your work (and your heart) to pieces!

Have you been criticized lately?

As a church leader I have had to come to grips with the fact that in every congregation there are always a few critics who enjoy that delicacy called 'roast preacher' for Sunday dinner. I was once naive enough to think that if I were "good enough" or "smart enough," everybody would like everything I said and did. It took about 15 years of ministry to learn that trying to please the crowd (even the church crowd) was a sure way to become ineffective in pleasing God! Both applause and criticism are short-lived.

Don't believe me? Look no further than our Presidential election process. While sorting through a pile of old US News magazines last week, I stopped to read a couple of articles about the 'inevitability' of Hillary Clinton's nomination. Today's paper questioned her judgment and lauded Barack Obama! In the same old magazine, one editor spoke in glowing terms of Fred Thompson, whose charisma and popular appeal were 'sure' to carry him to the nomination. Fred who? Once he entered the race, the criticism of his style was unending.

Here are ten ways to avoid criticism...
1. Do nothing.
2. Do nothing.
3. Do nothing....

Getting the point? The only way you will never be criticized is if you choose to say nothing, do nothing, and keep out of sight. Even then, someone will probably blame you for something that you were marginally connected to! If we state an opinion, do ministry, take a stand, create a work of art, do our job -- we must expect criticism. Noble Believers, we must learn to say, without arrogance, "I believe this is what God wills for me" and then to go forward in pursuit of His great purpose. In the book of the Acts, we read about that time, early in the church's history, when Peter and John were hauled into the court of religious leaders and "told never again to speak or teach aboutJesus." Do you think that was intimidating? Of course it was! But here's what those brave men said in reply. "Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we have seen and heard." Acts 4:18-20 NLT

A word of caution is necessary!

Pride will cause some people to twist these thoughts into an excuse to be insensitive and/or overbearing. Others will take these words and make them a reason to discard advice from those older and wiser than themselves. Please do not do that. We live in community and God uses our brothers and sisters to help shape us, to keep us from falling off the deep end of extremism. Criticism that is offered in love is of tremendous value and that must be kept in the front of our minds at all times. "If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise." (Proverbs 15:31, NLT) Living defensively and rejecting all counsel is a fool's walk that leads to ruin.

However, (isn't life full of 'however's?) moments come when we set our course because we KNOW what God has said to us by His Word and His Spirit and we do it -- despite the critical voices that assureus of impending failure or foolishness for we know that obedience to God is the highest calling of our heart. Here's a word from the Word to take with you today. Meditate on this eternal wisdom and then -- go confound your critics as you humbly, quietly, and consistently obey the one Master.

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24, NLT)

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