Friday, April 06, 2007

Driving the Nails

Watching "The Passion of the Christ" the movie produced a couple of years ago by Mel Gibson, I was deeply moved by the depiction of the Lord's anguish as He carried the sins of the world on our behalf. From the opening scenes of His heart wrenching prayer in Gethsemane to the last moments when He commends His spirit to His Father in Heaven, I was held in this thought - He did this by choice because He loves me! My sin nailed Him there- every rebellious act, every selfish word, every miserable moment focused on myself.

In a very real sense, we continue to drive the nails yet today when, as Christians, we live selfishly, lustfully, or unlovingly. There is a difficult text in the book of Hebrews the full meaning of which Believers argue about it for it speaks of turning away from Christ. Can a Believer lose her relationship with God completely? What does it mean to 'fall away?' Those questions are hard to answer and are not the focus of my thoughts today. There is one line in that passage that echoes in my mind today - "... if they fall away...they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. (Hebrews 6:4-6, NKJV) But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation." (Hebrews 6:9, NKJV) When I am cruel to another, I need to hear the ring of hammer on nail! When I choose deliberately to reject the humble way of the Spirit, exerting my selfish will against God, I need to feel the handle of the whip that opened Jesus' back in my own hand! When my voice is raised in angry accusation against another, I need to realize I joined the crowd screaming for His blood - "Crucify Him!"

If we turn the atonement (Jesus becoming the sacrifice that brings a holy God and sinful humanity back together) into an exercise in theology and individually distance ourself from the Cross, we err badly! Jesus not only died for the sins of the world - He died for my sin, your sin, dear Believer. If we let ourselves realize that our sin, personally, nailed Him there, we will come to true repentance instead of the momentary regret that so often passes for it in our lives. Singer song writer Ray Boltz captured the thought in this song. Read the lyrics thoughtfully.

They tell me Jesus died
For my transgressions;
And that He paid that price
A long, long time ago
When He gave His life for me
On a hill called Calvary.
But there's something else
I want to know.

Does He still feel the nails
Ev'rytime I fail?
Can He hear the crowd cry,
"Crucify," again?
Am I causing Him pain?
Then I know I've got to change.
I just can't bear the thought
Of hurting Him.

It seems that I'm so good
At breaking promises,
And I treat His precious grace
So carelessly.
But each time He forgives,
What if He relives
The agony He felt on that tree?

Do you still feel the nails
Ev'ry time I fail?
Have I crucified You, Jesus,
With my sin?
Oh, I'm tired of playing games,
I really want to change.
I never want to hurt You again.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord.

© 1989 Sonworshipers Music (Admin. by Integrated Copyright Group, Inc.) / Shepherd Boy Music CCLI License No. 810055 Feel The Nails Boltz, Ray / Millikan, Steve

Let's not rush past the Cross to the Empty Tomb this holy week! Yes, I love the joyful hope of Easter morning. I am thrilled by the proclamation of eternal life that is made by His resurrection. But we cannot forget that without Friday there would be no Sunday, that without the willingness to die for our sins there would be no triumph over sin, death, and Hell. Kneel at the Cross today anew. Be made holy by the act of atonement which Jesus Christ willingly accomplished there, moved by obedience and love.

Then rise with a forgiven, humble heart and walk to the Empty Tomb, joyfully and with holiness that is a gift of God, not of our works, so that none can boast of his own goodness before God.

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