Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Always the right thing to do

Watching the President's State of the Union address last night, I felt a kind of sadness for the man as he tries to lead our nation against the current of public opinion, in the face of stiff opposition. The weight of leadership lays heavily on his shoulders at this time. The Holy Spirit reminded me that regardless of the opinion that you or I have about his policies, as Believers we have a sacred obligation to him as expressed in this word from the Holy Word - "Pray this way for ...all ... who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior." (1 Timothy 2:2-3, NLT) I wonder what would happen if every praying Believer in this country wrote down the names of a dozen political leaders, from local representatives ranging up to the President; kept that list at hand, and then prayed for each one, specifically, every day?

Criticizing leaders of every kind; political, religious, even bosses at work - is a kind of almost universal past time in our nation. Going beyond what is appropriate expressions of dissent, some use the privilege of free expression to demean those in leadership. We must guard ourselves against this, dear Believer. While God does not require us to slavishly endorse every policy or to exalt those in office as though they are little gods, He does demand that we give them the deference due their office. Paul says, "Be a good citizen... fulfill your obligations, pay your taxes... respect your leaders." (Romans 13, The Message)

I am thankful that we live with a system of government that allows us to select our leaders! Our democratic system keeps those in power accountable and allows the people to replace them when they begin to use their position unwisely or for selfish gain. What seems to be forgotten, by many, is that when we have elected men and women to office, we need to let them lead. Good leaders do not always give the masses what they crave. Those who hold office - from local mayor to President of the nation - need a vision, a broad view of the needs of those they govern, so that they can implement programs and policies that create a just and equitable society for all people - rich and poor, weak and powerful. And for that, dear Believer, we ought to pray. This is always the right thing to do for those who govern.

God has given us a good land, and He has favored us with a place of great privilege in these United States at this time in history. We are not rich and powerful just because we are more clever than other societies. We are a blessed nation, called by the Sovereign God of history to this high place, handed unique and wonderful opportunities for this time. Let us pray that we (the people and her leaders) recognize the obligation that comes with our wealth, our power, and our privileged position. President Bush borrowed the words of Jesus near the close of his speech last night. "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more." (Luke 12:48, NKJV) How right he is!

President Ronald Reagan frequently invoked an image of a shining city on a hill (another Biblical reference, by the way) to describe America. I ask us to consider what kind of light we shed across the world. Do we only spread the light of materialism, sensuality, and self-worship? Or are we spreading the light of freedom, selflessness, and goodness?

Pray for the nation! Pray for those who lead - business leaders, political leaders, church leaders - that they will be given a clear vision, a godly vision, a vision that is not designed to produce more privilege for the powerful, but that gives justice for all. This is always the right thing to do.


Father of the nations, God of glory,
we come to You today in the Name of Jesus Christ,
whom we acknowledge as the King of kings,
Lord of Heaven and earth.

We pray for those who lead us.
We ask, Holy Spirit, that you would rest on them,
that Your wisdom and goodness would fill their thoughts.
Replace any selfish ways with selflessness.
Take away egotism and grant to each of them the heart of true servants.

Give them a vision for the nation and the world
that is based on justice, truth - and one that honors You,
both explicitly and implicitly.

Today, we pray specifically for President George Bush,
on whose shoulders rests a heavy burden.
Sustain him. Draw him often to Yourself and
give him a heart of wisdom.


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