Monday, August 21, 2006

The Privilege of Prayer

Prayer meetings are not usually the more well-attended functions at churches. I'm sure there are many reasons for that. Maybe it's the constant repetition of the same, "Lord, bless Charles" kind of prayers that are often the staple of such meetings. Maybe the reason people stay away is unbelief - "What good will it do, anyway?" Then, too, it may be the low view of God that grips even many Believers with a kind of evangelical deism - "God lives in His Heaven and left me to take care of myself on this earth."- that leads to a rather perfunctory prayer life.

Last night in our church we had a prayer meeting! About 75 people came together with expectant hearts, open minds, and a focus on the Majesty of the Lord. We worshipped - fervently, not foolishly. We didn't pray the same tired prayers of holy resignation. We boldly asked God to give us a breakout church, to equip those who minister with the power of the Spirit, to use us a spark that would ignite a fire in this region and to our world. And the Presence of God met us in a sweet way. We loved Him and He loved us in return. I left the church house wonderfully encouraged!

Believer, do you hold prayer meetings in your life?
Do you, from time to time, go beyond the meal time prayers, beyond the quick - "Jesus help me" emergency prayers, to spend time with God?

This privilege is neglected by so many. What a tragic loss. If you're not praying, let me encourage you to begin. Don't be afraid that you won't do it right. Prayer is intensely personal. There is no right way. I often pray lying flat on my face. Is that for everyone? Of course not, but for me it is a physical way to express my humility before the Lord. I seldom speak above a murmur in my private prayers, even when alone. Is that the only way to express prayer? No. Some pray loudly with tears. God is not nervous, so I'm sure the volume does not bother him. Of course, He's not deaf either! Sometimes I just sit quietly for 15 minutes, wordlessly presenting myself to God. Other times I sing. My point is that you can pray in a way that suits your situation and your personality. God loves to hear from you. Maybe your best prayers will be on your fishing boat, when you're far from shore - alone with your thoughts and your God. Maybe your best prayers will be in your car, or in the woods as you hike, or in your bedroom, behind a closed door.

We simply need to pray. The simple directive of the Scripture is "pray without ceasing!" (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NKJV) Do not be frustrated by 'unanswered' prayers. Truth is that as you pray, you will learn to pray better, more in line with the mind of the God. You will learn to agree with Him, to sense His will, to walk closer to Him through daily life. The Word tells us to "Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way." (James 1:6-7, The Message) No, that passage is not teaching us to be presumptive, brats in the family of God who demand our own way, who throw tantrums in our prayers in a silly attempt to get an answer. It tells us that we can pray confident prayers based on the Father's love for us, on His desire to work in our lives. Then, as His children, we trust Him when the answer is "no," as much as we love Him when the answer is "Yes."

In our prayer meeting last night, this song was sung - beautifully, movingly. Meditate on it today.

Welcomed in to the courts of the King,
I’ve been ushered into Your presence.
Lord, I stand on Your merciful ground,
Yet with every step tread with reverence.

And I'll fall face down,
As Your glory shines around!
Yes, I'll fall face down,
As Your glory shines around!

Who is there in the heavens like You,
And upon the earth, who's Your equal?
You are far above, Your the highest of highs,
We are bowing down to exalt You!

So, let Your glory shine around;
Let Your glory shine around;
King of glory here be found, King of glory!

Face Down
Words and Music by, Matt Redman © 2004 Thankyou Music CCLI# 2646749


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