Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Giving the gift of life?

Recently the leaders in our church and I talked about 'outreach.' As we were discussing how to organize a part of our mission we considered whether the focus of our efforts should be primarily on preserving what exists or increasing the reach of our service to include more people. That discussion led me to ponder an even more basic question - 'why would anyone want to listen to what we say about Jesus?' I'd like to invite you to think about that question on a personal basis with me today.

Here's the way I shaped my thoughts - What would I say to a friend who is not a Believer that would cause him to want to become one?

I could present Jesus in terms of 'eternity.' When one of my brothers was about 5 years of age, he went through a stage where he asked everybody he met: "Are you going to Heaven or Hell?" His directness caused grown men to squirm but I don't think he made many converts! Since we believe that Jesus is the Way, we might frame the way we talk about Jesus in those ultimate terms, but I wonder about the effectiveness of that approach since most people are so busy with living life right now, that they aren't thinking much at all about eternity.

I could present Jesus in the context of 'church.' In this approach, the church's programs and services become the primary focus. "Come to my church" becomes the message. A person is recruited to 'join up' and become a part of a community that offers support, identity, and friendship. Church is important! The Bible teaches Believers that they must regularly gather with other Believers; to worship together, and to work with each other around common goals. However, this approach is limited in its appeal since most people aren't looking for another responsibility. 'Organized religion' is not widely respected either. And, in the end, going to church does not guarantee a person will come into a relationship with Jesus.

How about presenting Jesus as Jesus, making Him the focus? We are too easily convinced that the Good News about Jesus needs to be shaped to fit the needs of people, or that He must be packaged so He can be sold to the American consumer. Learning to connect Him to people's needs is an important skill. Learning how to talk about Him in terms that are comprehensible to those who are non-religious is valuable, too. In all that, we must keep Jesus Christ at the center of our presentation! Since we are in love with ourselves, we easily forget that we were made for Him, to know Him. Yes, He came to meet our greatest need, but the heart of Christianity is that we lose our lives in order to find Him! He is the Treasure!

He is the gift of life. When Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full," did He really mean that His purpose was just to help us to find a way to obtain the American dream? Of course not. He came to show us how to live with hope and purpose and meaning - which are discovered as we know and love Him.

John writes- "to all who believed him and accepted him, Jesus gave the right to become children of God.
They are reborn! This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan—this rebirth comes from God. So the Word (Jesus Christ) became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.
And we have seen his glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father. John pointed him out to the people.
He shouted to the crowds, “This is the one I was talking about when I said, ‘Someone is coming who is far greater than I am, for he existed long before I did.’ "
(John 1:12-15, NLT)

How I want to know Him. I want to be a "Jesus person." So, at the end of my musings on this, I come to this question: "Jerry, is your relationship with Jesus Christ so real, so relevant, so transformational that you become invisible to those who are seeking Him, hidden in His Radiance?" I want His beauty to shine out from my life. As we desire to present Him, let us remember that no amount of training, no technique, no carefully prepared presentation can replace the glory of Jesus as He becomes the focus of our words, our actions, and our devotion.

Would you pray this simple prayer with me today?

"Lord Jesus, You are my treasure.
I want to know You, not just about You.

Captivate me with your Radiance.
Cause me to forget my needs, my wants, myself.
Forgive me for turning you into a means of self-fulfillment!
Be my Life, my Truth, the Love of my life."

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