Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Course Correction?


Years ago, while a student pilot, I set out for a destination due west of my home airport.  The compass indicated I was ‘on course’ but in my inexperience I failed to account for a crosswind blowing steadily from the north.  30 minutes into the flight, a consult of the map in the cockpit revealed that I was miles off course, carried by invisible currents. Within moments, using radio vectors, I established my true position relative to the ground and adjusted the flight path so I would reach my destination. I learned a couple of lessons that day; one about paying attention all of the time and one about how to make a course correction in flight.

I read a D. L. Moody quote yesterday that said “Our greatest fear in life should not be about failure, but of succeeding at the things in life that don’t really matter.” What are you  accomplishing? How are you spending that one resource that is finite, that cannot be slowed or speeded, that once gone is beyond retrieving- time?  Jesus taught the importance of living for the right things. He asks,  "How do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul in the process?" (Mark 8:36, NLT)  

Let’s spend a few moments thinking about maintaining our course in life.

Knowing your destination is a critical part of keeping life on course.

Jesus told us that there is a ‘place prepared’ for us in the Father’s house. Is your ultimate destination your home in Heaven? He told us that in our daily choices we can ‘lay up treasure’ in Heaven beyond the reach of thieves, not subject to decay. We tend to separate eternity from the present, don’t we?  In fact, we are eternal creatures now and how we live in this life is directly connected to how we will live in the Presence of God forever.   

Choose the right measure of success.  

Americans are impressed with much and many.  Perhaps even unconsciously we admire as successful those who have more – money, leisure time, fame, or power. Jesus asked a question after telling a story about a man who found great success materially but forgot God. "Who will get it all?’ Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” (Luke 12:21, NLT) Remember, having wealth is a blessing IF it is a means to doing the things God desires. It is a curse IF it becomes our god. How are you measuring your success?

Find inspiration from the wise.  

Who shapes your thoughts? To whom do you go for counsel and instruction? Last week a book showed up in my mail that was a collection of letters a missionary sent home over the years she spent caring for orphans in Egypt, Letters from Lillian.  I laid it on my nightstand and read from it before going to sleep. Her love of God and the poor, told in those letters, was a soul tonic, renewing my own devotion. Friends with whom I share life and ministry help to keep me from drifting off course. Yes, the Scripture is my Truth and of value beyond estimation, as well. Consider the information, the music, the entertainment, the friend that fills your day – and ask – am I finding inspiration to the highest and best of life?

Reject short-cuts and prepare for a long journey. 

Years ago, when first using a GPS device in my car, I was driving to a conference in rural Pennsylvania and set the device to choose the ‘shortest’ route. At one point, it directed me to turn left off of the main highway onto a side road. Soon I found myself on a narrow, dirt road through the woods! It was an adventure for several miles until I came back to the highway. The shortest route was not the best one, to be sure. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." (Proverbs 14:12, NIV)

I know it is a cliché but it is worth repeating – “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  Is it time to make a course correction?  We who are Christians are filled with God’s Spirit. He is coaching us, calling us, leading us. Listen and live in a way that leaves us without remorse, without regret, on course for Home, while we walk with God.

Here is a word from the Word, familiar and compelling. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God’s throne in heaven." (Hebrews 12:1-2, NLT)


King Of My Heart

 Let the King of my heart

Be the mountain where I run

The fountain I drink from

Oh He is my song

Let the King of my heart

Be the shadow where I hide

The ransom for my life

Oh He is my song


You are good good oh

You are good good oh


Let the King of my heart

Be the wind inside my sails

The anchor in the waves

Oh He is my song

Let the King of my heart

Be the fire inside my veins

The echo of my days

Oh He is my song


You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down

You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down

You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down

You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down


When the night is holding on to me

God is holding on

When the night is holding on to me

God is holding on


John Mark McMillan | Sarah McMillan

© Meaux Jeaux Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)

CCLI License # 810055

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