Friday, January 20, 2017

Our common call on Inauguration Day

A new President of the United States will take office at Noon today. For some, it is a grand day; for others reason to mourn. My friends are scattered along a line that extends from revulsion to admiration. There is no questioning that Donald Trump aims to change America’s government policies.  Regardless of our political persuasions, there is one thing all Christians should do today and every day with regard to those who hold positions of power and influence. 

The Holy Word directs us "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth." (1 Timothy 2:1-4, NLT)  Before you say, “well, of course, we should that, but … “ remember that is God’s word, not Jerry’s suggestion.  

Our prayers for those who are ‘in authority’ need not be accolades of blessings. We should pray for wisdom to be granted, for justice to prevail, for evil to be restrained, for insight, for compassion, for good counselors to be found. Let me ask you, just how often and depth do you pray for those who are in office?  Do you pray for local school board members to make our schools places where there a solid education can be obtained? Do you pray for our state officials to use the taxes they collect to make our lives better? Do you pray for Congress to pass laws that are just?  Will you pray for Trump and Pence to lead this nation in a way that is honorable?

For some, Trump may appear to be an enemy of things held dear.  
Remember that Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies!
Others see him as a man who will confront challenges in our country boldly. 
Pray for his wisdom!

So many angry words have been stirred up by this election. Deep emotions will pull at us when we see a man that so many regard as unfit for the office sworn into the Presidency.  Let’s choose obedience to the Spirit today. Instead of adding our own opinions to the fire, let’s offer up our prayers be they tears of sorrow or shouts of joy.

Consider this Proverb and pray. " Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God; he directs it to whatever ends he chooses. We justify our actions by appearances; God examines our motives." (Proverbs 21:1-2, The Message)

Father, I come before You today
To confess that You are higher than any,
That Your will is supreme.

I ask that peace will come to our divided nation.
Work in my heart to seek to understand, to accept,
To demonstrate my own commitment to You by my gentleness.

We pray for our new President and his administration-
That they will humble themselves before You,
That they will be just,
That they will find wisdom greater than their own intellect,
That they will walk with You.

Teach Your church to be the advocate of all people’s dignity, 
Not just to try to protect her privilege or influence.
Many issues divide even Your people, Lord;
Things that we see so differently.
Holy Spirit, work deeply in us.
Give us ears to listen, and keep our words honest in the struggle.

You have given America a place of great privilege.
For this we give you thanks even as we recognize the
responsibility that comes with that place.

Teach all of us – Democrat and Republican –
Black and white – rich and poor – man and woman –
About Your purposes and lead us to life everlasting.

All this I pray in the Name of Jesus.  Amen

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