Monday, April 11, 2016

What's on your playlist?

I was standing in the congregation quietly worshiping with the musicians. We clapped along when they played an old gospel song, praised when we celebrated God’s goodness with “10,000 reasons for my heart to find.” Then, they turned to a song of prayer that entreated the Holy Spirit to come and “fill the atmosphere.”  My emotions stirred, my heart opened, and tears flowed.
Such is the power of music!  Watch a toddler respond to music. Turn up the volume and the tempo and watch him become energized. Play a dance tune and watch her spin and twirl!  Unconsciously we tap our fingers on the table and tap our toes to the beat as the song plays.
Our grown-up kids remember the praise music that Bev kept playing in our home.  The soundtrack of the Scott’s house was one in which the goodness of God and the love of Jesus was featured prominently. Smile, if you want to, but I believe strongly that the music we choose to live with is an important factor in welcoming the Spirit into our lives each day.
What’s on your playlist? 
Are you using music to grow your soul, to encourage yourself to enter into the Presence of God?
The Psalms urge us to "Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." (Psalm 100:1-2, NIV)  and the right response?  "I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will sing praise." (Psalm 101:1, NIV)
On this Monday morning, when you pull up that Spotify playlist, fill it with songs that turn your heart to the Spirit. Let a song become your prayer and your praise. Set aside your sophistication and respond to the tug of emotion.  Play ‘drums’ on your steering wheel as you drive!  Sing for the Audience of One!
Take this word from the Word to heart this day ...
Sing God a brand-new song!
Earth and everyone in it, sing!
Sing to God—worship God!
Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea,
Take the news of his glory to the lost,
News of his wonders to one and all!
For God is great, and worth a thousand Hallelujahs.
Psalm 96:1-4, The Message

Holy Spirit
There's nothing worth more
that will ever come close
No thing can compare

You're our living hope

Your Presence
I've tasted and seen
of the sweetest of loves

Where my heart becomes free

and my shame is undone

In Your Presence Lord

Holy Spirit 

You are welcome here

Come flood this place

and fill the atmosphere
Your glory God

is what our hearts long for

To be overcome by

Your Presence Lord
Let us become more aware
of Your Presence
Let us experience the
glory of Your goodness
Bryan Torwalt | Katie Torwalt © 2011 Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
Jesus Culture Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)
CCLI License # 810055

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