Thursday, October 04, 2012

Get into the game!

Imagine a football team running off the bench to the field where they go into a huddle. After an excited exchange about the upcoming play, they all run back to the bench and sit down, talking about the quarterback's fine words. Then, they jump up and do it all over again. But, they never play the game! (parable by Francis Chan, "Forgotten God")  

That is how many Christians live. Every Sunday they huddle up to hear the pastor's talk, then they go home and largely forget it until the next Sunday, when they do it all over again. How about getting into the game?  Chan was not belittling the value of getting together for worship and solid Biblical teaching. That's part of what God commands us to do. But, discipleship is not learning a doctrine alone. It is about living in and by the Holy Spirit!

I believe many followers of Jesus want to do God's work, but they think it requires becoming an employee of a church or ministry, or that it demands a degree in theology, or ... (you fill in the blank here). In fact, God's work waits for us all around.
  • Did you pray with your kids today, sharing the Word with them as they headed out the door? That's what He tells parents to do. "Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about my commands when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again." (Deuteronomy 6:7, NLT)
  • Did you pray for your spouse, encourage him or her, joining heart and mind in mutual submission to Him? That's discipleship!
  • That guy at work who's profane, who has no time for spiritual things, needs to know Christ. "Oh, yeah," you say, "that'll happen when pigs fly." Or, when you spend real time, day after day, praying actively and specifically for him! That's discipleship.
  • When a ministry at church invites participation, you can point to all the stuff you have do, at your packed schedule, and excuse yourself, or you can say "Here I am, Lord, use me." That's discipleship.
  • When you're offended, you can forgive. When you want to keep your stuff, you can give it away. When you're tempted to complain, you can choose to be thankful. That's discipleship!  
There's a myth that tells us that if God is in it, if He has called us, then an 'open door' will appear in front of us, that all the difficulties will disappear, all the funding will fall into our lap, that we will wake up excited to serve every day. Nonsense! Just like ancient Israel, we have to fight to possess the Promised Land. Joshua, the leader of Israel, heard the call and the promise. "Strength! Courage! You are going to lead this people to inherit the land that I promised to give their ancestors. Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don't get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you're going." (Joshua 1:6-7, The Message)  

All those who respond to the Spirit need that same encouragement. It's going to get tough. Strength! Courage! The Spirit will give us both. Jesus promised that "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8, NIV) It's not magical. It's Spiritual!

The world systems, our inner sinful nature, and the demons of darkness will all rise up to resist the call of the Spirit and our engagement with the work of the Lord. Unless you're feeling desperately dependent on the Spirit, I'd say you haven't really gotten into the game. Spiritual service is exactly that - service empowered by the Holy Spirit. Forget the martyr's attitude. Discipleship is a privilege. What compares with beating back evil's hatred and darkness and raising up Christ's love and light?

I love the prayer of this song. It sets our commitment alongside of His empowerment. I sing often as my own prayer. Even if you don't know it, I hope you will pray it.

Father of creation,
Unfold Your sov'reign plan;
Raise up a chosen generation
That will march through the land.
All of creation is longing
For Your unveiling of pow'r.
Would You release Your anointing?
Oh God, let this be the hour!

Ruler of the nations,
The world has yet to see,
The full release of Your promise;
The Church in victory!
Turn to us, Lord, and touch us
Make us strong in Your might.
Overcome our weakness
That we could stand up and fight.

Let Your glory fall in this room,
Let it go forth from here to the nations.
Let Your fragrance rest in this place,
As we gather to seek Your face.

David Ruis © 1992 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)

Oh Lord, send me into the game. Amen!

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