Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A moment of reflection

This CWTW is from the archives today …

Why do we celebrate birthdays anyway? After a time, it's just depressing, isn't it? I found this information which I thought interesting enough to pass along. Celebrating birthdays dates back to pre-Christian eras. It was a common belief that evil spirits were more dangerous to a person when he or she experienced a change in their daily life, such as turning a year older. As a result, birthdays were merry occasions celebrated with family and friends, who surrounded the person of honor with laughter and joy in order to protect them from evil. Instead of gifts, most guests brought positive thoughts and happy wishes for the upcoming year. However, if well-wishers did bring gifts, it was considered an especially good influence for the birthday person. In most ancient cultures, however, only birthdays of nobility were marked. The common people were too poor and/or unimportant to have a celebration!

I also learned that in many cultures birthdays are only celebrated until adulthood! Now there is a tradition I could learn to like!

A birthday is a good time for reflection, serious evaluation of how we are spending the precious time God gives to us. This prayer is one I often remember - "Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." (Psalm 90:12, KJV) We can think about our mortality without being morbid. There is no need to obsess on death, but we are foolish not to allow ourselves to sense the irresistible ebb of time. No one lives forever on this earth.

I realize that someday, perhaps sooner, perhaps later; I will step through the doorway of eternity. I want to use this day to prepare for that appointment. Jesus spoke frequently of the importance of preparing for eternity. He said, "Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, store up your treasures in heaven..." (Matthew 6:19-20, CEV) Yet, most of the people I know are frantically acquiring temporal treasure. They work endlessly to buy those things that will not last so they can impress people they do not like! Lord, help us to be wiser than that! If we are not, we may end up hearing words similar to these found in a story Jesus told about a rich old fool- "God showed up and said, `Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?' That's what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God." (Luke 12:20-21, The Message)

The Word teaches us a better way to use our lives: "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." (1 Timothy 6:18-19, NIV)

So, today, I am 'taking hold of life that is truly life!' I am not afraid of being a year older because it means I'm just a little closer to my eternal home and the Presence of my loving Father.

I may not be all that I once was,
but I am surely not all that I will be!
Thank the Lord.


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