Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who's in your network?

Robert Fulghum wrote a book about the rules of life we learn in Kindergarten. Among them is this classic: "When you go out in the world, watch out, hold hands, and stick together!"
Somewhere in the teen years a new idea is presented to us that teaches us to assert ourselves, to stand tall and alone, to go our own way. "Leave me alone!" replaces "walk with me." "Mind your own business!" replaces "Let's do that together." No wonder Americans are among the loneliest people on earth.

I used to think, "if it's going to get done, I'll have to do it myself," was the most efficient method of doing my work. What an idiot I was! Life has taught me that cooperative efforts are sometimes not the most efficient ways but they are always the most effective ways. The most competent person on earth limits his reach and his impact if he fails to build a deep network of partnering relationships. How thankful I am for the people who are part of the web of my life. I get to share the joy of their work and they participate in mine. Together we can make a measurable difference in the world- whether it is building a better machine or creating a worshipping church or becoming a beautiful community!

In Discipleship Journal, (Issue 68) Paul Stanley writes:
"A circle of accountability is the safeguard for finishing well. Western individualism makes for exciting adventure stories, but the “lone-ranger” approach leads to spiritual ill health. We need a balance of
Upward mentors, who have gone before and can show the way;
Downward mentorees, who shake our complacency, renew our convictions, keep us on our toes, and multiply our ministry for His Kingdom;
Peer co-mentors, who know us, identify with us, and provide mutual stimulation and personal accountability.

This kind of network will constantly evolve as those in the relational network develop and circumstances change."

All of that is summed up in the wisdom of the Scripture.
"There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other." (1 Corinthians 12:5-7, NLT) God is weaving a web of relationships all around you and me. Are we cooperating and letting Him place right where we need to be or are we pridefully resisting His efforts to make our lives and work richer with others in the constellation of people around us?

Beware a subtle pride that says, "I do not need you." On Sunday, following worship, a friend offered to pray for me. God knew I was depleted by a week filled with demanding service and that I was facing another week with a heavy schedule. He sent this man to me, but was I ready to stop giving long enough to receive? No! Foolishly, I thanked him for his concern and moved on, passing up the opportunity to let him bless me and receive from the Lord, too! I tore a little hole in the relational web with that foolish decision. Be wiser than I was in that moment. Take time to connect with others. Receive the gifts of encouragement that are offered. Listen to the counsel that is presented. Unless we are able to receive; we will never be able to give from the heart!

So, who's in your network?
Who leads you?
Who are you leading?
Who stands alongside of you as a friend?

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (Proverbs 17:17, NIV)
"Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy." (Proverbs 27:6, NLT)

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