Friday, April 25, 2008

Things I hate!

Hate is a strong word that offends some people. The dictionary defines hatred as "an intense dislike, extreme hostility." The tolerant culture in which we live tries to smooth out the wrinkles of hatred in us, and for good reason. Hatred is a nuclear emotion! It packs a lot of punch and, if not carefully monitored and properly focused, becomes a toxin that destroys us. But, there are things I hate.

High on my list of things hated is abuse of power! Whether it is a government official throwing his weight around, a parent misusing his authority, or a spiritual leader feeding himself at the expense of those who follow him; I hate it. My blood boils when I see a powerful person exploit a weaker one.

I hate hypocrisy- in me, and in the world around me. As much as I love authenticity, I know there are shadows in my life, places where the truth is obscured. It makes me angry when I become aware of a gap between what I profess to believe and how I live. When I am in a room with a poser, puffing and pretending to be someone he is not, the desire to shout out the truth is nearly overwhelming.

I hate suffering, especially the kind that is unnecessarily inflicted on others by people who just don't care. Recently my uncle told me of touring WW2 Nazi concentration camp at Dachau. Those imprisoned there were required to wear a hat at all times and to always stay on the concrete walkways. If a prisoner stepped off the walkway, he was shot by guards in towers. Sadistic guards would go among the prisoners, grab the hat from someone's head and toss it onto the grass. Then they would order the man to retrieve his hat or suffer punishment. When he stepped off the walkway, he was shot down. If he did not, he was beaten to death! That is an extreme example, but the same kind of cruelty, just of a different degree, exists all around us. Why people enjoy inflicting pain on others is a mystery to me.

I hate sin. Here it gets a lot less black and white. I do hate sin, but sometimes I desire it. The Bible teaches us that this part of the normal human experience. "The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge." (Romans 7:21-23, The Message) I cannot trust my own resolve to protect me from doing wrong! In fact, just about the time I start to feel self-assured, just about the time I conclude that I am beyond the reach of some temptation, I find myself locked in battle with it. The Bible goes on to say, "Jesus Christ ... acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different." (Romans 7:24-25, The Message)

Let me circle 'round and close the loop of this thought. A Believer who fails to acknowledge that he is prone to be tempted, that the sinful nature and the enemy of his soul are always ready to seduce him given the slightest opportunity, is very likely to become all the other things on the list of things I hate! Yes, I am prone to those things. If I don't not hate sin in me, I will focus on the sins of others and become a critical abuser. I will fail to see my own failures and become hypocritical, with a stench of self-righteousness covering my life. I will inflict suffering on others by demanding from them what I cannot or will not demand of myself. That is why I love Jesus! He is my Savior. For no other reason than love, He invites me to the Cross, where He died to reconcile me to my Father and to restore, in me, the ability to do God's will. I kneel in humility, acknowledging that I have sinned and that I am a sinner. Forgiveness flows and I find release from guilt, renewal of hope, and the possibility of transformation. Then, He invites me to be filled with the Holy Spirit, daily, and the power of the Spirit in me changes me 'from glory to glory.'

Believer, hate sin; but be careful that your hatred of it, drives you only to the Cross! If you allow it to take you anywhere else, that hatred will destroy you and cause you to harm those around. But, if your extreme aversion to sin takes you to the Cross, you will be transformed into a warrior of love, making the world right. Then, this will be true of you. "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5, NIV)

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